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What is abundantly clear today is that we’re ruled by an exceptionally hostile elite – a corporate/banking cabal who use our top politicians (more correctly called technocrats) as their executive arm. The Big State, with its locked-in mechanisms, allows the true masters of our governments to implement all manner of nefarious policies anonymously, without citizen consent or recourse. Democracy is no more than very expensive theatre that we mindlessly pay for. At every opportunity, citizens’ taxes – which rightfully belong to them – are sucked up through various elaborate pretexts. The elite-owned media – ‘public’ or private – does no more than convince us that black is white, that our natural views, impulses and culture are wrong and beneath contempt. Our history has been breathtakingly distorted so as to confuse and destabilize us. Globalist economic policies, including jobs’ outsourcing to China, utilising cheap labour from within the EU, and forced mass migration producing a dirt-cheap labour pool, have been rendering local people increasingly poorer over the last 40 years. The destruction of our working classes has been decisive and brutal, taking down with it the middle class. All by design.

Probably not since the days of the Kennedys and De Gaulle have we had leading political figures that truly aim to serve the people, who have a personal vision and strength of character, and are willing to go up against the deep state. All of them were either murdered or, in the case of De Gaulle, had many assassination attempts made on him.

At ER, we defy labels, pigeonholing and reductive theoretical positions; we proudly aim to be ideology-free. We choose articles and videos for publication that reflect the following ideas at a minimum:

  1. What is good for the bottom 80% of the population?
  2. What does the majority of that 80% judge to be good for themselves?
  3. Are they informed truthfully and sufficiently to make the best, most considered decisions on their own behalf?
  4. Are they able to obtain through legitimate political mechanisms what is good for them?

The perspectives we choose on various topics – for example, neoliberal economics, forced mass migration, Brexit and the EU, the neoconservative assault on countries around the world, the ‘progressive’ agenda at home, the Big Pharma agenda, &etc. – can be viewed through this basic prism.

The Left/Right agenda is no more than an artificial division, a construct imposed on us to convince us that our ‘enemy’ is just another ordinary person like ourselves – a form of perception management. Nothing could be further from the truth. It also compartmentalises our thinking on important political, economic and social issues, rendering people unable to pursue a more comprehensive and coherent agenda in their own interest. For example, there is nothing incompatible about universal, at-cost healthcare and gun carry, but our left-right divide tells us there is.

Most ordinary people simply want a decent, meaningful life in the company of other like-minded people. A large group of people, we believe, will be sensible, practical and compassionate in making key decisions through citizen-initiated referenda. An effective constitution should be in place at all costs to protect basic liberties. The people should own their own money supply.

Above all, the citizen is NEVER the property of the state, which should be there to merely serve.

We probably sound a lot like France’s Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes), a cause we defend wholeheartedly.

Enjoy our site.

Pam Barker, Director


Trusted authors and sites we regularly use and consult (alphabetical):

Dr. Paul Alexander

Gilad Atzmon

Kevin Barrett

Vanessa Beeley

Brian Berletic

Robert Bridge

Phil Butler

Tucker Carlson

Michel Chossudovsky

Jonathan Cook

James Corbett

Alex Christoforou & Alexander Mercouris (The Duran)

Alastair Crooke

Manlio Dinucci

Guillaume Durocher

Matthew Ehret

F. William Engdahl

Pepe Escobar


Benjamin Fulford

Philip Giraldi

P.J. Gosselin

Laurent Guyenot

Patrick Henningsen

Michael Hudson

James George Jatras

Diana Johnstone

Peter Koenig

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

John Laughland

Peter Lavelle (RT’s Crosstalk)

Tom Luongo

Ramin Mazaheri

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Thierry Meyssan

Moon of Alabama

Craig Murray

Dr. Meryl Nass

Gearoid O Colmain

Stew Peters

Jon Rappoport

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Boris Reitschuster

Paul Craig Roberts

Cesare Sacchetti

Israel Shamir

Brandon Smith

Charles Hugh Smith

Jonathan Turley

Ron Unz

Whitney Webb

Patrick Wood

Eric Zuesse


21st Century Wire


American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)

Children’s Health Defense (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)

Consortium News

Covert Geopolitics


Electronic Intifada

Fort Russ


FreeWest Media


Global Research

If Americans Knew


Information Clearinghouse

Le Libre Penseur

LifeSite News

Daily Sceptics

New Eastern Outlook


Principia Scientific International


Russia Insider


Sputnik News

Strategic Culture Foundation

Swiss Policy Research

Technocracy News

The Exposé

UK Column

Unz Review

Voltaire Network




The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)


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Disclaimer: TLB websites contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of “fair use” in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, health, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than “fair use” you must request permission from the copyright owner.


Disclaimer: The information and opinions shared are for informational purposes only including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material are not intended as medical advice or instruction. Nothing mentioned is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

34 Comments on ABOUT

  1. Ref your article
    Video-audio: “Sooner or Later, a Revolution Will Break Out in France” Predicts a Chinese Researcher Specializing in Europe

    You can find Fulford’s full weekly articles published every Thursday at

    this might also interest you
    Pfizer knew their vaccine would kill PDF

  2. As you have probably noticed, we are neither a science site nor a medical one. But as ‘Covid’ has struck, you’ll find some decent medical people on this site.

