Leftists use covers and ads to incite violence against US president
Leftist rags are trying to sell their publications with over-the-top attacks on US President Trump
FWM Staff
Several magazines are using the front covers of their next editions to incite violence against the US president and his policies.
The Village has published a photograph (pictured below) of the president in crosshairs with the caption, “Why Not” with a main article suggesting that someone assassinate him. Dubbing itself “Ireland’s political and cultural magazine”, The Village is competing with other anti-Trump liberal rags for the title of violent, criminal and tasteless incitement.
“So what is to be done? We have one of the worst men in the most powerful position, one where he can do damage to millions, to billions, to the planet,” the writer asks. “So perhaps the solution is tyrannicide. As he might say himself – ‘take him out’” citing Greek and Roman history on political assassinations.
“Tyrannicide has had support from various philosophers and theologians through the centuries, including the ancient Greeks and Romans.”
Michael Smith, the editor of Village, tried to defend the title by maintaining that it was not a recommendation for assassination. “It’s not an incitement to anything. We’re politically correct, right-on, the last magazine that would recommend violence or killing anyone. Our cover is a provocation to think.” Smith did not explain, however, why he felt it fitting to publicly ponder assassinating a president.
But readers were not fooled. TJ McGibney remarked on Twitter: “You should be ashamed of yourselves. Shops and distributors should refuse to stock such blatant incitement to murder.”
German weekly magazine Der Spiegel on Saturday published a front cover illustration (pictured) showing Trump as an ISIS jihadist beheading the Statue of Liberty, but the decision was criticised by the German media.
It depicts a cartoon figure of Trump with a bloodied knife in one hand and the statue’s head, dripping with blood, in the other. The caption reads: “America First”. The obvious parallel in the Spiegel depiction is with Jihadi John, who was seen in several videos showing the beheading of ISIS hostages.
The front cover image is not a new idea. It is actually similar to one that appeared on the front page of the New York Daily News in December 2015, also showing Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty but in a less gory fashion.
Die Welt said it “damaged journalism because it confirmed many people’s preconception that the ‘mainstream media’ does biased reporting and that many journalists prefer to promote their own worldview than be neutral witnesses to what is happening.”
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