ER Editor: The brutal murder of the young girl pictured, by possibly several ne’er-do-well people of Algerian descent, some of whom are definitely illegals, has naturally produced a reaction of backlash in a country that’s already fraught with several years of tension over the Gilet Jaunes’ economic plight, as well as Covid-vaccine lies & tyranny, as well as decades of mass migration that has left regions of French cities virtual no-go zones. Here’s a twitter sampling:
Translation: Daughter of a building janitor in the 19th arrondissement. Slaughtered to feed an organ trade. They will tell you that it has nothing to do with the third worldization of France and immigration. Lola, 12 years old. You will not be forgotten.
Fille de gardien d’immeuble dans le XIXe arrondissement. Egorgée pour alimenter un trafic d’organes. Ils vous diront que ça n’a rien à voir avec la tiers-mondisation de la France et l’immigration. Lola, 12 ans. On ne t’oubliera pas. #Ensauvagement #PolitiqueCriminelle
— Marc Eynaud (@Eynaud_Marc) October 16, 2022
Translation: And still not a word of compassion from Emmanuel Macron for the little 12 year old Lola. Sad that the president of the French republic is not interested.
Et toujours pas un mot de compassion d’Emmanuel Macron pour la petite Lola 12 ans. Triste que cela n’intéresse pas le président de la république française.
Translation: “Ignoble, obscene, filthy”, the pack of do-gooders pours out its hatred against those who denounce the ordeal of a child victim of a savage immigration and a state incapable of defending its citizens, but after so many others, Lola, 12 years old, it is the murder of too much.
« Ignobles, obscènes, immondes», la meute des bien-pensants déverse sa haine contre ceux qui dénoncent le calvaire d’une enfant victime d’une immigration sauvage et d’un état incapable de défendre ses citoyens, mais après tant d’autres, Lola, 12 ans, c’est le meurtre de trop.
— Jean-Louis Scandella (@JLSenToscane) October 20, 2022
Translation: A #Francocide is what? It’s the fact that little #lola12 would never have been massacred by these savages if she had been North African. She was because she is white, French, and they have no respect for what we are.
Un #Francocide c’est quoi ? C’est le fait que la petite #lola12 n’aurait jamais été massacrée par ces sauvages si elle avait été maghrébine. Elle l’a été parce qu’elle est blanche, française, et qu’ils n’ont aucun respect pour ce que nous sommes.
— Elie Dalix ⚜️🇫🇷🇭🇺🇮🇹 (@Elie_Dalix) October 19, 2022
Translation: #Lola, 12 years old, symbolizes the collapse of the protective state. The horror suffered by this child is the consequence of a renunciation of power to enforce its laws. The indignation which gains the opinion reflects the feeling of abandonment of the French
#Lola, 12 ans, symbolise l’effondrement de l’Etat protecteur. L’horreur subie par cette enfant est la conséquence d’un renoncement du pouvoir à faire appliquer ses lois. L’indignation qui gagne l’opinion reflète le sentiment d’abandon des Français.
— Ivan Rioufol ن (@ivanrioufol) October 19, 2022
Translation: Between sadness and rage. Words are useless. But immense pain and terrible inner revolt tonight. Thoughts for the parents, for the family, for the friends of the little #Lola 12 years old, murdered. Tomorrow Sunday, the facts, the investigation, the truth, quickly, very quickly.
Entre tristesse et rage. Les mots sont inutiles. Mais peine immense et terrible révolte intérieure ce soir. Pensées pour les parents, pour la famille, pour les amis de la petite #Lola 12 ans, assassinée. Demain dimanche, les faits, l’enquête, la vérité, vite, très vite.
— 🇫🇷 Pierre Marionnet♦️ (@PierreMarionnet) October 16, 2022
Translation: For #Lola, 12 years old, massacred by barbarians, no white march, no presidential intervention. But one more bloody page of trivialized horror, in a country that, like the profile of the suspects, is in the process of disintegration and advanced Third Worldization.
Pour #Lola, 12 ans, massacrée par des barbares, pas de marche blanche, pas d’intervention présidentielle. Mais une page sanglante de plus, d’horreur banalisée, dans un pays qui, à l’image du profil des suspects, est en voie de désintégration et de Tiers mondisation avancée.
— Breizh-Info (@Breizh_Info) October 17, 2022
Beautiful 12-year-old #Lola was tortured, raped, stabbed, throat slashed, branded on the bottom of her feet, suffocated to death then packed into a suitcase. Organs attempted to be sold on the black-market. #Diversity is NOT a strength.
— Rixter | #AllLivesMatter (@GoRixter) October 20, 2022
See also this report in Austrian site Wochenblick (browsers will translate):
New shock details: Algerian chopped up Lola (12) and drank her blood
After migrant murder of 12-year-old Lola in Paris: Autopsy results shock France
The brutal murder of 12-year-old Lola has left all of France in dismay. Six North African migrants, some of whom have been forced to leave the country, are now suspected of committing the crime. The fact that this departure was not carried out effectively arouses the justified anger of the French against the government of President Emmanuel Macron. After the result of the autopsy became known to the media and the public, the already heated social mood in major cities like Paris could now completely escalate, Matthias Nikolaidis reports .
