ER Editor: Another attack on the government has been issued, this time by anonymous, active military personnel, not those who have retired. You can see from their letter below (machine-translated), they pull no punches.
See this article by RT titled ‘Civil war is brewing in France and you know it’: French military launches another salvo at Macron with new open letter.
The second letter, published below, has garnered more than 42,600 civilian signatures in support on the Place Armes site as of May 11, 2021.
See also this first piece we ran, titled French Military Issue a Stern Warning to Macron &Co. And The Fear of a Coup d’État Takes Hold of the French Ruling Caste. As of yesterday, the original letter signed by almost 20 retired generals plus almost 1,000 other retired military personnel received 26,254 signatures of support.
The Second Op-Ed of the Military in Full Version
We publish here the second op-ed of the military, published briefly by the Place Armes site this weekend and since withdrawn. We had largely discussed the recitals of the first article. This time, we leave everyone free to interpret the terms of the second. One thing is sure, the “Grande Muette” (ER: a nickname for the military, famed for its traditional silence) is no longer completely voiceless with this text, apparently signed by 2,000 soldiers… Rebellion grows against a regime less and less legitimate…
Here is one of the first versions, which should be published by Valeurs Actuelles, of the second version of the “military” tribune, published this time by at least 2,000 angry signatories. We had largely evoked the first text which made scandal.
New Op-Ed of the Military …
Mr. President of the Republic,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Parliamentarians, General Officers, in your ranks and capacities,The seventh verse of the Marseillaise, known as the “children’s verse”, is no longer sung. Yet it is rich in lessons. Let’s leave it to the anthem to give them to us:
“We will enter the quarry when our elders are no longer there. We will find there their dust, and the trace of their virtues. Much less jealous to survive them than to share their coffin, we will have the sublime pride to avenge them or to follow them”.
Our elders are fighters who have earned their respect. They are, for example, the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks. These are the thousands of servants of France, signatories of a simple common sense tribune, soldiers who gave their best years to defend our freedom, obeying your orders, to fight your wars or to implement your budgetary restrictions, that you soiled while the people of France supported them.
These people who have fought against all the enemies of France, you have called them factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible decline.
Under these conditions, it is up to us, who have recently entered the career, to enter the arena to have simply the honor of telling the truth.
We are of what the newspapers have called “the fire generation”. Men and women, active military personnel, from all armies and all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. This is our only claim to fame. And if we cannot, by law, express ourselves openly, it is just as impossible for us to remain silent.
In Afghanistan, Mali, Central Africa and elsewhere, a number of us have come under enemy fire. Some have lost comrades. They have offered their skin to destroy the Islamism to which you are making concessions on our soil.
Almost all of us have experienced Operation Sentinelle. (ER: Operation Sentinelle saw the deployment of thousands of military and police throughout France at potential troublespots, to deal with what we strongly suspect is false flag ‘terrorism’ starting with the 2015 attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices and the murder of some of their staff) We have seen with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodations with delinquency. We have suffered the attempts of instrumentalization of several religious communities, for whom France means nothing – nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt and even hate.
We marched on July 14th. And this benevolent and diverse crowd, which cheered us because we are its emanation, we were asked to distrust it for months, by forbidding us to circulate in uniform, by making us potential victims, on a territory that we are nevertheless capable of defending.
Yes, our elders are right on the substance of their text, in its entirety. We see violence in our cities and villages. We see communitarianism settling in the public space, in the public debate. We see hatred of France and its history becoming the norm.
You may argue that it is not the role of the military to say this. On the contrary: because we are apolitical in our assessments of the situation, we are delivering a professional report. Because we have seen this decline in many countries in crisis. It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you say here and there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a “military pronunciation” but from a civil insurrection.
To quibble about the form of the forum of our elders instead of recognizing the evidence of their observations, one must be a coward. To invoke a duty of reserve misinterpreted in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful. To encourage the senior officers of the army to take a stand and to expose themselves, before angrily sanctioning them as soon as they write something other than battle reports, one must be quite perverse.
Cowardice, deceit, perversion: this is not our vision of the hierarchy.
On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak the truth because we commit our lives. It is this confidence in the military institution that we are calling for.Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order on its own soil, because it will be asked to. That is the definition of civil war. No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than we do, but yes, once again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.
The cry of alarm of our Elders finally refers to more distant echoes. Our elders are the resistance fighters of 1940, whom people like you often called factious, and who continued to fight while the legalists, overcome with fear, were already making concessions to evil in order to limit the damage; they are the poilus of 1914, who died for a few meters of land, while you are abandoning, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest; they are all the dead, famous or anonymous, who fell at the front or after a life of service.
All our elders, those who made our country what it is, who designed its territory, defended its culture, gave or received orders in its language, did they fight so that you would let France become a failed state, which replaces its increasingly obvious regal impotence by a brutal tyranny against those of its servants who still want to warn it?
Act, ladies and gentlemen. This time, it is not a question of emotion on command, of ready-made formulas or of media coverage. It is not about extending your mandates or winning new ones. It is about the survival of our country, of your country.
A call to act in accordance with the words of the Marseillaise… is this a breach of the traditional duty to be reserved?
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Thanks very much, Brigitte. Philippot is the only one (it seems) representing ordinary people effectively.
Débat houleux sur BFM TV ! + Les militaires en action !
•10 mai 2021
FLORIAN PHILIPPOT gives again his full support to the acting military and asks them to write a third op-ed to get to the real core of our problem, which is the dictatorship. He promises to them the support of a vast majority of the French if they unite with us people against the dictatorship.
The manipulation to take us to a war against the french moslems (Zemmour and Co) should not be supported. Ennemies of France need it to take our Resistance down.