  3. Thanks for mentioning the name of your organization. I note the following statement at the top “We support REAL science led by doctors and researchers”.
    I see many on the list of “Trusted Authors” who are not Scientists, in that they have not Published any Peer-Reviewed Papers based on their own (or their associates and students’ lab work). To be a Scientist, it is Best to have Done science and experienced the process as described in James Corbett’s SCIENCE SAYS video which expands on The Structure of Scientific Revolutions book by Thomas Kuhn (& Popper).
    I try to Trust No Man for “cursed is the man who trusts in man or in the arm of the flesh” which I have found to be true by experience. People are reliable, as far as they are reliable. Some of the writings and sources listed above, I have found to be unreliable on certain topics. Caution is emphasized and:
    Do not Trust Me either !! Thanks. Verify everything or just …. ignore it.

  4. Good question. We’re watching that story unfold. Right now, it’s not saying anything in the public interest.

  5. How do I find TLB, ER and all other alternative media publishers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and WhatsApp? Is this information available on the website somewhere?

  6. hello is there any G.Ps that will give a mask exemption for a child in school, my child experience major difficulties and no g.p that im aware of in my country will issue an excemption this year.
    Thank you.

  7. Ah, another disgruntled troll from Australia. Had a few of those this week. Strict definition of fascism, Nuncle: when government is controlled by Big Business. As we now have Big Pharma corporations and banks controlling our governments globally for their profits, seems this label fits. Except in China, where the government controls Big Business. No, you were never impressed with this site, and we are certainly not seeking your approval. Have yourself a great day.

  8. I was impressed with this site until I saw that the editor thinks that globalist communism is ‘fascism.’

    It’s amazing how brainwashed people still are.

  9. Well, Phil, it’s a pleasure to hear from you so far away. We feel for you guys over there, but then we’re not doing so brilliantly either LOL. We’re certainly in an existential fight. Oz is a great place. We soldier on as best we can!

  10. Thank you so much guys for all the Exhaustive articles of Factual info on what the New World Order/ Globalists are doing behind the scenes to take control of our world…We can only fight back if we have the facts.

    Thank you immensely from Down Under Australia

  11. Face Mask Dangers: Hypoxia, Immunodeficiency & Morgellons Lead To The Causation of COVID-19 Symptoms.

    Brain Damage From Masks CANNOT BE REVERSED.

    Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots.

    12 Year Old Says Doctors Tried To Force Him To Take the Jab. (This kid is Smart!)

  12. Malaysian Health Ministry to handle police complaint against minister, D-G for not using Ivermectin to treat Covid-19

    Malaysia Ministry of Health Launching 500 Patient Ivermectin Trial at 10 Public Hospitals Investigating Efficacy for Critical COVID-19 Patients

  13. Hello

    Please can you promote your YouTube Channel on these stories/website. You are being shadow banned by Google so we don’t know you have a YT channel full of great meaningful content. Please promote your TLB YouTube channel.

    Thanks for your work. A Trusted news site.

    Best Wishes

    Khaartoum Darvinolgu

  14. We’re familiar with his work, too. More people are inclined to believe this non-pandemic is being created to serve probably multiple other agendas.

  15. I am familiar with research done by the late Dr.John Coleman concerning the Committee of 300, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs and The Tavistock Institute of human relations.
    I am inclined to suspect that the Coronavirus fake pandemic is created and controlled by The Committee of 300. Does anyone share that suspicion?

  16. I came across this site by chance, and I’ve haven’t been glued to reading the articles forever. Very well done the way it is, I love it. Great coverage and opinion. Good job from USA citizen.

  17. Hello
    Looks like a great alternative elite media site.
    I like to sign up for your newsletter but cannot see on your website if there is one.
    Please advise.
    Regards baker

  18. The atmosphere and its albedo reflect away 30% of the incoming solar energy making the earth cooler. Remove the atmosphere, the earth receives 25% to 40% more kJ/h and as a result gets hotter. Radiative GreenHouse Effect theory claims exactly the opposite.

    That the earth without an atmosphere would be similar to the moon, blazing hot lit side, deep cold dark, is not just intuitively obvious, but that scenario is supported by UCLA Diviner lunar mission data and studies by Nikolov and Kramm (U of AK).

    This actual and indisputable fact negates, refutes and tosses RGHE theory straight onto the long established rubbish heap of failed scientific theories together with Vulcan, phlogiston, Martian canals, luminiferous aether, spontaneous generation, tabula rasa, phrenology and cold fusion.

    Zero RGHE, Zero CO2 warming, Zero man caused climate change.

    Since the earth is actually hotter without an atmosphere and RGHE just another failed theory doomed to the dumpster all the handwavium, pseudo-science, thermodynamic nonsense pretending to explain it follows close behind.

    Nick Schroeder, BSME CU ’78, CO PE 22774
    1014 Fuller Rd
    Colorado Springs, CO
    01 719 651 7383

  19. Great Job On Groundzeromedia Tonight Roger First Time My Wife And I Have Ever Heard Of You And The Liberty Beacon Website. But Roger You Have Us Sold On Your Website And Other Media Sources As Well. Good Day And Happy Holiday Seasons To All At The Liberty Beacon As Well. Charles & Pamala Forsyth & Family (11/19/2015)

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