Josep Borrell denounces links between Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas

In doing so, Josep Borrell broke with the official Western discourse according to which Hamas is the enemy of Israel, which it allegedly attacked by surprise on October 7; justifying the current Israeli response and the massacre of already 25,000 Palestinian civilians. He claimed that enemies of Jews can be supported by other Jews, Benjamin Netanyahu in particular. He refused the communal reading of History and examined personal responsibilities.

This narrative change was made possible by the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union four years ago. Josep Borrell knows that the European Union has financed Hamas since its 2006 coup, yet today he is free to say what is on his mind. He did not mention Hamas’ links to the Muslim Brotherhood, of which the organization claims to be the “Palestinian branch”, nor of the latter with MI6, the British secret service. He simply suggested getting out of this mess.


Gradually, the veil is torn. A historical reminder is necessary here. The facts are known, but never linked together, nor listed consecutively. They have an illuminating cumulative effect. They are mostly set throughout the Cold War, when the West was turning a blind eye to the crimes it needed, but they actually begin twenty years earlier.

In 1915, the British Jewish Home Secretary, Herbert Samuel, wrote a memorandum on the Future of Palestine. He wanted to create a Jewish state, but small so that it “could not be big enough to defend itself.” Thus the Jewish diaspora would serve the interests of the British Empire in the long term.

He tried in vain to convince the Prime Minister, the liberal of the time HH Asquith, to create a Jewish state in Palestine at the end of the World War. However, after Herbert Samuel’s meeting with Mark Sykes, just after the conclusion of the Sykes-Picot-Sazonov Agreements on the colonial distribution of the Middle East, the two men continued the project and benefited from the support of “non-conformist Protestants” (today we would say “Christian Zionists”), including the new Prime Minister, David Lloyd George. The latter and his cabinet gave instructions for the famous Balfour Declaration in order to clarify one of the points of the Sykes-Picot Sazonov Accords by announcing a “Jewish national home”.

At the same time, nonconformist Protestants, through United States Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, convinced President Woodrow Wilson to support their project.

Also during the First World War, during the Russian Revolution, Herbert Samuel proposed integrating Jews from the former Russian Empire who were fleeing the new regime into a special unit, the Jewish Legion. This proposal was taken up by a Ukrainian Jew, Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who imagined that a Jewish state in Palestine could be his post-war reward. Herbert Samuel entrusted him with recruiting soldiers among Russian émigrés. Among them, he notably found the Pole David ben-Gurion (then a Marxist) who was joined by the Briton Edwin Samuel, Herbert Samuel’s own son. They distinguished themselves in particular during the lost battle against the Ottomans at Gallipoli.

At the end of the war, the fascist Jabotinsky demanded statehood as his due, but the British had no desire to part with their Palestinian colony. They therefore stuck to their commitment as a “national home”, nothing more. In 1920, a part of the Palestinians, led by Izz al-Din al-Qassam (the tutelary figure of the armed wing of current Hamas, the al-Qassam brigades) rose up and savagely massacred Jewish immigrants, while a Jewish militia answered them. This is the start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. London restores order by arresting fanatics, both jihadists and Jews. Jabotinsky, in whose home an arsenal was discovered, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

However, the “non-conformist Protestant” government of David Lloyd George appointed Herbert Samuel governor of Palestine. As soon as he arrived in Jerusalem, he pardoned and freed his friend Jabotinsky. Then, he named the anti-Semite and future collaborator of the Reich, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, grand mufti of Jerusalem.

Fresco in homage to Vladimir Jabotinski in Odessa (Ukraine).

Jabotinsky was then elected administrator of the World Zionist Organization (WZO). But he returned to the former Russian Empire where Symon Petliura had just created a Ukrainian People’s Republic. Jabotinsky and Petliura signed a secret agreement to carve out a place for themselves in the lands of the Bolsheviks in the East and the anarchists of Nestor Makhno in the South (present-day Novorossia). Petliura was a fierce anti-Semite, his men were used, in their own country, to massacre Jewish families or villages. Petliura was the protector of the Ukrainian “integral nationalists” and their mentor, Dmytro Dontsov, who later became administrator of the Reinhard Heydrich Institute responsible for carrying out the “final solution of the Jewish question”  [ 1 ] .

When word spread that Jabotinsky had made an alliance with “Jew-killers,” the World Zionist Organization summoned him for an explanation. But he preferred to resign from his community functions rather than answer questions. He then created the Alliance of “revisionist Zionists” (especially present in the Polish and Latvian diaspora) and its militia, the Betar. He turned away from the British Empire and became enthusiastic about Fascist Italy. He created a military academy for Betar near Rome with the support of Duke Benito Mussolini.

