U.S. Election Audit: Denouement in Sight?

ER Editor: The results of the Arizona vote audit, specifically in Maricopa County which carries 2/3 of the state, are expected to be released tomorrow, June 14th, Trump’s birthday. We are publishing here FranceSoir journalist, Elisabeth Dancet‘s latest two articles, with the most recent first.


U.S. election audit: denouement in sight?


Sidney Powell interviewed at the Patriot Rally in Dallas, Texas for Memorial Day WE
Gateway pundit

A majority of Americans are becoming impatient: if, as a body of evidence shows, Biden is a president who was not elected by the people, then he is illegitimate and must be impeached. The process is unprecedented, but as federal attorney Sidney Powell publicly stated at the late May Patriot rally in Dallas, Texas,

“this is the first time such an abject fraud has been perpetrated in our country. Trump should simply be reinstalled by setting a new inauguration day. “

Maricopa County election audit 80% complete

In our last article (see below for the article in its entirety), we showed the summary table of potential fraud compiled by former Commerce Advisor Peter Navarro for the six key states (ER: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin) that should enshrine Trump’s victory in each of those states, as long as full forensic audits are conducted. Trump was in fact elected democratically, with a large majority of the electors, and almost 80 million voters.

The truth is getting closer, as the results of the first phase of the Arizona audit, the Maricopa County ballot audit and recount, are expected to be announced on June 14. The media and legal harassment, coupled with threats and coercion of all kinds, have not succeeded in stopping the actions underway. Many volunteers, county residents, patriots and citizens – among them democrats – are contributing to the operation, which is now 80% complete: either by physically coming to Phoenix – let’s remember that there are more than two million ballots to be checked – to help scan the ballots or as simple observers, or by participating in the financing of the audit.

Election security in question

In the United States, elections are held every two years to elect senators, congressional representatives, state governors and, of course, the president. This audit has the merit of reminding millions of Americans that elected Democrats and Republicans alike have publicly and repeatedly warned in recent years about the lack of security of voting machines, the proven risks of hacking locally and via the Internet, and the impact on the results. Ron Widen, a Democratic senator from Oregon, told the Senate Committee on Election Security, “these voting machines have illicit access that allows them to be easily hacked.” Amy Klobuchar, a Democratic senator from Minnesota, said “there are only three companies that control these machines, and they are easy to hack.” Most tellingly is Kamala Harris‘ speech on the Senate floor on June 12, 2018 while serving as a California senator: “we had a demonstration here on Capitol Hill for our colleagues, with people hacking into the voting machines right in front of us.”

Some elected officials have also denounced the non-compliant contracts states have with these private manufacturers (Dominion, Smartmatic) that deny election officials access to the computer code and thus factual control of the results. By showing citizens that these repeated criticisms have not been addressed, the ongoing and upcoming audits are pushing for a complete overhaul of the electoral system, taking into account the risks associated with cyber security, and will perhaps lead to the return of the paper ballot and the presentation of an ID to restore trust.

Absolute proof of cyber-attacks

After the revelations exposed in his documentaries “Absolute Interference” and “Absolute Proof,” viewed by more than 150 million people worldwide to date, Mike Lindell commissioned a systematic analysis of 20 cyber attacks conducted in five key states – out of a total of nearly 3,000 attacks committed during the election. This passionate entrepreneur and his team of lawyers have reached such a point of certainty about the evidence and proof of these cyber-attacks by hackers from China that they are suing Dominion and Smartmatic for more than $2 billion for conspiring against him and his company, and for enabling the fraud. His latest documentary shows the detailed analysis of data manipulation by experts working for government intelligence agencies of these 20 attacks originating in China and flipping results in five key states to Trump’s benefit. He had a team of cyber-experts perform this validation: they analyzed the pcaps or packet captures that passed through the computer networks on election day and for two days after. These unbreakable, hard-coded programming interfaces, recorded in real time, capture the raw data of network traffic. This makes one of the experts say, “this evidence is irrefutable and beyond partisan consideration, comparable to a real-time video recording of criminals robbing a bank. ”

Curiously, Mike Lindell, who for weeks has been mocked and attacked with violence by the mainstream media, is again receiving calls from journalists from CNN and MSNBC: in time to turn their coat when the time comes?

The domino effect continues

Military intelligence analyst Seth Keshel is eagerly awaiting the results of the Arizona audit. To make his calculations, this expert looks at the history of presidential election results in terms of how the number of voters for the two major parties has changed in different counties. Maricopa County, which includes almost two-thirds of the state’s vote, has consistently voted for the Republican candidate since 1948. The audit should explain where those votes for Joe Biden in one of the most Republican states in the country came from. An audit that, according to Keshel, should lead to the de-certification of Arizona’s votes – a precedent, and boost the same process in those states where the results are inexplicable in the face of electoral trends and statistical curves, such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan.

