Malone’s Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021 [VIDEO]


ER Editor: We recall Malone claiming to have been vaccinated not once but twice, and then being seriously ill after receiving the second one. His personal physician was Dr. Meryl Nass, he claimed, who helped him get through the nasty experience, so he said. How many lies, deceptions and sheer improbabilities does Malone’s story rest on?

At this point, we’re wondering if Malone is still around. Readers of Real Raw News will know what we mean.

For repeated calling out of Malone, we recommend Dr. Paul Alexander.


Robert Malone’s Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021

We all knew Sly Malone’s ‘vaccination’ claim was bollocks

Malone pretended he was pig-ignorant of the freely available clinical trial research and VAERS data, which had amply demonstrated the Moderna drug was unsafe and ineffective long before April 2021.

For a “highly trained” vaccine developer who loves to boast in his resume and court depositions about all the clinical trials he has been involved in, and his dozens of published papers, this is not a tenable claim.

For ‘proof’ of the Moderna drug’s efficacy, Malone pretends to be an outsider who was forced to rely on the word of Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

He also claims he took the drug because journalists were claiming it was effective in treating ‘long COVID.’ Again, the claim that a “highly trained” vaccine developer would ignore decades of first-hand observation and instead believe idiot journalists is preposterous.

Malone is no outsider. He is a self-admitted insider who has been “deep inside the belly of the beast,” as he himself describes his Deep State involvement. He has enjoyed intimate and lucrative relationships with DOD, DARPA, NIH and Fauci’s NIAID,

Malone also claimed he received the Moderna gene therapy in order to meet impending travel requirements.

Which makes the clip below an extremely interesting one. It is a snippet from a Tommy’s Podcast interview with Steven Hatfill (the full interview is available here). Hatfill is the guy who was initially blamed for the Anthrax psy-op ‘outbreak’ of 2001, then later cleared of wrongdoing by the FBI.

In November 2019, Hatfield released a fear porn tome titled Three Seconds Until Midnight which, by way of remarkable coincidence, predicted an impending influenza pandemic.

On September 13, 2021, Hatfill, Malone and a number of other speakers gave presentations to the Italian senate. This meant that Stefano and Roberto had to hop aboard a plane and travel to Italy.

This trip to Italy, remember, is over four months after Malone claimed to have received the second of his Moderna shots.

Curious then, that Hatfill recalls how he and Sly Malone had to submit to rapid antigen tests in Italy because they were both unvaccinated.

“I’m not vaccinated, I don’t have a card” says Hatfill.

“Neither did Dr Malone,” adds Hatfill with a big grin, “he didn’t have a card.”

If Malone wasn’t vaccinated and didn’t have a vaccine card, one wonders where this image came from. It’s an alleged vaccine certificate Malone posted to his website the very same day I sent him an email questioning him, among other things, about his ‘vaccination’ claim.

I’m guessing it came from the same place Bathhouse Barry’s suspicious-looking birth certificate came from.

To those of you who still look up to Malone as a health freedom ‘hero’, at what point do you intend to pull your heads from your posteriors and face up to reality?




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6 Comments on Malone’s Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021 [VIDEO]

  1. @choopey Thank you for writing that summary, although I suspect it has been copied from some place. Readers who have been reading this website are probably familiar with most, if not all, of the points made. Malone has been the topic of many of ER’s articles.

    The editor of this website was one of the first to catch on to the obvious nefarious character of Robert Malone. But it’s nice to reread all what has passed over the last years concerning him in one place.

  2. As always a VERY FEW voices had pointed out he’s a shill all along (just like with the Covid scam) as soon as Malone entered the public space:

    Malone is the arrogant condescending vicious [just watch this: “fact-loving” shill who keeps losing his FRIVOLOUS law suits against real truth-tellers ( As an example, he sued a doctor, Peter Breggin, M.D., who had worked FOR DECADES TO REVEAL corruptions and frauds of the allopathic governmental-medical establishments while Malone has worked FOR DECADES TO SERVE the interests of the very same criminal establishment. Guess whom you should trust? Mmm, that’s a tough one to figure out.

    With a “sweet” slick establishment shill like Malone one must always ask when exposed to his “persuasive” talks when he defends himself against truthful allegations about him by others what he deliberate omits to tell you about himself so that he always looks like a good guy. Example, Malone FABRICATES slanderous statements about a number of people in the “alternative health movement” he’s been attacking ( &

    Malone supposedly “suddenly saw the light” (meaning he was stupid and conscienceless all his former professional life spanning 3 decades, see his upcoming quote below, yet he’s now the entitled “enlightened” smart person with a conscience everyone should trust and follow — what utter absurdity, it’s psychopaths who sell you and dumb people who buy such nonsense, see ‘pink elephants’ url below) and entered the public space out of nowhere (in mid 2021), and then SELFISHLY presents HIMSELF as a “victim” of those ruling “bad guys” and wants you to believe he’s a saint, and on your side as he ALLEGEDLY overnight grew a conscience. He like Desmet, another influential “expert” like Malone, are propagandizing distorted narratives of the whole truth — falsehoods and lies, essentially.

