France: Far Left Demo Used to Wake People Up?

ER Editor: We’re classifying this as waking up the normies in France and flipping the tables on the far left.

Which begs the question, who’s behind it?

Yesterday, there was a demonstration in Paris and around France against police violence. Which is an easy sell. You have to be living under a rock not to have noticed the excessive police violence against the population, especially during the Yellow Vest protests long before Covid hit. We published quite a bit on that, including putting out revealing videos which later got taken down.

However, it’s not so simple. On the pro-police side, they are the ones who get sent into immigrant areas and deliberately set up for new and creative forms of ghetto violence, along with personnel from other emergency services. Their superiors are known not to support them in such situations. Their pay is garbage, and the suicide rate is high. The police themselves are aware that they’re used as the rough enforcement arm of the government against various populations, rendering them automatically unpopular.


But back to police violence. An incident happened at the end of June where a young man driving a vehicle illegally got shot and killed by a trigger-happy police officer. Allegedly. That was the Nahel incident (France Erupts After a Cop Kills a 17 Year Old Driver). A video did the rounds (in the tweet below) showing an absolute slam-dunk case of excessive police violence. Except there is reason to believe the video was a bit of a set-up, a manipulation. His mother also went on social media calling calmly for revolution, this from a woman whose son has just been unjustly killed. It all smelt strongly.


So yesterday’s march, dominated by the far left (have they been put into a trap?), boiled down to ONE iconic moment on social media, where black-hooded, anonymous perpetrators MADE THE POLICE VICTIMS OF CROWD VIOLENCE THEMSELVES, one of which was wielding a long black baton or metal pole and smashing the back window of a police vehicle. Hardly surprising that one cop jumped out of the blocked vehicle and drew his weapon. In that moment, the police car couldn’t escape the violent crowd.

Now, on the MSM as of last night, the far left is being openly criticised, with the loud-mouth career politician and freemason Jean-Luc Melenchon (see image) coming in for open criticism. Let’s remember that the useful idiots of the far left are the henchmen of the globalist cabal and not at all on the side of ordinary people. We believe there is a little public manipulation of opinion going on.


Translation: Reminder: the French police have become such a benchmark for repression and police violence that “tout le monde déteste la police” (everyone hates the police) is sung in French as far away as Greece.

Also labelled #Marchedelahonte (March of shame) on Twitter, here are the classic far left Soros types (Assa Traore with the bushy hair):

Translation: Hooded scum, veiled women, Palestinian flag. La #Marchedu23Septembre c’est la #MarcheDeLaHonte and the enemies of France. Assa Traoré justice has been served

From the police side, there’s going to be a march supporting the police on September 30:

Translation: Today, Saturday September 23, seditious forces have decided to defy republican order with #marchedelahonte #Marche23Septembre. Let’s respond to these traitors by taking to the streets in our turn.

The spokesman in this video is right to call out the ideology and traitors of the country. He knows the territory of fascism-globalism-Marxism he is on; however, there is still no answer to the police violence so evident in the country in the last few years.

Regular people demonstrating in Poitiers —

Translation: (pots and pans are classic symbols of resistance in France now) The soft sound of pots and pans rang out against police violence in front of Poitiers train station. It smells like the start of a new social season…

This isn’t the iconic one of the cop drawing his weapon, but we could see how a cop would be justified in doing so —

Translation:  Come on, I’m being generous.  I’ll give you another example that cops aren’t violent. It’s a freebie on me, it’s on me


Translation: Terrible images of #police officers attacked in #Paris by a horde of rampaging savages. This is the result of the anti-cop hatred of the #MarchofSeptember23 organizers. They are responsible for this violence

Translation: He’s right.


Protesters Chase Fleeing Police Car in Paris – Video

Protesters Chase a Fleeing Police Car in Paris, France on September 23, 2023 - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.09.2023

In Paris, about 9,000 demonstrators took to the streets. Trade unions said, in turn, that 15,000 people participated in the protests in the French capital.


Earlier on Saturday, RIA Novosti correspondent reported that soon after the start of the demonstration, radical protesters began breaking store windows and ATMs. They also attacked a police car, throwing bottles and stones at it. Paris police said later that three people had been detained.

French media reported that a total of 30,000 police officers were deployed to ensure order during the protests in the country, with 1,000 of them being deployed in Paris.




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