Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty [VIDEO]

ER Editor:  On July 4, there was a presentation by a selection of important figures, including well-known MEPs such as Cristian Terhes and Christine Anderson, Dr. Peter McCullough and Andrew Bridgen on the World Health Organization’s thoroughly tyrannical Pandemic Treaty. The full video is posted below. 

Go to 1 hour, 57 minutes to hear Dr. Peter McCullough. Andrew Bridgen follows on at 2 hours, 1 minute. Dr. David Martin speaks at 2:17:30. At 2:25:45 we hear the son of Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski, Nathaniel.


See also this by Dr. Peter McCullough –

Dr. McCullough and Andrew Bridgen (UK MP) Deliver “One-Two Punch” in European Union Parliament

While Americans were celebrating Independence Day on the Fourth of July, 2023, the European Parliament held an important session on the European Citizens’ Initiative to pull out of the WHO before the Pandemic Treaty Alliance and new WHO Regulations become operational in 2024.

While I delivered a brief message about the role of the WHO and how that organization worked to worsen pandemic response outcomes, United Kingdom MP Andrew Brigden followed with a powerful address and the importance of freedoms in civil democracies. Please watch this clip with my message followed by Bridgen’s commentary.


Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty And Other Tyrannical Schemes

Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son Nathaniel’s speech at the European Parliament today alongside his father’s video message as freedom fighters from across the world came to reject the WHO’s new treaty



From the 4th July from the European Parliament in Brussels.

The Pandemic Treaty has been an important topic for many people, not just in Europe but across the world.

A new citizens initiative called ‘Trust and Freedom’ has been set up to challenge the Pandemic Treaty proposed by the World Health Organisation.

Many strong and poignant speeches in the European Parliament with representatives from across the world who are uniting in their stance against unelected bureaucracy.

This initiative will spread WORLDWIDE. We call upon citizens to UNITE and demonstrate MASS NON COMPLIANCE and say NO!

More information coming soon! (full video of entire session – all speeches)

ER: We’re putting this video here (source)

Worth Watching:

Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son Nathaniel’s speech at the European Parliament today alongside his father’s video message as freedom fighters from across the world came to reject the WHO’s tyrannical Pandemic Treaty and proposed amendments to the International ‘Health’ Regulations…

Hard not to get a tear in your eye from the above speeches….

and pretty hard not to want to get rid of the WHO as a threat to freedom under guise of protecting health. Great speech – MUST WATCH!!!


Andrew Bridgen speaks at the EU parliament as a team of people hit Brussels today for the rejection of the WHO’s tyrannical Pandemic Treaty and ‘health’ regulations

Friends, the World Health Organization is not above the law. According to law they are in big trouble. WHY? They are in breach of duty of their own rules for ethics which includes science, non discrimination, protection of human rights, and so much more.

The speech from Canada really hits home at the personal tragedies caused by States following WHO guidance.

The States pay WHO to issue guidance, which once followed, oppresses the member states citizens – it’s a bunk deal.

IOJ is in process of suing the WHO. It’s a lot of work behind the scenes, but it’s in process. People don’t understand what we even do. Our work is so complex we never really explain, so we want to explain our role in cleaning up this WHO mess from hell.

We first alerted Rair Foundation, WCH and other organizations to the WHO treaty in the end of 2021 so they could organize and publicize.

We spoke at the first and second WHO treaty hearings to protest. That was when we filed a series of legal demands and letters to WHO DG Tedros, and the WHO head attorney Kenneth Piercy, which is now being hauled into courts and administrative procedures (a very time consuming and tedious process – but how you win by setting the game up for success at the onset).

We found and opened the HHS OGA opportunity for people to speak on the IHR amendments and treaty last month. We spoke at HHS OGA completely alone May 13, 2022 to protest the WHO IHR amendments (which is a big part of why HHS withdrew all but one of them last year and why humanity won that battle), and again we spoke alone this year on May 3, 2023 to rat out DG Tedros for not answering criminal complaints and telling HHS OGA why this means they have a duty to exit the WHO.

The next day after we spoke this year, HHS OGA decided to open up the sessions to the public and asked us to share the sign up form. IOJ is proud to say that our network came through. We got researcher activist James Roguski invited and between him and IOJ we helped pack the HHS OGA hearings June 20th and 28th to get public participation going to comment on the IHR and treaty.

We don’t just speak at hearings, we also do a ton of freedom of information requests and we sue when we can’t get answers. All of our daily work for over 2 1/2 years is to get dirt to use against WHO and against all their evil follower member states, and also against their regulator and big pharma cohorts who are working with WHO to prequalify and authorize the covid-19 non vaccine biological agent experiments, for when it’s time for the big trial. They all suck and need oversight.

