Mystery ‘Blue Lights’ Flash in Sky Moments Before Horror Morocco Earthquake that Killed More than 2,000

ER Editor:  Are these blue flashes due to HAARP radar technology, which can easily induce earthquakes?

It is linked to below, but The Sun ran this short video from which our featured images are taken —

Here’s the original video:

This tweeted videos below capture the flashing blue light prior to the earthquake in Turkey and Syria several months ago —


Mystery ‘Blue Lights’ Flash in Sky Moments Before Horror Morocco Earthquake that Killed More than 2,000


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Mystery blue lights were seen flashing in the sky just moments before the horror earthquake that killed 2,000 people in Morocco.

The intriguing bursts of light were captured on CCTV at a home in Agadir approximately three minutes before the disaster.

Mystery blue lights were spotted in the sky moments before the Morocco earthquake

The intriguing footage was captured on CCTV at a home in Agadir

The short clip on X shows a single blue flash on the top left corner of the shot, followed by a second burst of light seconds later.

A similar phenomenon was observed before the earthquake in Turkey earlier this year, which claimed the lives of 45,000 people.

The first recorded instance of earthquake lights on camera dates back to 1965 during a Japanese earthquake, The Jerusalem Post reports.

The mysterious lights have also been observed in China in 2008, Italy in 2009, and Mexico in 2017.

The cause of earthquake lights, or EQLs, remains shrouded in mystery, leaving unanswered questions about whether it serves as some sort of ominous sign of impending disasters.

Scientists suggest that this may be the release of energy as a result of the movement of lithospheric plates, National Geographic reports.

Analysing 65 earthquake light incidents for patterns in a 2014 study, adjunct physics professor and and NASA researcher Friedemann Freund described the phenomenon “as if you switched on a battery in the Earth’s crust”.

On Saturday, Morocco woke up to devastating damage following a major 7.2-magnitude earthquake – making it one of the deadliest disasters the country has seen for over 120 years.

More than 2,000 people are dead and 2,059 are injured after the monster tremor struck just after 11pm local time on Friday.

People were sent fleeing in terror from buildings, and those who could not escape were killed as houses collapsed in the quake in Morocco.

The shaking lasted several seconds and a 4.9-magnitude aftershock was recorded 19 minutes later.

The city of Marrakesh was shaken – but the villages in the country’s remote High Atlas mountains bore the brute of the devastation.

Morroco is also popular with tourists, with the country welcoming some 700,000 Brits every year.

Dozens of Brits broke off from holidays and business trips to queue for hours to give blood, with others planning supply runs into areas worst hit by the shocks.

Others were setting up field kitchens for quake victims left homeless and hungry by the 6.8 magnitude Moroccan quake, which wiped villages off the map south of Marrakesh.

Britain’s ­Foreign Office said it was sending 60 search and rescue specialists, four search dogs and equipment to the scene.

Teams are flying out on two huge RAF transporters provided by the MoD.

British NHS medics are also standing ready to airlift fully staffed mobile field hospitals to the disaster zone.




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10 Comments on Mystery ‘Blue Lights’ Flash in Sky Moments Before Horror Morocco Earthquake that Killed More than 2,000

  1. @ER Editor: I did NOT state a geologist knows about HAARP, so please stop putting words in my mouth I did not utter. Thank you.

    As a geologist I do know that it is physically impossible for man to shift tectonic plates; it is like saying man can move the position of the earth. If you believe man can move tectonic plates, please provide evidence.

    I never doubted HAARP technology is proven, but AFAIK it has not been proven to generate earthquakes at will. If that has been proven, please provide evidence instead of mere statements. Thanks.

  2. Don’t care what your profession is. HAARP technology is well proven. Maybe it’s not the US who’s done this to Morocco and for the reasons we think. If you think a geologist knows about HAARP, try imagining how doctors who give thousands of injections willingly don’t even know that Covid shots are toxic.

  3. @ER Editor: as long as I have not seen definitive, irrefutable, incontrovertible, scientific proof that HAARP can do it, I will reject the notion. I am a geologist and thus happen to know about plate tectonics. Man cannot physically move plates.

    Next thing they are going to tell is that they can the configuration of the earth’s crust and its plates and reconstruct Pangaea. 🤣

    As for the threat against Japan, it remained a threat, a bluff. Had the Japanese minister been a geologist he would have called the U.S.’s bluff.

    Besides, why would the U.S. inflict an earthquake on Morocco when that country has “normalized” the relationship with the zionist entity? Why not inflict such a calamity on the “israel’” #1 enemy that is earthquake-prone: Iran?

  4. HAARP can indeed do it. It has tremendous power. You should check out what Ben Fulford has had to say on this – the Japanese finance minister (Japan has been a puppet of the Rockefellers for decades) was threatened with an earthquake if Japan didn’t comply on something that family wanted.

  5. Earthquakes are caused by movement of the earth’s plates: plate tectonics.
    It is physically impossible for anyone to move those plates. So, those lights must have been produced naturally, and not HAARP, can perhaps in future be used to more accurately predict earthquakes.

  6. No saying it wasn’t HAARP…but it’s common knowledge (I thought) that rock will emit lights when it’s under EXTREME pressure…like the compression it suffers as the Earth quakes. But maybe that wasn’t the source of the lights…

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