Is Rutte about to go down as PM?

ER Editor: The weird Dutch immigration vote happened Friday night, which left Rutte’s pro-immigration party (think: globalist) on the backfoot in a vote as it supported the opposing side, the one tougher on immigration. See Dutch government collapses over migrant issue. Hardly credible, sounds engineered somehow. Now Monday morning and Rutte is facing a no-confidence vote.

Torentje (or ‘turret’) is the de facto office of the Dutch PM. The Nine for News article and others below are machine-translated.

From the reports, it looks like Rutte’s collapse may carry others along, such as Wopke Hoekstra, a former McKinsey employee. McKinsey is notorious for, effectively, running our governments of late. The outsourcing of government we may say. Both Rutte and Hoekstra have stepped down from the leadership of their own respective parties (VVD and CDA).


As we’re working on this story, there is a debate going on in the Dutch Parliament, the outcome of which will not be known until later today. Meanwhile, a humorous tweet —


Should Rutte immediately leave the Torentje today? ‘ This will be an interesting move ’


Opposition parties want to table a vote of no confidence against outgoing Prime Minister Rutte during the debate on the cabinet trap on Monday. If that motion is passed, he must immediately leave the Torentje.

Insiders are telling The Telegraph that the motion will receive broad support.

In 2021, Rutte remained in place after the fall of his third cabinet because of the benefits scandal. He showed off, having even more power for himself. That will not happen again. An outgoing prime minister can also be forced to resign, writes PVV leader Geert Wilders.

Translation: Even in 2021, Rutte remained in office after the fall because of the allowance scandal. He flaunted having even more power. That should not happen again. Even a caretaker prime minister can be forced to resign. Tomorrow we will try that.



Breaking News! Mark Rutte is not available as a VVD party leader and leaves politics after the parliamentary elections


With a mix of emotions and anticipation, Prime Minister announces Mark Rutte that he will not be available as a VVD party leader at the next Parliamentary elections. This surprising news comes straight from Rutte himself, at the beginning of a debate about the recent cabinet trap. He explains that he made this decision on Sunday morning, in view of the importance of Netherlands.

ER: The VVD party is considered centre-right, which makes it a perfect globalist party, of the dictatorial centre. It achieved power in 2010 with Rutte at the helm.

There has been much speculation in recent days about what would motivate Rutte to take this step. But he makes it clear that his motivation has only one answer: the Netherlands. He acknowledges that his position within it. The playing field is completely unsuitable for moving the country forward. On Sunday he made the decision not to be available as party leader for the VVD in the upcoming elections.

This announcement marks the end of an era in Dutch politics. Mark Rutte has had a long and influential career, in which he led several cabinets as prime minister and guided the country through difficult times. However, his departure does not mean the end of progress and renewal. On the contrary, it opens the door to a festive new phase for Dutch politics.



Hoekstra moves on


Hoekstra gets on

In a revealing interview in De Telegraaf Wopke Hoekstra, former party leader of the CDA and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the newly fallen Rutte IV cabinet, announced that he will not become his party’s party leader again. Hoekstra’s career, whose party is about to be decimated in the upcoming elections, seems to have reached a tipping point.

ER: The CDA was traditionally a left-wing, Christian Democrat party.

The CDA, which managed to secure 15 seats under Hoekstra’s ‘inspiring leadership’ just two years ago, now sees a future full of uncertainty. According to the most recent polls, the party is reduced to a meager 6 to 8 seats. This news is a hard blow to the party and reveals the large-scale rejection of Hoekstras leadership by the Dutch population.

Hoekstra, a former McKinsey employee, portrayed himself in the interview in De Telegraaf as more of a ‘driver’ than a real ‘politician’. Although this seems to recognize his lack of electoral charisma and confidence among the Dutch population, it is also a revelation of his failed attempt to steer the party in the direction he envisioned.




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2 Comments on Is Rutte about to go down as PM?

  1. @Ernesto Tradionally CDA is a center-right, Christian, pro-farmer. But they have followed a left-wing policy for at least since the turn of this century. They particularly turned their backs on the farmers. What has been Christian about the CDA has also been lost.

    You might remember Jan-Hein Donner saying that if a new electorate were to vote muslim leaders that that would be part of the democratic process he would not oppose.

  2. Nope, Hoekstra’s CDA party was NEVER left-wing at any point; it was right wing, though not extreme right wing.

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