Angela Merkel Back-pedals on Severe Easter Lockdown

March 25, 2021 0

German chancellor Angela Merkel back-pedals on severe Easter lockdown The scrapping of the five-day severe Easter lockdown was characterized by Merkel as a ‘mistake’ less than 48 hours after she first announced it. JEANNE SMITS […]


The UK Government’s Campaign of Fear On Its Citizens

March 24, 2021 0

The Government’s Campaign of Fear LOCKDOWN SCEPTICS We’re publishing an original piece today by Dr James Moreton Wakeley, a former Parliamentary researcher, about the Government’s shameful use of behavioural science to terrify people into complying with its […]


COVID: Is Macron Wrong to Fear an Insurrection?

March 23, 2021 0

ER Editor: Yes, 6,500 people came out in Marseille, sans masque, demonstrating against the absurd Covid restrictions, using the occasion of a carnival to make a public protest. Smart. Here are some tweets and video […]

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