As announced, the Arizona audit is attracting other elected officials or candidates from states where elections have been in question since the results were announced in early November. A delegation of Pennsylvania Republican legislators traveled to Phoenix on June 2 to tour the audit site and were favorably impressed with the actions taken there, including the analysis of breaks in the chain of custody during the election. Several of them, Senators Cris Dush and Doug Mastriano and Congressman Rob Kauffman, agreed with the constituents and were on record as supporting a similar audit in their states.

Vernon Jones, in announcing his candidacy for governor of Georgia, formally called for a forensic audit of the election. He just visited Arizona this week and said he was inspired by the transparency, quality of auditing and procedures, and said the same should be done in Georgia. Former police commissioner Bernie Kerik is adamant that in Fulton County, which includes the capital city of Atlanta, the election was stolen, with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announcing the certification of votes when 17,400 ballots were missing. Subpoenas have been issued by the judge and witness depositions are underway… the pressure is on to get this audit started.

Attorney Sidney Powell and a handful of patriots have decided to pursue the truth no matter what. She realized in November that the institutions that were supposed to enforce the law had failed. Seeing that the FBI, DHS, and DOJ officials who are supposed to ensure the transparency of the elections and who are responsible for the rule of law and protecting the U.S. Constitution have failed in their duties, she confirms the mountain of evidence that proves the theft of the elections. This is not about Donald Trump, it is about the American Republic and restoring its democratic functioning. If, as the signs show and despite the obstacles, the truth finally comes out, America and We The People will have given a lesson in democracy to the rest of the free world.

Translation: Table of electoral results from 5 states after restoration of changed votes via 20 cyberattacks coming from China.

Votes for Biden / Votes for Trump / Difference in favour of Biden / Votes changed by cyber attack / Difference in favour of Trump



Election audit in the USA: the saga continues


The former president of the United States, Donald Trump

After a week’s break – the Phoenix gymnasium rented to conduct the operations had been reserved for graduations – the Maricopa County audit resumed Monday, May 24. The mainstream press continues to use the classic tools of propaganda to downplay the resounding effects that the audit’s results could have on American democracy; while the Wall Street Journal calls it a poorly managed spectacle, the Washington Post adds to that, calling it a mess to discredit the action ordered by the Arizona Senate. The TV networks are not left out, but there is real concern among liberals like Rachel Maddow, a star reporter on MSNBC, who has been a staunch supporter for months of Trump’s collusion with Russia that has been a resounding flop. In a tweet, Maddow called for a halt to the audit, which she said only serves “to serve Donald J. Trump’s supporters, advocates of a conspiracy claiming the election was rigged; continuing to do so is dangerous as it risks eroding public confidence in the fairness of the election.” As the audit progressed, the Arizona Board of Elections was caught red-handed, at a minimum, in malfeasance and non-compliance with election procedures, and possibly fraud; these state officials erased the election results databases, even though the law requires them to be kept for a year; a showdown ensued between the senators and these officials. Fortunately, one of the voting systems experts was able to recover the data. As a result, members of the electoral board are hanging on by their fingernails, speaking to the liberal press in an attempt to stop the ongoing action.

Maricopa’s audit is taking place under difficult conditions

Remember, it was prompted by pressure from patriots fed up with the massive fraud that shook the very foundations of the American Republic. Biden won the state of Arizona with 10,200 votes, and over 2 million ballots are being examined one by one during this audit. After all, if the Democrats were so sure of their candidate’s victory in the last presidential election, what do they have to fear from such an audit that should confirm that victory? The reality is probably very different and known within Democratic power circles, as well as by some Republicans concerned about maintaining their position. Most of them are very afraid of the conclusions.

Conducting such a mission is a tedious and time-consuming task, since it requires manually verifying the validity of more than two million ballots: in other words, making sure that every ballot counted in the election results is valid, legal and actually corresponds to the vote of a living, registered citizen residing in the state. Next, all computer transaction logs from the 400 voting machines must be analyzed. The results are expected to be released in June.

This audit has consequences beyond Arizona: it is already causing a domino effect in key states whose results have been contested since last November, namely Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.