    Yet Malone has been serving the criminal (medical-biopharmaceutical-industrial-military/bioweapon-intelligence) establishment for decades promoting their sick and destructive interests and agendas ( & & &

    Malone himself stated it, including with his lie of having done “ethical vaccine development” which is an oxymoron because all official vaccine are made by the allopathic medial mafia business (and Malone’s own NON-ethical vaccine research proves it’s a lie, see further below): “I have deep understanding of government affairs and proper, ethical vaccine development as well as development of other drugs and biologicals. It was my job and my business for decades. I destroyed that business that I had built up over 30 years to alert the world to what was going on.” (

    He knew in 2019 (!!) that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic yet he did nothing to prevent its inclusion in Covid jabs ( and which is a form of lying by omission and worse … yet he is suing all sorts of people ( and and &!) for slandering him (when that “slander” is evidently only real truths about him) and, topping it off, he said in one of his written pieces that he holds the health truth movement up to a higher standard. What a complete hypocrite, deceiver, and psychopath! From being silent and inert, from knowingly hiding life-saving information, to wanting to be the deserving self-entitled trustworthy leader in the truth movement.

    He promoted useless masks in 2020 and the toxic Covid jabs in 2021-22 ( & & –even in Oct 2021 he promoted vaxxing healthy children with Covid jabs ( — yet he baldly lied in Jan 2024 when he arrogantly declared he had warned the public about every major falsehood/danger/deception about the Covid Psyop Crime since the start of it in 2020 ( In June of 2021 Malone’s wife wrote that his invented mRNA vaccine technology was “now saving the world”( & ). Yet since he knew at least since 2019 that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic we can be certain that his publicized events of him getting a Covid “vaccine and a booster are fraudulent staged fake events. Him deceiving the public … you.

    Malone also claimed about his ALLEGED Covid jabs that “the second shot almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Yet as someone pointed out… “Dr. Robert Malone says he was almost killed by the Moderna Experimental Transfections in Spring, 2021. His subsequent rhetorical output and emotional affect seemed incongruent with that harm.” Are you still asleep about the fact that he’s a liar extraordinaire and a total fraud?

    Eg, fraudster Malone is a co-developer of a toxic covid vaccine that “resulted in ACUTE LUNG INJURY in animal studies and introduce Aluminum (neurotoxin) directly into human cells” ( Now, suddenly, he wants you to believe he’s a saint, and on your side. NOT unlike “expert Doctor” Bill Gates, the psychopathic entrepreneur with huge vaccine business interests, who has been elevated, and propagandized, by “the science” leaders of the world to the status of “world’s top medical doctor” who’s fully entitled to tell everyone to get toxic Covid “vaccines” during the onset of this scamdemic. That last fact alone should totally convince you that the world is controlled by psychopaths instead of sane people.

    In one of Malone’s “expert” articles (“Groupthink: we are all victims”) his public misdirection, his disinformation is already evident in the title. His dissemination of the total lie of the public as “innocent victims” appeals of course to the public and their general dishonesty (which is a major reason he’s so liked and promoted everywhere as it “washes him clean and innocent” and as he panders to their selfish self-delusions) but it is a complete distortion of reality:

    Who do you think goes to war and does the killing (mindless immoral NON-innocent soldiers)?

    Who do you think researches, works on, develops, and designs the mountain of toxic destructive exploitive technologies of human civilization (mindless immoral NON-innocent scientists)?

    Who do you think murders and maims a massive amount of people with toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral NON-innocent doctors and nurses)?

    Who do you think wears useless Covid masks (or puts them on their kids) (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

    Who do you think trusts, follows, obeys, votes for, and does the dirty work for the governing authorities (mindless immoral NON-innocent people)?

    And on and on… with the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of mindless immoral NON-innocent self-entitled “good” people — the 90-95% of the herd.

    Yes, the ruling authorities control brainwash you. BUT … the public does their bidding DESPITE that people know politicians lie to them all the time. There are TWO human pink elephants in the room … and they are MARRIED and NEITHER is innocent at all …. (or

    “By employing Malone as a soft ‘whistleblower,’ the powers that be are using him to set an artificial limit as to what is an acceptable level of dissent or opposition to their obvious mainstream lies and deception. When they censor him, then all of the truthers go running into his arms for comfort. They do this because they conclude that if he’s being censored, then he must be telling the truth…. But he doesn’t represent the true opposition (us) — he’s an insane demon who thinks vaccines save lives and has spent his entire life creating these elixirs of death and destruction.” []

    Criminal huge vaccine profiteers such as Malone [] or psychopath “Dr” Bill Gates have been working together in the past to increase their wealth from vaccines [].

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

    “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022

  3. Well, well. My memory is fuzzy but I think his-being-vaxxed-story was relayed on that Joe Rogan podcast from the end of 2021 in which he popularised the Mass Psychosis term, which was a misnomer from DeSmet’s Mass Formation hypothesis. And a second time in a High-Quality Documentary by Belgian producers who are living in Andalucia, Spain. The name of the documentary escapes me now.

    But pretty sure he told the same story at these moments as well.

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