US Elections: The Rise of Truth in Tulsa [VIDEOS]

ER Editor: Below Elisabeth Dancet’s article, we are posting a few select Bitchute videos taken from the Health and Freedom Conference last month in Tulsa, Oklahoma of speeches given by Mike Flynn, Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, actor Jim Caviezel and lawyer Leigh Dundas.


US elections: the rise of truth


In front of a packed house of nearly 5,000 people, the new heroes of freedom inspired patriots to reclaim their fundamental rights. They affirmed their faith in the Constitution, reminding us that “We the People” hold the power in the Constitutional Republic of the United States. Not the Deep state of Washington D.C.

In the states of America, too, individual freedoms have been trampled. Western countries, guided by a single watchword – that of the WHO – have imposed a state of emergency and restrictive measures from another era on their populations. Like the law of March 24, 1933, which gave full powers to Adolf Hitler with the consequences that we know, and which remained in force until the fall of Germany and the end of the Second World War. At the same time, everywhere in the West, and in defiance of all public health logic, the health authorities have banned treatments that work. A year ago in France, Professor Didier Raoult (pictured) and his team were ridiculed and vindicated by the media. They had dared to treat infected patients with hydroxychloroquine and to demonstrate that, applied at the right dosage and at the right time, these treatments were effective and cured patients. At the same time, a group of courageous doctors in the United States, led by Dr. Simone Gold, reported to Capitol Hill that they had successfully treated hundreds of patients with a combination of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc. The video went viral and was viewed by twenty million people in a few days before being removed by Youtube. The mainstream media then lashed out with unprecedented violence at these doctors, politicizing the debate, calling this group supporters of Donald Trump and accusing them of professional malpractice. Since then, dozens of other early treatments have proven effective against the virus, most notably ivermectin. But the government’s strategy has not changed. Despite the successes confirmed by hundreds of doctors and professors around the world, with dozens of publications supporting them, on March 8, 2021, the FDA warned against using ivermectin to treat covid, while in a press release dated March 21, the European Medicines Agency advised against its use. The steamroller of the generalized vaccination policy must continue to be carried out according to plan. Since the experimental vaccines have not been approved by either the FDA or the EMA, the state of emergency must be maintained at all costs.

It is in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that thousands of patriots have gathered, fed up with the lies of the media and the authorities, the liberty-destroying and contradictory measures, the confiscation of their freedom of expression under the pretext of the epidemic and the systematic obstruction of treatment. At the initiative of Clay Clark, a Christian entrepreneur and whistleblower, and despite the attacks of trolls and other malignant digital viruses, more than 500,000 Internet users were able to follow the Health and Freedom Conference live on April 16 and 17. Americans are not afraid to assert their faith loud and clear, and most of the speakers did the same, each with their own personality. The observation is the same everywhere: the media, accomplices of the Deep State, no longer play their role of imparting information, and censor any debate. Transformed into propaganda tools, they peddle proven lies in politics as well as in medicine, while Big Tech systematically eliminates from social media accounts information and opinion that diverge from the official thinking. In July 1934, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of People’s Education and Propaganda, took control of radio stations and distributed receivers to all Germans to receive Nazi messages continuously; once war broke out, his ministry systematically took control of the media in occupied countries.

At the Health and Freedom convention, there were no masks or social distancing, but faces, smiles and expressions of humanity.

It is worth noting that 20 American states have reopened businesses, schools and gyms, and that wearing a mask is no longer mandatory. In Texas and Florida, two Republican states that have repealed all sanitary restrictions for a month, the number of cases is in free fall…

The speakers all emphasized the same guideline: the time for action is now.

General Michael Flynn (featured meme, left) urged everyone to get off the couch and get involved locally in their community, their parish, their town, their school, their assembly, their state, to publicize ongoing legal actions, to demand scientific audits of elections, to challenge politicians or run in their stead, to reaffirm the freedom of health care as well as the freedom of physicians to care according to their Hippocratic oath. With his military background, he also challenged the 23 million veterans to engage in politics and apply their love of country, respect for the Constitution, and experience in serving the common good.

Attorney Lin Wood (centre) excelled in his role as a preacher (ER: although he is a lawyer), inspiring everyone to let go of fear and continue to fight for the triumph of justice, for the love of America and the Constitution, and for the truth of the presidential election results. He also exposed some hard-to-hear truths about the crimes committed against many children by pedo-criminals, including those operating inside the Deep state, and provided evidence of the corruption of the political-judicial system, including Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and former Vice President Mike Pence, depositions recorded in the 170-page sworn testimony of a former FBI member. Lin Wood has argued with all the power of his words that the fight must go on, that the children must be saved, and that the truth will eventually prevail. He has just made a political commitment to the Republican Party’s presidential race in South Carolina.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was scheduled to attend the conference, sent a video message stating that despite press attacks, harassment and fake news peddled by the media to discredit her and minimize her work, she continues to work hard with her legal team to move forward with ongoing cases involving massive fraud in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia. The most advanced case is in Maricopa County, Arizona, where the judge has finally ordered a full forensic audit of the election. The audit is expected to begin in the next few weeks and will be conducted under police supervision, given the virulence with which the Democrats are trying to prevent it. They are sending members of antifa and Black Lives Matter to Phoenix to deliberately create chaos. Indeed, an acknowledgement of the massive fraud in Arizona could trigger a domino effect and prompt other jurisdictions to finally conduct similar audits in other key states.