Obstruction tightens in Michigan

Constitutional lawyer Matthew DePerno had no idea that, when he went to court on November 23 to seek a forensic audit of the Antrim County, Michigan, election, he would be met with vindictiveness by state officials of both parties, as well as Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. Benson, who is responsible for conducting elections, insists that the 2020 election was the safest in the country, even though the Antrim audit flipped the county’s results in Trump’s favor. The team of experts in charge of the audit uncovered all sorts of fraud during their review: the office manager admitted to erasing the history of events on the machines; the election team purchased 17 modems to connect the voting systems to the state intranet; nearly 100% of voters between the ages of 65 and 80 cast ballots; votes from unregistered voters were counted, as were absentee ballots sent from fictitious addresses… On April 13, the attorney filed a motion to audit eight other counties that use voting machines from different manufacturers including Dominion. The judge denied his motion on procedural grounds: a way to buy time? But the man is persistent, and after these forensic examinations of Antrim’s results, he was convinced that these machines were connected to the Internet or have the ability to be connected, making them remotely hackable. He thus confirms in another way Mike Lindell’s findings exposed in Absolute Proof. Meanwhile, DePerno attacks Jocelyn Benson for lying to the public about the integrity of the election.

Patriots wake up in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, which, as we recall, was the scene of a delivery of truckloads of ballots during the night of Nov. 3-4, 2020, may be the next state forced to dive into its ballot boxes. According to Peter Navarro, former Trump special counsel on trade, and author of a highly accurate report on fraud in six key states released as early as December 17, 2020, more than 600,000 ballots are believed to be fraudulent in the state. Veteran Sean Parnell has publicly announced his intention to run in the Republican primary for the vacant Senate seat in 2022. After losing in the congressional elections last November, this Donald Trump supporter, a former infantry captain who fought in Afghanistan, is also calling for a full forensic audit to be conducted in Pennsylvania to ensure the integrity of the elections .

Audit starts in Georgia

Vernon Jones, a former Georgia representative in Congress, left the Democratic Party and supported President Trump, whose record on the economy and job creation he praised. This African-American is publicly critical of BLM and Antifa violence, their terrorist actions, and the double standard applied by Democrats. On May 19, during a press conference, he announced his candidacy for governor and called for the integrity of the electoral process, demanding a full forensic audit of the ballots. In Georgia, too, Joe Biden won by a very narrow margin of 11,779 votes, and evidence of fraud has been mounting in recent months. In Fulton County, Atlanta’s most densely populated county, six courageous poll workers and managers testified under oath to irregularities in more than 30,000 ballots: boxes of ballots delivered with seals without signatures; absentee ballots not folded when mailed; and those printed on a different paper with an identical mark checked off for Biden’s choice that looked very much like photocopies…

Suzi Voyles is one of them: fired after her testimony, she says publicly, “In over 20 years of experience, I’ve never seen so many irregularities and ballots that look like fakes; I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.” Radio commentator John Fredericks explains that a judge ordered an analysis of a sample of 950 military absentee ballots, and the conclusion is clear: 950 ballots in sequential order and all for Joe Biden, a statistically impossible result! Peter Navarro calls Georgia the “cesspool” of voter fraud. He estimates the number of illegal ballots at 400,000, more than 50 times the margin that allowed Biden to be elected. Again, the reaction of officials is expected to be violent. The ruling Republicans, Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, have not shown support for Trump. The Washington Post even suggested in early January that the president had pushed to find fraud in Fulton County. The media outlet had to retract the statement on March 16, as the comments attributed to Trump were incorrect, but clearly they have no desire to pursue a full forensic audit of the election, especially after Raffensberger signed a $106M contract with Dominion in July 2019.

It is the citizens who must continue to push for the truth about this election. These patriots value democracy and respect for their Constitution, which is increasingly being abused by those who have arrogated power to themselves, the media who cover for them, and Big Tech who now systematically censor any opposing or unfavorable opinion: in this new age of scientism, you have to believe in the results of elections like you have to believe in vaccines. Some people like Matt DePerno, Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, who have become heroes in spite of themselves, are trying to restore the democratic process and the integrity of elections. The evidence is mounting, but the system in place is holding on.

Will they succeed?

Translation: 2020 election irregularities in the six key states

electoral fraud / poor management of votes / contestable procedures / violation of the equality of protection clause / voting machine irregularities / significant statistical anomalies / Margin of ‘victory’ for Biden / potentially illegal ballot papers




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1 Comment on U.S. Election Audit: Denouement in Sight?

  1. When will the usurper be removed then?

    What will the fake news media, the corrupt cia/fbi and others do?

    Would Trump stop the vaccination cmpaign and fire fauci?

    And declare the fake pandemic a fraud and punish all those who were bhind the scam?

    And end all restrictions and insane rules?

    Give back power to the people?

    Beacuse if he doesn’t, then why having him back?

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