Passed by decree on the sly, Macron and Véran create the “National Certification Council”, subject to the government, to renew or withdraw the right to practice from doctors who do not obey… not a word in the media
This is huge!!! Awful, unthinkable… Doctors under high surveillance of politicians and therefore of Big Pharma… Macron will have done everything to us… even the unthinkable, even the unimaginable. It remains to be seen whether the doctors are aware of this (what is the purpose of the unions and the doctors’ association?) and whether they will allow it to happen…
Only retired doctors can speak the truth and not submit.
Doctor Dominique Schwander
On 19 July, a Council of Ministers, no doubt dissatisfied with a Council of Order that did not have enough competence to admit Professors Raoult and Perronne into the order, created a new body with the power to evaluate each doctor at any time in his or her career and thus to prevent him or her from practising if he or she does not stay on the straight and narrow.
But we do not live in a dictatorship, of course… according to Macron.
It is clear that this has a lot to do with Covid, the prescription of forbidden drugs and vaccination… dissident doctors objectively run the risk of being chased out of their posts, their practices… Should we understand Raoult’s comments on the compulsory vaccination of carers in this way? Under the threat of being liquidated, too? (ER: Famous Marseille doctor, Didier Raoult, the defender of hydroxychloroquine, shocked everyone a while back for supporting the mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers. People have been wondering what political pressures he’s been subjected to …)
Council of Ministers of 19 July, 2021. Periodic certification of certain health professionals.
Olivier Véran – Minister for Solidarity and Health
General Secretariat of the Government
Issued on 19 July, 2021 – The Minister for Solidarity and Health has presented an order on the periodic certification of certain health professionals.
Article 5 of Law No. 2019-774 of 24 July, 2019 on the organisation and transformation of the healthcare system empowers the Government to take any measure within the scope of the law by ordinance in order, on the one hand, to create a certification procedure independent of any ties of interest allowing, at regular intervals during professional life, to guarantee the the quality of professional practices, the updating and the level of knowledge, and, on the other hand, to determine the professionals concerned by this certification procedure, the conditions of its implementation and control, the bodies in charge of it, the consequences of the ignorance of this procedure or of the failure to follow it, as well as the means of appeal open against these consequences.
Read more here: https://www.vie-publique.fr/discours/280808-conseil-des-ministres19072021-certification-periodique-professions-sante
Thanks to Dominique Schwander who pointed us to the article below:
Haro on doctors not aligned with the Macron State!
An ordinance and then a decree, unnoticed by the media and also by the opposition, will have been enough for the Macronie to take control of the medical profession. Gone are the quality of care and the independence of the practitioners of one of the noblest professions!
Ordinance No. 2021-961 of 19 July, 2021 on the periodic certification of certain health professionals reveals the State’s stranglehold on a corporation that until then had enjoyed independence in the practice of their art, with regard to interference from political power. However, this era of freedom is now over, as the High Authority for Health will have to share its prerogatives with the Executive, as regards the steering of its actions to monitor, supervise and update the levels of competence and quality of salaried professionals, but above all of liberal medicine (Article L. 4022-3). A National Certification Board, entirely subject to political authority, is set up to issue, renew or withdraw the right to practise. These prerequisites, through certain political and health contingencies, set objectives and obligations for doctors.
Curiously, this ordinance never mentions the existence of the Council of the Corporate Order of Physicians, which is itself compartmentalised by degrees of geographical jurisdiction, as if it did not exist, or that the Government contemptuously concealed it. It is true that this administrative and jurisdictional council for defence and regulation is already under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, but it retains its socio-medical specificity, with its ethics, its disciplinary bodies and its training activities. In a collectivist world where corruption is the law, money and power are the two breasts of this dominant oligarchy. These collaborators of the omnipotence of the Elysée Palace (ER: Macron’s residence), the High Authority for Health and the National Certification Board, like two gendarmes, will henceforth be the ear and voice of the executive to better control the Medical Council. This institution of private law will henceforth have to comply with the inquisitorial policy of the State by denouncing, sanctioning or even dismissing doctors who refuse to enforce the vaccination obligation for their patients and themselves, or by rewarding the good students who know how to jab without counting.
Decree No. 2021-964 of 20 July 2021 bears the visible trace of this paradigm shift, the entire profession of which is indelibly linked to the Hippocratic oath. Here we come close to the syndrome of the fascist salute of the Axis forces after the attack of 20 July 1944 at the Wolfsschanze HQ in Nazi Germany, to express a forced adherence of health professionals to another ideology: political rallying. This is how “the collective incentive bonus linked to the quality of the service provided” became “the collective commitment bonus”. In other words, it is no longer a question of incentive linked to the quality of service or a production objective, but of a mental incentive, which strikes with the heel while resonating the goose step, to blindly obey the political directives of the oligarchic authority lying in ambush in the corridors of hospitals. Inquisitorial denunciation is therefore not far off, but it will now be fed by denigration, rumours and threats. Gone are the quality of care and the independence of the practitioners of one of the noblest professions!