Betar honor guard in front of the portrait of Jabotinky at the Ze’ev citadel.

In 1936, Jabotinsky imagined an “evacuation plan” for Jews from central and eastern Europe to Palestine. He obtained the support of the Polish head of state, Marshal Józef Piłsudski, and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Józef Beck. But also that of the Hungarian regent, Admiral Miklós Horthy, without forgetting that of the Romanian Prime Minister, Gheorghe Tătărescu. This plan was never carried out because the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe were frightened by Jabotinsky’s allies and because the British Empire opposed mass emigration to Palestine. Ultimately, Chaim Weizmann, then president of the World Zionist Organization, assured that Jabotinsky was involved in the Franco-Polish-Nazi plan to deport Jews to Madagascar.

It was during this period that Vladimir Jabotinsky prophesied the Holocaust to stunned Jewish audiences. According to him, by refusing his evacuation plan, the diaspora would provoke a burst of violence against it. To everyone’s surprise, this is what his friends actually implemented: the extermination of millions of Jews.

Vladimir Jabotinky (right) and Menachem Begin (left), during a Betar meeting in Warsaw.

In 1939, Jabotinsky drew up a plan for an uprising of Palestinian Jews against the British Empire which he sent to the local branch of the “revisionist Zionists”, the Irgun. The Second World War postponed this project until later. Jabotinsky did not settle in fascist Italy, but in the United States, then neutral, where one of his disciples joined him to become his private secretary. It was Benzion Netanyahu, the father of Benjamin Netanyahu.

During the war, Vladimir Jabotinsky and Benzion Netanyahu received a visit from a philosophy professor from Chicago, Léo Strauss. He was also a Jewish fascist. He had been forced to leave Germany due to Nazi anti-Semitism, but still remained a staunch fascist. Léo Strauss subsequently became the reference for “neo-conservatives” in the USA. He created his own school of thought, assuring his few disciples, after the Second World War, that the only way for Jews to prevent a new Shoah is to create their own dictatorship. His students include both Paul Wolfowitz and Elliott Abrams, the man who now stands behind Benjamin Netanyahu and who financed his “institutional reform” this summer.

Vladimir Jabotinsky died in New York in 1940. David ben-Gurion opposed the transfer of his ashes to Israel, but in 1964 the Prime Minister of Israel, the Ukrainian Levi Eshkol, authorized it.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pays tribute to his hero, Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinky.

After the World War, the “revisionist Zionists” of the Irgun declared war on the British Empire for having limited Jewish emigration to Palestine. Under the command of the future Prime Minister, the Belarusian Menachem Begin, they organized a series of attacks, including that against the King David hotel which left 91 dead and the Deir Yassin massacre which left at least a hundred victims.

In November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a plan to divide Palestine between two zones, Jewish and Arab, in order to form a binational state. Taking advantage of the slowness of the intergovernmental organization, David ben-Gurion unilaterally proclaimed the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. The Arab states reacted with arms, while Jewish militias began the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians, the Nakba. Worried by these rapid developments, the General Assembly sent a Swedish emissary, Count Folke Bernadotte, to demarcate the two federated states. But on September 17, 1948, other “revisionist Zionists”, belonging to the Lehi (known as the “Stern Group”), under the command of another future Prime Minister, the Belarusian Yitzhak Shamir, assassinated him. They are all convicted by an Israeli court. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ukrainian Moshe Shertok (or Sharett), writes to the General Assembly to request Israel’s membership in the United Nations. It “declares that the State of Israel hereby accepts, without reservation, the obligations arising from the Charter of the United Nations and that it undertakes to observe them from the day on which it becomes a Member of the United Nations”. Under these express conditions, Israel became a member of the UN on May 11, 1949. In the days that followed, Yehoshua Cohen, the assassin of Count Bernadotte, was discreetly released. He becomes the bodyguard of the Prime Minister, David ben-Gurion.

Young Benjamin Netanyahu and Yitzhak Shamir.

From 1955 to 1965, Yitzhak Shamir headed a department of Mossad, the foreign secret service of the new state. Without informing his superiors, he structured the secret police of the Shah of Iran, Savak. Around two hundred of his men came to teach torture alongside former Nazis  [ 2 ].

