Through its members and offshoot organisations, the Fabian Society’s influence is global

ER Editor: We’re always interested in publishing on the sinister, historical organization called the Fabian Society, which, much like today’s World Economic Forum, has been infiltrating and/or creating governments and other key organizations for well over a century. See —

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Through its members and offshoot organisations, the Fabian Society’s influence is global

The Fabian Society is a British organisation that has aimed, and still aims, to promote socialist ideas and policies through a very slow and reformist approach.

The society’s members include activists, intellectuals and politicians – such as former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, London Mayor Sadiq Khan, former Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau and former US President Bill Clinton – who advocate for social justice, equality and other neo-Marxist nonsense. (ER: aka ‘globalist’ and ‘New World Order’)

Related: Boris Johnson Accuses the “Deep State” of Endeavouring to Reverse Brexit

The Fabian Society and Sadiq Khan

In January 2018 a group attempted to make a citizens’ arrest, for treason, of Sadiq Khan at the Fabian Society’s New Year Conference.

EuroNews branded them “far-right protesters.”  In the description of a 49s clip on YouTube, EuroNews states “Police needed to disperse group chanting anti-EU slogans attempting “citizens’ arrest” of Khan.”  EuroNews is partly funded by the European Union.

EuroNews: Far-right protesters disrupt Sadiq Khan speech at Fabian Society, 13 January 2018 (49s)

Outside of corporate media, the group was described as “constitutional rights activists” and the video recorded by these activists was at least 30 minutes long which you can watch HERE.

The activists can be heard saying that “the Fabian Society is subverting our constitution.”  When asked why they are trying to arrest Sadiq Khan, they answer:

“Because Sadiq Khan doesn’t speak for everybody.  Because Sadiq Khan has subverted our constitution … Do you know who the Fabian Society are?  Do you know what they stand for? Do you know what their coat of arms is?  I object to the Fabian Society.  They’ve subverted every part of our constitution.  They’ve subverted our education system, our political system, they’ve subverted everything.  If you want to know why the country is in such a mess it’s because of people like this, it’s the Fabian Society that is at the root of all of this.”

British Media Force: Activists demand the arrest of London Mayor Sadiq Khan, 13 January 2018 (20 mins)

Sadiq Khan is a former chair of the Fabian Society.  As the 2018 common law or constitutional activists felt strongly about the Society’s “subversive” activities and corporate media at the time completely ignored this was the reason a citizens’ arrest was being attempted, we thought we would see what we could find out about them.

The Fabian Society was established in 1884 by a coterie of British eugenicists and Malthusians to promote a new social order designed to mould society into a new, mechanised order run by a managerial elite of “social scientists” from the top down.  The Society founded the London School of Economics (“LSE”) in 1895 and was one of the founders of the UK Labour Party in 1900.

Throughout the 20th century, the Fabian Society penetrated branches of government, military, academia, media and private corporate boards around the world. From below, plebs and labourers would be attracted by “buzz words” promoted by Fabians, like equality, social justice, and re-distribution of wealth that were ultimately hollow as these powerful networks had no intention of manifesting what those words actually mean.

Read more: Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures”, Unlimited Hangout, 17 February 2022

Wikipedia states: “The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionary overthrow … [It] has had a powerful influence on British politics … Today, the society functions primarily as a think tank and is one of 20 socialist societies affiliated with the Labour Party. Similar societies exist in Australia, in Canada, in Sicily and in New Zealand.”

In 2001 the Guardian published an article, ‘The Fabian Society: a brief history’, which states:

From the first Fabian tract (Why are the Many Poor?) and the original Fabian Essays, published in 1889 in the wake of the Match Girls’ Strike, the society has been characterised by a passionate commitment to social justice and a belief in the progressive improvement of society.

Since the 1997 general election, there have been around 200 Fabian MPs in the Commons, amongst whom number nearly the entire cabinet, including Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Robin Cook, Jack Straw, David Blunkett and Clare Short. The society has pursued its role as the new Labour government’s “critical friend” … The society published both Tony Blair’s seminal pamphlet on the Third Way and Lionel Jospin’s philosophy of the active state.

Blair was not the inventor of the “third way” concept, a term also used by the Austrian Marxist, Otto Bauer, for whom the “third way” was between Stalinist communism and traditional social democracy. Blair does not refer to “socialism” or “socialists,” preferring the term “progressive centre-left.”

“The Third Way stands for a modernised social democracy, passionate in its commitment to social justice and the goals of the centre-left … It is founded on the values which have guided progressive politics for more than a century – democracy, liberty, justice, mutual obligation and internationalism … it draws vitality from using the two great streams of left-of-centre thought – democratic socialism and liberals – whose divorce this century did so much to weaken progressive politics across the West. Liberals asserted the primacy of individual liberty in the market economy; social democrats promoted social justice with the state as its main agent.” – The Third Way (1998)

UK Column stated in a 2013 article that Tony Blair’s “Third Way” and David Cameron’s “Big Society”, are in fact one and the same. The Big Society was not David Cameron’s idea nor did it originate from within the UK’s Conservative Party.  Cameron’s Big Society plan was directly based on the successful community organising movement established by Saul Alinsky in the United States and has successfully trained generations of community organisers, including former US President Barack Obama.