In the above-mentioned text, “priority objectives and project teams” are supplemented by “result indicators with precise, measurable, accessible and adapted objectives…”. We are in the midst of a delirium of initiation into a new order! The internist will be harassed on how to write a care dosage, and to move in a row of onions to comply with an established order, no longer according to his diagnosis and the pathological profile of the patient. The management thus puts on the political uniform of the moment, and as a good soldier, the practitioner will be judged on his behaviour, hence his commitment, not on the quality of service provided.
Why publish such a decree in which there is no desire to express a professional and/or didactic orientation? Neither the words “health”, “sanitary” nor “deontology” (ER: professional ethics) appear in this text, where only a political determination is expressed with the force of words that impart persuasion through dissuasion. The threatening emphasis of a confiscation of the said premium will be the first sanction against anyone who does not fulfil the conditions or obligations of “commitment” to the political ideology asserted by the Minister of Health. We are entering a new era, or rather a reminiscence of a sad memory that we thought would never come back to the surface. This ideology, which does not even hide itself, is resurfacing from an era that was thought to be over, but which is being reborn in the enlightened minds of the Macron State, as much with the “health pass”, the “QR code” and the “TousAntiCovid” app.
These indicators are strangely reminiscent of discrimination between citizens, not of confession, but of free choice to dispose of one’s body and to accept or refuse therapies). This freedom, which stems from natural rights, is expressed and enshrined in an inalienable way in the French Constitution, which is rooted in the spirit and letter of human rights. If the French people do not understand the authoritarian and particularly liberticidal turn of this mandate, which erases the last vestiges of our dying democracy, our entire revolutionary history will collapse in one fell swoop.
But this is still not enough for the Macron-State, which wants to impose its political directives, without having to go through the professional mind of this medical group. In a specious logic, the fight against the epidemic, even if there is no one to verify if it is still present or if it would only be positive tests on healthy carriers passing for the disease, must go through the guilt-inducing and penalising discrimination. In fact and for the present time, too many doctors are opposed to the above-mentioned compulsory vaccination, or even do not vaccinate themselves against Covid. In the face of the legitimate professional and scientific motives of this profession, the Elysian oligarchy is now imposing its unavoidable authority by ordering the law to its exclusive advantage, despite the national health interest that doctors are usually called upon to reserve for their patients.
In the report attached to this order, it is claimed that no direct and general opposition was formulated, the writer of which has left no indication of persons, place and date to discern a legible trace of this phantom forum. What about the composition of the actors who would have led to the orientation of this resolution? Here the lie is huge and this faconde transpires of bad faith. So that this Government will have deduced that the scientific piloting of the device would be entrusted to it, under the blessing of the said National Council for Periodic Certification which it presides.
Once again, as usual, Emmanuel Macron is taking over all the powers, to the point of penetrating the professional epidermis, the flesh of our social and health institutions, then of everything that moves, cares, creates and administers.
The Covid story raises all the questions and suspicions of fraud, illegal power grabs and exorbitant personal enrichment, as soon as politics takes precedence over reality.
Daniel Desurvire
Daniel Desurvire: Former director of the Centre d’Étude Juridique, Economique et Politique de Paris (CEJEP), legal and judicial press correspondent. Daniel Desurvire is the author of: “The cultural chaos of civilisations”, pointing out the risks of fanaticism of certain cults and xenophobia of certain civilisations, to which are added the dangers of social malaise, the regression of moral and affective values or the mediocrity of cultural productions, of which poly-drug addiction is one of the corollaries. The author chooses to oppose doubt and questioning to dogmatic drifts and deleterious beliefs” (in, Les cahiers de Junius, tome III, “La culture situationniste et le trombinoscope de quelques intellectuels français”: Édilivre, 2016).
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Yes, it is total war. In every conceivable way.
A little more tyranny for you from Canada. Macron’s evil twin Trudeau has apparently denied air travel to the non-vaxxinated. Looks really like they want rid of that “control group” of the high-IQ crowd, so there is nothing to compare when the mass-deaths from the shots begin pretty soon.
Keean Bexte says Trudeau just GROUNDED all non-vaxxed people, not allowed to FLY. Interesting…. if you do take the shot and fly, you’re likely to die of blood clots.
Bexte says “kinks in the new order” to be ironed out. I think he means kinks in the New World Order. This is total war.