Then, while he negotiated the Camp David Accords with Egypt, he moved the men he had sent to Iran to the Congo in 1979. Probably with the support of the US CIA, they now supervise the secret police of Mobotu Sese Seko. He goes there to check them.

As part of the Cold War, Yitzhak Shamir also helped the Taiwanese dictatorship  [ 3 ] .

This time without the knowledge of the United States, he created a terrorist group in New York, the Jewish Defense League of Rabbi Meir Kahane  [ 4 ] . He oversaw a campaign for the emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel, attacks against the Soviet delegation to the United Nations and finally against the legation of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

He established alliances with South Africa  [ 5 ] . He participated in the creation of “bantustans”, false African states which allowed South Africa to no longer consider its black population as nationals, but as emigrants; a model that the “revisionist Zionists” would later apply to the Palestinians.

On this momentum, he had Israel finance the research of President Pieter Botha‘s personal physician, Doctor Wouter Basson. He, at the head of 200 scientists, intends to create diseases that will only affect blacks and Arabs (Coast Project  [ 6 ] )  [ 7 ] .

One crime leading to another, he also supported Rhodesia  [ 8 ] and the fight against the independence of the Portuguese colonies of Mozambique and Angola.

In Guatemala, Yitzhak Shamir approaches the dictatorship of General Rios Montt. He not only supplies weapons, but also supervises his secret police. He is setting up a computer institute which monitors water and electricity consumption and can thus detect and locate clandestine activities. He organized the Mayan population into kibbutzim in order to make them work and supervise them without having to carry out agrarian reform. Thus protected, Rios Montt murdered 250,000 people.  [ 9 ]  ; a model that revisionist Zionists wish to apply to the Palestinians. Relations between Israel and the United States on the subject of the Guatemalan experiment went through the Straussian Elliott Abrams.

Throughout the Cold War, the “revisionist Zionists” did not act in the interests of the Western camp. They used the opportunities that presented themselves to do what Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinky had always done: exercise power through force without any regard for anyone.

Towards the end of the Madrid Conference, the Israeli delegation brought out this old poster from the British police in Mandatory Palestine: asking for information on the Lehi terrorist group. Top left: Menachem Begin.

At the end of the Cold War, President Bush Sr. convened the Madrid Conference to finally resolve the Israeli-Palestinian question. During this, the Israeli delegation, chaired by Yitzhak Shamir, now Prime Minister, demanded the repeal of resolution 3379 of the United Nations General Assembly  [ 10 ] before the debates continued. This states that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”. “With an open heart, we call on Arab leaders to take the courageous step and respond to our outstretched hand in peace,” declaims Shamir, grandiloquently. Anxious to reach an agreement, the General Assembly complies. But, deceiving its interlocutors, Israel will not make any commitment and will even do everything to defeat George H. Bush’s candidacy for a second term.

A quick word before concluding on the personalities of this system today.

The Jewish President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenski and the “führer blanc”, Andriy Biletsky

The alliance of Ukrainian “revisionist Zionists” and “integral nationalists” was reformed upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union. A mafia oligarch, the Jew Ihor Kolomoisky, propelled a young Jewish comedian, Volodymyr Zelensky, into politics while financing the all-out nationalist militias that besieged and bombarded the Russian-speaking Ukrainian populations of Donbass. Refusenik Natan Sharansky, former minister of Ariel Sharon, organizes meetings between world Jewish figures and the Ukrainian president’s office. While Voldymyr Zelensky entrusted command of the two great battles of Mariupol and Bakhmut to Andriy Biletsky, the “white führer”.

On July 19, 2018, at the initiative of “revisionist Zionists”, the Knesset adopted a law proclaiming Israel as a “Jewish state”, with Hebrew as the only official language and unified Jerusalem as its capital. Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory are considered to be in the “national interest”.

Four years later, Benjamin Netanyahu formed a government with a coalition formed with the disciples of Rabbi Kahane. In 2022, Itamar Ben-Gvir, president of Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power party) declares that he will expel the Arabs from Palestine. Members of his party launched an attack on the West Bank village of Huwara in February 2023, seven months before the Palestinian attack on October 7. In a few hours, they burned hundreds of cars and 36 houses. They attacked the inhabitants, injuring 400 and killing a man in front of the eyes of the Israeli army which surrounded the village without intervening in the face of their abuses.

This brief historical summary shows us that there is no more an Israeli-Arab problem than there is a Ukrainian-Russian problem, but an enormous problem of all with an ideology which, in different places and times, has not been than to sow suffering and death. We must open our eyes and no longer agree to mobilize with false flag actions and other lies.