So far it is a crime with no apparent motive. And that is precisely why it has evoked so much reflection about the background. On Friday afternoon, 12-year-old Lola Daviet was reported missing by her parents after failing to return from school. Normally, on Fridays, the family went to the village of Béthune, three hours north of Paris. When Lola was late, the parents were immediately alerted. The father decided to check the video recordings of the entrance to the house. It showed Lola entering the house with a stranger.
The police began a search, but found only a pair of wire cutters and tape in the underground parking garage of the apartment building in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. In the evening, a homeless man found the body in a plastic suitcase, placed in the courtyard of the apartment building. The suitcase smelled strongly of chlorine. Inside, the girl was tied up and gagged. The numbers one and zero were scribbled on her body.
Lola had been strangled, but her throat had also been nearly cut. In addition, her body showed signs of “torture and barbarity”. There erre wounds on her neck. The theory is that she was taken to the basement of the apartment building, raped, tortured and then strangled before her throat was slit.
According to witnesses, the homeless Dahbia B. would later enter the house alone, only to leave with the suitcase an hour later. She is said to have asked several witnesses for help carrying the heavy suitcase. “She seemed a little crazy,” the witnesses said.
Main suspect led “marginal existence”
24-year-old Dahbia B., who lives on the street but reportedly has several contacts in the capital, is considered the prime suspect. Two young men and another woman, the sister of the prime suspect, Friha B., who lives in the same block of flats as the victim and her family, were initially believed to be the perpetrators. Later, there was talk of a total of six suspects, all of Algerian descent, who were taken into custody. Éric Zemmour gave the names of the four, which can also be found in Le Parisien ‘s report.
Zemmour speaks in this regard of “Francocide” and refers to a Twitter profile that promotes the motto “French Lives Matter”. It is indeed an unfortunate coincidence that Lola died two days before the second anniversary of the death of Samuel Paty, which Zemmour, along with other activists, also commemorated this weekend. (ER: Samuel Paty was a high school teacher who got brutally murdered by the Allu Akhbar crowd on a Friday afternoon. And we hate to say this, but it provided an excellent distraction in the media for a lockdown that the Macron government announced to start on the following day. Where DID these knife-wielding ‘terrorists’ disappear to?)
Official sources are now talking about the “marginality” or “strangeness” of the perpetrators. In research circles there is talk of a “senseless murder against a background of marginal existence”. Here too there are psychological problems of the homeless Dahbia B.. These are of course only the outermost features of a criminal act, which can hardly contribute to the detection or explanation of it.
Once again, an obligation to leave the country was not enforced
On Monday, only the suspected main perpetrator, Dahbia B., and a 43-year-old man were brought before the investigating judge. Both were born in Algeria. Dahbia B. had come to France in 2016 with a residence permit as a student. After she was temporarily detained at an airport on August 21 because she no longer had a valid residence permit, she was ordered to leave France, a so-called “obligation de quitter le territoire français” (OQTF) was pronounced, as reported by Le Figaro, among others. The main perpetrator should therefore have left France within 30 days.
Both in social media and in the newspaper commentary columns, more and more citizens are turning against their own state. The French state has made itself complicit in this crime and in countless similar crimes. The authorities are seen as complicit. Republican Éric Ciotti is also one of the harsh critics of this laxity in migration policy. Marine Le Pen called for finally not only to find the “immediate culprits”, but also to put an end to the “political follies that make these crimes possible”.
The Mayor of Paris and the Minister of Education at Lola’s School
Another suspect initially considered (and perhaps still being considered) was 33-year-old Amine K. The young Algerian appears to have not been in France for long and was taken in by a compatriot in his flat on the outskirts of Paris. Amine K. lives in Paris without valid papers and is unemployed except for small jobs. According to his roommate, he has not caused any further problems. However, Amine K. spent most of his free time drinking at a street intersection.
The homeless Dahbia B. is said to have offered a witness a deal: he should help her with an operation in the field of “organ trafficking” and receive money for it. The reliability of the witness is questionable, but it does not seem completely nonsensical that the homeless woman thought to earn some money this way after the crime was committed, even though it remains unclear how that was supposed to happen. The homeless woman’s lawyer denies this scenario. Nor is it a cruel ritual.
On Monday morning, the district mayor visited the Collège (roughly equivalent to a Dutch secondary school) where Lola Daviet had attended. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and Education Minister Pap Ndiaye – both members of the multicultural lobby – were also at the school to participate in a minute of silence. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin called Lola’s parents to express his condolences. Citizens laid flowers and cards in front of the Daviet house and lit candles or expressed their grief in drawings.
Cartoon image of Lola Daviet:
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Yet another innocent victim of the Globalists plan to use the imported Islamic Death Cult to destroy the White Western nations. But still the majority in ALL the Western nations refuse to wake up. They have become comforting lie addicts.
The Diversity Is Our Strength Scam, the Global Warming Scam, and the Wuhan Flu Vaccine Scam are all part of thew same plan for the Globalists to take over the Earth and enslave Humanity.
Perhaps the coming poor, cold, and hungry winter of 2022/23 is just whats needed to wake up the brain-dead Leftists in the West.