ER Editor: The French went to the polls a second time in the regional elections last weekend. As with the first round, the abstention rate was massive, at a little less than 70%. Mercouris estimates, probably correctly, that Macron is now finished.
This analysis of Alexander Mercouris rides on the back of a previous one he made following the first round of the regional elections. See France Regional Elections: Macron Crashes, Le Pen Falters, EU-Barnier Plan Begins.
For further information on Bertrand, see this piece The Duran team link to. We issue a heavy MSM warning for this.
Here are some main points from Mercouris’ analysis:
- The Michael Barnier plan has fizzled out. Is this Plan C? To keep France in the EU and keep the train wreck of the EU moving along?
- Macron is toast. He cannot come back. His party won around 6.4% of the vote on a 30% turnout. He can only have got hundreds of thousands of votes, that’s all.
- Le Pen is down but not yet out. She got a solid 20% yet didn’t come near predictions. She didn’t win any French regions. (see the previous video – she has watered down her appeal) She must harden up her message. If so, some of the almost 70% abstention votes might go her way.
- The Socialists have seen no revival whatever. And the Michel Barnier strategy has bitten the dust.
- Xavier Bertrand might fill this gap. He was close to Sarkozy, a member of Les Republicains, the centre-right establishment party. The party appeals a lot to retired people, and has a soft Catholic base. He’s the coming hope. He’s expected to run against Macron or Le Pen for president. He’s loyal to the EU but not ultra-loyal. Perhaps it’s possible to package him as being more independent. He’s spoken out against Macron being against the Yellow Vests. He’s talked against Russian sanctions. But he remains a clear figure of the French establishment who won’t want to rock the boat. He’s reassuring, ‘stable’, the kind of person who will keep France loyal to the EU. There won’t be a euro exit or EU exit. He’s spoken against more integration in the EU, but he’s not likely to rock the boat in that sense.
- He could be the perfect candidate to nullify Le Pen. He can talk in a way that can steal some of her vote, but he’s no real challenge or threat to The Powers That Be.
- Barnier was too much of an insider in the EU establishment. He was too close to them.
- It’s not likely Bertrand will change French foreign policy in Syria or Lebanon.
- He won’t fix the French economy either, and has talked about reindustrializing France. But he won’t be the one to do it, which needs France to be taken out of the euro currency. He can be relied upon to keep things as they are. Both the French and EU establishment trust him.
- If France leaves the eurozone, then the eurozone will end. Yet France needs its own currency with a consequent depreciation. Then the French economy could grow and reforms could be made. Meanwhile, France is trapped inside EU monetary policies which only benefit the German export sector. All countries in the EU suffer from this.
- We’ve been here before. Sarkozy was going to do all sorts of reforms and reindustrialize France, but it all failed because he wouldn’t get France out of the euro. Only then will change happen. Everything else is just talk. And even Le Pen has forgotten this.
- The key point is, they don’t trust Le Pen but they do trust Bertrand. And France must NOT leave the euro, until it all falls apart, and one day it will.
They will do everything they can to prevent France becoming an independent country, and Bertrand will oblige.
EU drops Barnier plan. Xavier Bertrand set to squash Macron & dilute Le Pen support
EU drops Barnier plan. Xavier Bertrand set to squash Macron & dilute Le Pen support
The Duran: Episode 1021
The third man in the election might interrupt the predicted face-off between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron in 2022.
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Thanks so much, Brigitte. We have some homework to do! (And yes, we suspect Dominion might ‘seal the deal’)
He might not be elected by the French, but he might be declared “elected” by Dominion, no problem.
Some info about this ugly old horse :
Bilderberg 2009 – Liste des participants
Xavier Bertrand – Secrétaire général de l’UMP
Member of the Club Le Siècle, local Bilderberg antenna for France :
Xavier Bertrand ministre UMP de l’Emploi
2010 : his silent support of Big Pharma in a health scandal called “MEDIATOR” as he was Health Minister unveiled
2014 : Attendant at the Bilderberg
2015 : Xavier Bertrand is no longer member of the leftis antichristian freemason lodge Grand Orient de France after 17 years (december 2015, cosmetic decision after after becoming president of a French Region)
2019 : the telefon numbers of a close friend (and wife) of XB are on the Epstein’s book
“On apprend le 28/08/19 par le site Breizh.info1 que le responsable permanent de la région Hauts-de-France en Grande-Bretagne, Jean-Paul Mulot, ami de trente ans de Xavier Bertrand (Président de la Région) et nommé par lui à ce poste, avait laissé ses coordonnées personnelles sur le fameux carnet de Jeffrey Epstein. Pas moins de six numéros de téléphone de Jean-Paul Mulot, ex-directeur du Figaro, et de sa femme, Anne Verdin, y figuraient.”
After 2 divorces, a third wife, much younger than him, a perfect match :