Another similar organisation is Common Purpose which is present in over 200 cities worldwide.  Common Purpose was founded by Julia Middleton in 1989 who at the time was a graduate of LSE.  Whether she was a “card-carrying member of the Fabian Society” is left up to speculation, Rob Duigan said during an interview with Jerm Warfare (see below).  “But her personal connections to think tanks like Demos, which are linked to the Fabian Society, suggest that [Common Purpose] is an affiliate [of the Fabian Society].”

Further resources:

Effects of the Fabian Society’s Global Network

Earlier this year, Rob Duigan discussed the Fabian Society with Jeremy Nell, host of the South African podcast Jerm Warfare. Duigan is a South African political analyst who is active in the movement for Cape independence and has produced research for several different conservative non-governmental organisations in the country.  He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘Marhobane’.

The Fabian Society has managed to hijack just about every institution in the English-speaking world, Duigan said. “And, increasingly, much of the rest of the world.”

You can listen to the Duigan’s interview with Jerm Warfare below or listen on PodBean HERE.

Jerm Warfare: Rob Duigan on the Fabian Society, 4 April 2023 (56 mins)

The founders of the Fabian Society included intellectuals, academics, and social reformers such as Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb, George Bernard Shaw and Graham Wallas.  It was named after the Roman general Fabius Maximus, who was known for his strategy of gradual and patient tactics during the Second Punic War.

The Society published a series of pamphlets called the Fabian Essays in Socialism in 1889 which included contributions from the founding members and other prominent socialists of the time, presenting their vision of democratic socialism.

“Their idea was that the best way to achieve socialism, rather than by violent revolution, was by infiltration, influence and predominantly through education,” Duigan said. “So, most of their efforts were involved around convincing student leaders and converting them into future leaders of various movements.”

Nowadays, the successors of the Fabian Society have become so diffuse it can no longer be seen as a central conspiracy but rather an institutional culture that has a life of its own.  The best way to generalise it, Duigan explained, would be to call it “elitist collectivism.”  This “elitist collectivism” ideology crosses the political spectrum.  The left-wing version is the Fabian Society and the right-wing version is the Rhodes Group or the Round Table group.

While the Fabian Society is not a secret society, unlike the Bilderberg Group, it has existed for well over a century under the radar of most.  Despite very few people knowing much about the Fabian Society, it has played a significant role in shaping British political thought and influencing policymaking, including the establishment of the National Health Service (“NHS”) and the welfare state.

In the mid-20th century, the society supported the decriminalisation of homosexuality. The society’s member, Sir John Wolfenden, chaired a committee that produced the Wolfenden Report in 1957, recommending the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the United Kingdom.

Most people will focus on the Fabians’ significant influence in the UK.  But its influence has been global.  Maynard Keynes, who dictated economics for much of the 20th century was a Fabian alumnus.  He was also from LSE, “a pet university” of the Fabian Society. “Many of the influential haymakers of the Left have come from [LSE] – Karl Popper, George Soros, for example,” Duigan said.

The most successful members of the Fabian Society were Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.  Both men were mentored by Anthony Giddens.  “Much of his book, The Third Way, is dedicated to describing how one builds a synthesis between public and private sectors – so that you can increase international agency and policy making and global governance by leaning on non-governmental organisations – so you can bring corporations and government departments into the same agenda,” Duigan explained.

“What this saw, in the 1990s through both of [the Clinton and Blair] governments, was an absolute explosion of  NGOs as the main means for exercising international and domestic influence.  In the UK these were called Quangos, that’s a Quasi Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation.  What they do is, the government will fund these nominally independent organisations who will, in turn, write policies that they lobby back to elected representatives.”

The Fabian Society in America was renamed several times.  It has been known as The Student League for Industrial Democracy and the Students for a Democratic Society and has birthed organisations such as the Weather Underground.  “Graduates of the Weather Underground have flown to extraordinarily high positions in the Obama administration,” Duigan said. The Weather Underground has also been in charge of the Black Lives Matter (“BLM”) movement, “doing a lot of the shady financing that went into [BLM].”

Related: Former Weather Underground leader handles BLM funds

Tony Blair runs the civil service for more than a dozen African countries, Duigan said. “His wife has gone out of her way to defend war criminals in Rwanda while most of the civil service is directed and their agenda is set by Tony Blair.”

“You have this very peculiar situation where you have a left-wing, mostly white organisation running a sort of colonial governance system across most of Africa.”

The podcast above is a must-listen for anyone who wants a glimpse of how Africa and its people have been used by the West, in particular by Tony Blair and his associated organisations.  Relating to this, Duigan mentioned a study by Club des Cordeliers into the policies for pushing mandatory covid vaccination on the Western populations.  He showed how these policies were modelled after the financing and implementation standards that were developed throughout the early 1990s and 2000s in African countries by Bill Gates’ organisations and various organisations similar to and including the Tony Blair organisations. “So, you can see, Africa becomes a laboratory for a lot of very difficult policies to implement,” Duigan said.

Read more: The Gates Foundation, Ebola, and Global Health Imperialism, Jacob Levich, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 74, No. 4, September 2015 DOI: 10.1111/ajes.12110

Featured image: Hammering out a new world – the Fabian Window at LSE



Featured image, Sadiq Khan: euronews

Featured image, Saul Alinsky: Brett Tatman/ Flickr.

Featured image, Obama: Chesnot, Getty Images

Featured image, David Cameron: Peter Macdiarmid, Getty Images

Featured image, Tony Blair:



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