Many French people who are still confident in their public authorities think that the general registration of citizens is a matter of science fiction or conspiratorial fear (anchoring this conviction in people’s consciences is moreover one of the missions of the official counter-propaganda that we were talking about yesterday). However, its implementation was the subject of official, public measures, and moreover sharply criticized by the CNIL, during last winter.
These measures were taken as part of the implementation of the RRMs (ER: rapid response mechanism, created in 2019) federated by Canada at the request of the G7. Officially, it is a question of “monitoring” the electoral process to avoid Russian interference. Under this laudable motive, by the CNIL’s own admission, the government spies on all citizens indiscriminately and collects data on them that has absolutely no relation to politics or any Russian intervention.
The VIGINUM agency is watching you
As we mentioned yesterday, the general registration of citizens on the Internet is entrusted in France to the Viginum agency, whose management is entrusted to a Telecom engineer who passed through the ENA (ER: the ‘top’ university in France that produces the higher-ranking members of the political class, including Macron) and then the Court of Auditors, Gabriel Ferriol.
This agency was born from the decree of July 13, 2021 which founded a “vigilance and protection service against foreign digital interference” attached to the Secretary General of Defense and National Security. It should be noted that this decree was published the day after the announcement of the discrimination against those resistant to the vaccine. The unity of intent between the fight against Russian influence and the staging of COVID in the Western “narrative” could not be better illustrated. (ER: excellent point)
The missions of this service are set out in a broad way by the decree, in its article 3. It should be noted in particular that Viginum must detect on the Internet the activities “likely to alter the information of the citizens during the electoral periods”, but also “ to assist the Secretary General for Defense and National Security in his mission to lead and coordinate interministerial work in the field of protection against these operations” (a broad and opaque mission to which we will return in future articles), without forgetting to “contribute to European and international work and ensure operational and technical liaison with its foreign counterparts”.
In short, Viginum is the armed wing of government counter-propaganda on the Internet, and its primary mission is to flush out the pro-Russian agents that can be found everywhere in this jungle.
To fight against Russian interference, Viginum has an irreplaceable method: to collect all possible personal data existing on the largest Internet platforms. To understand the method, it suffices to read the extremely detailed deliberation of the CNIL concerning the agency :
The device under consideration will be broken down into several phases. First of all, a monitoring and detection phase must make it possible to monitor relevant information on current topics in order to identify the players or events of interest with regard to the missions of the “Viginum” service. At this stage of the processing, the “Viginum” service strives to detect a suspicion relating to “the dissemination of allegations or allegations of facts that are manifestly inaccurate or misleading” before initiating the collection operation. This phase will lead to the drafting of so-called “traceability” sheets which will determine the technical elements (keywords, semantic elements such as hashtags, encrypted elements, reconciliation between profiles or groups of interest profiles, etc.) which will allow, after human validation, guiding the collection operation by selecting the content necessary for the characterization mission. The collection of personal data is then activated on all the platforms identified as relevant, in particular by techniques for extracting the content of sites, via scripts or automated programs (“webscraping”) or the use of interfaces for providing data provided by the platforms (or API, for “Application Programming Interface”), for an initial period of seven days.
I recommend everyone take the time to read the description given by the CNIL.
First point: VIGINUM must identify “the dissemination of manifestly inaccurate and misleading allegations or imputations of facts”. A mere hint is enough.
We see how we pass here from the anti-Russian hunt to the anti-dissident hunt in general (by nature suspected of being a Russian agent). You write that Brigitte Macron could be a man? that the Pfizer vaccine could be harmful? that the President placed his Rothschild commission in an offshore account? that McKinsey corrupted the state? and bam: you trigger data collection on the Internet.
Second point: this data collection does not only concern you, but all the people with whom you are in contact…
This is to check if you have a link with Russia. So digging into your friendships, in case Vladimir Putin is one of your Facebook friends.
We indicated at the beginning of this paper the exhaustive list of sites on which Viginum exercises its talents. We find there those we knew, real anti-resistance hunting grounds for the secret services: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google search, Linkedin, and a few others. Note that Bing is also used to collect data.
What is not yet clear is whether or not Viginum has the ability to establish a link between an Internet protocol address identified on Google Search and the identity of its owner. Concretely, when you type “Brigitte Macron homme (man)” on Google or on Bing, is Viginum able to know that the computer doing this search is your property or not? (ER: this is highly likely we suspect)
We don’t know clearly, but we would like to know.
In any case, find my advice to escape this surveillance.
Why Viginum knows everything about you
The only explanations given here show how the anti-Russian struggle is the pretext for a huge dossier compilation of all resistance fighters on the basis of a simple suspicion, which can be likened to an offense of opinion. But reading the CNIL’s (ER: France’s data protection authority) deliberation says a lot about the wanderings of the police system put in place by Macron at the same time as the vaccination pass:
Firstly, the Commission notes that the processing envisaged raises particular difficulties in terms of proportionality.
First of all, it involves an automated collection of data published on various platforms (especially social networks), in very large quantities and likely to occur at any time. This information is likely to reveal information on a significant number of aspects of the private life of the persons concerned, including sensitive information, such as political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs as well as the state of health or the sexual orientation, whereas such data enjoy special protection. Thus, the processing envisaged leads a public authority to collect data relating to the activity of people on the online platforms where they are registered, thus potentially having particularly rich and precise information about them,
Furthermore, the automated collection of a large amount of data from the platforms concerned, according to certain parameters determined in advance (within the so-called “traceability” sheets), involves the collection and processing of data that are not relevant to the purposes pursued.
Here again, I recommend everyone carefully read these CNIL statements which perfectly describe the functioning of a totalitarian system in the digital age.
Note in particular this sentence: “This information is likely to reveal information on a significant number of aspects of the private life of the persons concerned, including sensitive information, such as political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs as well as the state of health or sexual orientation”. Concretely, if you wrote that Macron is a psychopathic pervert in a comment on Facebook, Viginum will “scrape” all your content published on the platforms in question, potentially under your name and under various pseudonyms (through the use of your IP address) and will methodically take back all the information you left there, sometimes against your will.
So much information to be able to blackmail you, when the time comes, or put you under control!
Note also this other quote: “the automated collection of a large amount of data from the platforms concerned, according to certain parameters determined in advance (within the so-called “traceability” sheets), involves the collection and processing of data not relevant to the purposes pursued”.
What an elegant way to say that Viginum does not only collect “political” data, but also all the others, obviously to document the resistance well beyond the Russian question alone.
Entering the world of Big Brother
In practice, Viginum is the Big Brother agency in France, the one that recovers the Internet data that you leave lying around and transforms it into a particularly active surveillance file.
As the CNIL points out, this surveillance takes the pretext of the fight against Russian influence to monitor the resistance fighters and search their private lives. The data it collects are subject to very uncertain use.
Here again, the CNIL is implacable: “certain personal data, present in the analysis notes mentioned above, will be sent to multiple state services and administrations as well as to foreign counterparts (…)”. In other words, data collection allows “analysis notes” which are as many police files compiled on dissidents, transmitted to the French police or other…
We are swimming in the midst of a totalitarian hunt. And it’s not tomorrow. It’s today.
Find my practical advice to complicate the task of the services that spy on you.
(ER: browsers will automatically translate into English)