CONFIRMED: Chemical weapons in Idlib were stashed by terrorists

CONFIRMED: Chemical weapons in Idlib were stashed by terrorists

Syria and her allies did not use and have not used chemical weapons.


Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov (pictured below) has confirmed that yesterday’s ‘chemical attack’ near Idlib was not a chemical attack at all.

 The Syrian Air Force targeted a chemical weapons depot belonging to terrorists operating illegally in Syria. The terrorist stockpile of chemical weapons at  Khan Sheikhoun were often shipped to fellow terrorists operating in Iraq. This has been confirmed by the Iraqi government.

MajGenIgorKonashenkovThis of course is in line with a statement made yesterday by Syria which affirmed that Syria no longer has any chemical weapons, something confirmed by both Russia and the United States in 2013.

This makes Rex Tillerson’s statement saying that both Russia and Iran bear ‘moral responsibility’, rather silly, to borrow a word from Sean Spicer.

Russia and Iran had nothing to do with the incident in any way shape or form, and Syria cannot be blamed for the fact that its terrorist enemies have hoarded stockpiles of illegal chemical weapons.

The moral responsibility is squarely on the heads of the terrorists who have themselves used chemical weapons in places like Aleppo over the course of the conflict.

Disappointing though the US response has been, it looks as though the Trump administration is not jumping to cry for ‘regime change’ which the Obama administration did after every false flag chemical attack in Syria which the government or her allies are predictably blamed for in western mainstream media, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Russia has been thoroughly transparent about events on the ground throughout the conflict. In light of Major-General Igor Konashenkov’s statement, this ought to be case closed.

It is yet another terrorist war crime.


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About the author

Adam Garrie is the managing editor at The Duran