ER Editor: Wait until REAL information and stats about the genetic injections come out! It’s not yet started.
Notice below that the two researchers behind the paper believe the Covid ‘vaccines’ are safe and effective, that there is ‘abundant’ evidence showing this. You really couldn’t make this up.
See this excellent piece by Dr. David Paton (professor of industrial economics) for the Daily Sceptic, who also addresses this latest study – Why Are People Losing Confidence in Vaccines?
It is not unreasonable to conclude that the most dangerous ‘anti-vaxxers’ over the past two years have not been fringe conspiracy theorists but governments and the public health establishment itself.
For the best scientific book on why nobody should trust any vaccines (at least, those on the childhood vaccination schedule), check out TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. It’s an excellent read.
UK Researchers: “Paradoxically, despite the success of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, vaccine confidence has significantly declined since the onset of the pandemic”
To the surprise of nobody, it turns out that the campaign to increase vaccine uptake via social exclusion, threats, lies and firings has reduced public confidence in vaccination across the board
A new paper out of the United Kingdom finds that the deranged and imprudent SARS-2 vaccination campaign has damaged the public perception of vaccination in general.
The authors studied the shift in what they call “vaccine confidence” via surveys administered to two cohorts, the first in 2019 and the second in 2022. Among other things, these surveys presented the respondents with these statements:
- Vaccines are safe.
- I think vaccines should be a compulsory practice.
- My healthcare provider (for example my GP) has mine and/or my child’s best interests at heart.
- I believe if I get vaccinated it would benefit the wellbeing of others.
- Vaccines are a necessity for our health and wellbeing.
They could rate their reaction to each statement on a scale of 1 (“disagree strongly”) to 5 (“agree strongly), yielding a “vaccine confidence score” somewhere between 5 and 25.
Population-wide, the authors find that confidence has slipped only a few points1; the most substantial differences are to be found in specific subgroups, particularly in younger age brackets:
From the paper:
Despite abundant epidemiological evidence of the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines (ER: …), only approximately 1 in 5 participants of the 2022 cohort self-assessed their vaccine confidence as having increased since the pandemic; the majority of participants reported that their confidence remained unchanged or even decreased. These observations are compatible with studies carried out in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic indicating that, in contrast to previous evidence that the perceived threat from a disease should improve public vaccine confidence, willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine started decreasing even before the vaccines were developed.
This is because media propaganda was never entirely successful in its efforts to cast SARS-2 as a super-dangerous pathogen. It is also because, by the time the vaccines were rolled out, public health authorities and politicians had spent over nine months terrifying their populations with their erratic behaviour and the escalating insanity of their policies.
In the present study, the most noticeable change in attitude between 2019 and 2022 was that, while pre-pandemic the 46–60 years old group was considerably less vaccine-confident than all other age groups, this was not the case in the post-pandemic cohort. In fact … median [vaccine confidence] appeared to increase with age from 19 in participants under 30 years old to 22 in those over 60 years old. This observation is compatible with previous findings of a survey carried out during the Delta wave, indicating that “younger populations had less willingness to receive vaccinations”. This trend might also reflect the disproportionate severity of COVID-19 in older patients, which may have prompted in elderly and vulnerable participants a higher perception of the infection risk, and therefore a higher reliance in preventive measures.
There is also the matter of myocarditis, which disproportionately affects young men, and the fact that the entire rationale for imposing vaccines on younger cohorts (i.e., that they would reduce SARS-2 transmission) was debunked almost as soon as the vaccines became available to them.
I’m fond of drawing attention to the imprudent errors of our leaders, and few are more glaring than their manic effort to force unwanted pharmaceutical products on millions of people who didn’t want them. Long after it had become clear to everyone that the vaccines would do nothing to stop transmission, the vaccinators persisted with their intemperate, coercive campaign, polarising all of society and calling into being a new kind of tribalism based on vaccination status which had never existed before.
These methods surely increased the vaccination rate in the short term, but at a deep reputational cost that they’ll still be paying decades from now.
Good job, retards.
This is a low-quality study that depends on a small number of non-randomly selected participants, and it probably understates the reputational hit that vaccination has taken in the public mind. It’s also worth noting that the United Kingdom was far from the most coercive vaccinator jurisdiction; in places like Austria and Canada, the vaccinators have surely forfeited vastly more regard.
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Thanks for passing this along, SW.
Lawyer drops during Canadian Freedom Convoy Inquiry into Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act:
Was he a federal lawyer required to take the shot to keep his job?