Contractor Mike Lindell (right), who has been very active in demonstrating evidence of voter fraud, and whom we featured in a previous article, has not been left out. Driven by his enthusiasm and the faith that drives him, he has just produced a new documentary Absolute Interference providing all the evidence of direct interventions of foreign hackers during the November 2020 election, via voting machines. The film will be released online in the coming days. Mike Lindell did not stop there. Having also suffered the media’s relentless pursuit to slander him, silence him and sink his business, he is inaugurating a new social network called Frank Speech where every member will be able to express themselves freely, in accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution. The medium has been designed to accommodate one billion people.

Patrick Byrne, an entrepreneur, has been involved in exposing computer frauds carried out via voting systems, having previously been an active participant on the panel analyzing similar frauds committed in Texas in 2018. A political philosophy major, Byrne recalled the origin of the Constitution based on the consent of citizens to be governed by an elected government, subject to compliance with a free, fair and transparent election process. Without the integrity of that process, other freedoms fall away. Having been a student in China, Patrick Byrne observes in the current strategy of the government allied with Big Tech the desire to install a similar authoritarian regime based on surveillance and total control. There is no question of letting them do it. In his book “The Great Fraud” published on February 17, 2021, he confirms that the documentaries produced by Mike Lindell tell the truth and that all the evidence is available. He invites patriots to leave the Big Tech giants and join Frank Speech. In the face of this coup, which culminated in the assault on the Capitol on January 6, he recommended that justice enthusiasts be vigilant about sending agents provocateurs to dissociate protesters and incite violence. This could happen in Phoenix and in counties where there has been massive fraud, in the upcoming audits.

The speakers insisted over and over again that, despite this relentless media propaganda, spewing lies, gagging free speech and creating division, Americans are not alone and that probably two-thirds of them want the truth about elections, medical treatment choice and vaccine freedom: a message to all people who are still free. We are not alone, but surely many in our democracies hope and support the triumph of justice and truth.




Mike Flynn – Lin Wood – Mike Lindell – Jim Caviezel – Leigh Dundas



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3 Comments on US Elections: The Rise of Truth in Tulsa [VIDEOS]

  1. Many thanks for all of this. Kenney exposed the Great Reset agenda, and then promptly tightens the dictatorial screws. Mmm.

  2. Re Attorney Sidney Powell. I have read that Powell withdrew her “Kraken” law suit the day before Biden was perjured into POTUS.

    Moreover, while Powell was in Twitter boasting of her Kraken suit and other activities (to “defend” the U.S. Constitution), she was in PARLER with a channel header glorifying “1776 Again”, anticipating an attack on the U.S. Constitution.

    1776 is a reference to the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of 1776. In plain terms, a coup d’état on the local British system at the time in those parts of “British North America”. That break led to the later implementation and development of the U.S. Constitution.

    These Pied Pipers of the upcoming American coup (to dismantle the USA to complete the long-planned North American (regional) Union of multi-ethnic city states under a world government, have been pushing the “constitutionalization” of 1776 for decades through a network behind a Christian facade. (The Christians are being misled.) However, a UDI is not a constitution, nor is it constitutional; notwithstanding the efforts of prevaricators like Stewart Rhodes’s friend, attorney Edwin Vieira, Jr., financed by the late Howard Phillips who co-founded the “Constitution Party” and who partnered up with well known Canadian communist, Connie Fogal-Rankin to pretend to “oppose” the North American Union, while buying time for the perps to get the regional integration done.

    An emphatic push to break up the USA began around 2009 when Stewart Rhodes, misportrayed as “anti-government”, founded his OATH KEEPERS movement, whose real goal is to con the loyal American troops into standing down when the States all “secede”… apparently in “retaliation” for Biden’s being handed the White House… on a platter by Trump and Powell. For a tiny summary of the scam: 1776: An American Coup:

    However, in 2015, Ron Paul, your good ol’ Uncle, was already boasting to a dinner meeting that the breakup of the government of the USA was underway, “de facto”, not “de jure”, meaning unlawfully, not lawfully. Proving that old Uncle Paul knows what he’s talking about.

    The USA is indeed being overthrown from within (just as Canada is), and the Biden “putsch” was shoe-horned into place by Trump, Powell and the other Pipers in order to have a pretext to get it done. See Uncle Ron’s video clip of his boast at the link above.

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