IOJ is truly their only oversight hauling them all in for experimentation. No other organization we know of will do this tedious work and call leaders 5 days every week and make records and find all the crimes and use the law against them. You can’t just waltz in and sue the WHO – you need to do a ton of work and ensure their immunity is waived first. Lawyers won’t do this work for some reason. WHERE are they?

Instead of building a record and jumping in the ring putting their lives in danger to sue for humanity, IOJ sees the rest of the freedom leaders like WCH, Steve Kirsch and all the doctors and freedom organizations with actual monthly donors jet off to fancy conferences we can’t afford to go to. They have teams of fundraisers. Our work is so time consuming daily that we pass out exhausted and still never have time to raise the funds needed. We just dutifully trudge on doing the calls, letters, speeches, research, file the preliminary cases, talk to the investigators, on and on and on… It must be nice to fundraise and use it to travel and hob nob bitching about the problems.

We think time and money should be spent wisely by ensuring the tip of the spear legal actions and advisory opinions humanity requires to win can be carefully crafted and filed.

We have 4 monthly donors: the largest monthly donation is $25. We have no salary. We do this out of love, PURE LOVE, and because we know we are probably the only ones qualified and dedicated enough, but money is needed to pay monthly bills.

We need your help or our important work cannot continue.

IOJ is the only stakeholder recognized by WHO we know of with a viable case.

The following is in our favor – why we can win:

  • IOJ has Dr. Yeadon (former VP Pfizer) as an expert witness for PCR & other scientific frauds
  • IOJ has accomplished the impossible feat of WHO sovereign immunity being already waived through administrative processes and we have already exhausted all remedies to be able to sue DG Tedros and WHO (not just anyone can sue the UN or WHO)
  • IOJ is starting off with most facts settled as not in dispute – very likely to win to prove the whole emergency was a fraud by WHO to experiment on people for funders like Gates, etc. We have won four cases in the Supreme Court of Costa Rica against the Health Minister which settled many facts that are now being used in other actions against CR authorities as well as USA and WHO.
  • IOJ’s case is also going against Trusted News Initiative and WHO misinformation censorship as part of a campaign of “disinformation, deception, manipulation, coercion, threat and other illicit means of censorship and persecution” for the purpose of serious undue experimentation. We need to stop censorship at the top levels.
  • IOJ’s international claim is using a very little known remedy which can force all States to come together to hold WHO and other wrongdoer states (like Canada) responsible for cessation and reparations
  • IOJ truly has created and assembled the worlds only international claim against WHO and we have some high level State officials joining us, which will be announced at the proper time.

Most people don’t understand that there is only a small window of time left to beat the tyrants.

Instead of us doing our job full steam ahead to build more of the case against the regulators and wrongdoers, and draft advisory opinions, more information requests we still need and other remedies, it is really frustrating that we keep having to stop legal work every month to fundraise because of how little steady support we have to even pay basic bills, let alone sue the WHO and a long list of wrongdoers.

Stripe de-platformed us so we cannot get paid subscriptions. on our Substacks. They keep returning the money and shutting down our accounts. This happened 3 or four times now. They won’t tell us why they shut us down so we tried a few times thinking our paperwork needed correcting or something. Now its just discriminatory at this point.

It is you, the awesome supporters who got us this far to build the most amazing case against the WHO et al (which gets added to and fine tuned daily until filed). If you ever supported us – thank you – IoJ could never have gotten this far without you and we really believe we are further than most attorneys at building a viable case which can actually beat the tyrants!!!

Instead of being fearful the WHO is going to win, now is the time to support IOJ for July’s budget so we can keep going as we are set to bring this monumental case built over 2 1/2 years to court!

The WHO and their Mengele Pharma regulatory cohorts will never get away with human experimentation, including psy ops terrorizing us into medical experiments, so long as you, the community of light workers, continue to help IOJ fund the monthly bills to be able to stay in our role as oversight. That is a promise and our labor of love.

Sincerely IoJ Family




The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)


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2 Comments on Freedom Fighters Give Epic Speech At EU Parliament Rejecting The WHO Pandemic Treaty [VIDEO]

  1. Good morning to you, Mr. Rey. There is just one video in that piece. There is also a link to it on youtube (‘source’). Try that link.

  2. Good morning.
    I am not able to open any of the Videos on this article. Why?
    Could you have a look what is wrong with this, please?
    Thank you so much.
    I admire your fighting courage for a better world.
    Corruption has reached its limits.
    I wish you a happy and peaceful day.
    John Rey

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