ER Editor: We remind readers that Germany, France, UK and Belgium have once again gone into lockdown for simply no medical reason. The WHO has come out against such a strategy.
And under what we are sure are false flag ‘terrorist’ attacks, France is undergoing now multiple ‘Islamic’ crimes, having had 5 in 6 weeks, almost all of which have come just hours prior to curfews and lockdowns beginning.
They’ve terrorized the population once over an average virus; now they’re ramping up the effect to mask the criminal imposition of a second lockdown.
October 29, 2020
Imprisoning again one’s people is a crime against humanity that even the Nazis did not commit!
Despite the warnings of many professors of medicine, several experts and many medical or scientific collectives around the world (Mediziner und Wissenschaftler für Gesundheit, Freiheit und Demokratie, e.V., Ärzte für Aufklärung, Laissons Les Médecins Prescrire, Médicos Por La Verdad, Belgium Beyond Covid, Artsen voor Waarheid, Psicólogos Por La Verdad, Soignants Pour Une Politique Sanitaire Juste Et Proportionnée, United Health Professionals, America’s Frontline Doctors, Docs 4 Open Debate, World Doctors Alliance, Médicos Por La Verdad Argentina, etc), some governments as in France or Ireland want to repeat once again the serious error of the confinement (or the so called ‘lockdown’) which is neither more nor less than a criminal incarceration and imprisonment of millions of people. It is a crime against humanity that these governments must stop immediately, for several reasons:
1. The confinement is a heresy and an aberration created in 2020 that does not exist in medicine, epidemiology or public health and which is not based on any scientific evidence of any effectiveness. It is a measure imported from China and a real scam promoted by both the WHO and the Imperial College London, that is to say the same institutions involved in the swine flu global scandal. We must think by observing what happened in some countries:
- Argentina is the country that has practiced the longest confinement in the world (for 7 months!) and if we follow the reasoning of some advocates of confinement (often corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry), the result must be the control of the outbreak. Is that the case ? The answer is of course : no.
- Sweden and Belarus are the few countries that have not practiced the confinement at all, and if we follow the reasoning of the defenders of the confinement, we must have a massacre or an overwhelmed hospital system. Is that the case ? The answer is of course : no.
2. The lockdown, as Professor Jean-François Toussaint has called, is “a weapon of mass destruction” because of its consequences:
suicide of people as it was reported in China, development of psychiatric disorders, paralysis of the educational path of pupils and students at the university, negative impacts and dangers to animals, neglecting other diseases (especially chronic) and an increase in their mortality, domestic violence, economic losses, unemployment, major economic crisis (few people know that the economic crisis of 2007-2008 caused the suicide of at least 13,000 people in Europe and North America), serious consequences on agriculture, destabilization of countries and social peace, risk of wars. An editorial of Professor John Ioannidis published in the European Journal Of Clinical Investigation has denounced, from the beginning, the harms of: non‐evidence‐based extreme measures, exaggerated information on the real danger of the virus and the fake news spread (even by major journals).
Tragedies occur every day: a teenage girl committed suicide in Great Britain because, for her, the lockdown lasted 300 years, 60,000 cancer patients could die in the UK because of a lack of treatment or diagnosis according to Professor Karol Sikora, 12,000 people could die per day by the end of the year as a result of hunger linked to COVID-19 measures (according to Oxfam), the number of cardiac arrests has doubled in some countries, companies go bankrupt, 305 million full-time jobs have been lost – affecting especially women and young people – according to the International Labour Organisation, etc. It should, also, be noted that the initial and primary cause of George Floyd’s tragedy is the lockdown: if there was no lockdown, he would not have lost his job, he would have been on May 25 at work, he would not have been murdered, vandalism and fires of stores as well as the clashes with the police would not have happened, the chaos in the USA would have been avoided and George Floyd would still be alive among us today.
3. The Lockdown is a humiliation for a human being and a real dehumanization because we confine animals and not human beings. Here is the definition of the confinement, according to the Larousse dictionary : “Situation of an animal population that is too large in a space that is too small and which, as a result, lacks oxygen, food or space”.
For all these reasons, any government which not only practices lockdown but makes this mistake again commits a real crime against humanity and any doctor or any health professional who directly or indirectly encourages the confinement or masks for children is a criminal in a white coat. We don’t manage an outbreak by imprisoning millions of people. It does not exist in public health and it is madness. Dr. Anders Tegnell (pictured) said: “The world went mad” with coronavirus lockdowns, which “fly in the face of what is known about handling virus pandemics”. Professor Didier Raoult said before yesterday:
“This country is experiencing a dramatic error…What are we going to suggest ? That everyone stay locked up all his life because there are viruses outside ? You’re all crazy, you’ve become all nuts !”.
We must remember points 13, 14, 17, 21 and 24 of the international alert message that the collective United Health Professionals (composed of more than 1,000 healthcare professionals from different countries in Europe, Africa, America and Asia) addressed to governments and citizens of countries around the world on August 26, 2020:
13. We say to the police: the citizens owe you a lot because you are every day the guarantors of their security and the respect of law and order. But this does not mean submitting blindly to unfair orders. It was this mistake that led to the second world war and the death of 50 million people. So, we tell you: enforce the law but not injustice and dictatorship, refuse to enforce these measures, refuse to verbalize your fellow citizens (when they are not wearing a mask for example), don’t beat them, do not imprison them. Don’t be the instruments of dictatorship. Be on the side of the citizens and follow the beautiful example of the American police officers who supported the citizens by kneeling with them.
We assure you that these measures have nothing to do with medicine or hygiene or the preservation of public health: it is dictatorship and madness.
14. We say to citizens: we must respect the law. But this does not mean blind submission to madness, injustice or dictatorship. It was this blind submission of citizens that led to the second world war with the death of 50 million people. You were born free and you must live free, therefore do not be afraid and if you are not sick, take off the masks, leave your house as you wish and without social distancing, but do it peacefully and without any violence. Professors Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, epidemiologists with great expertise in evidence-based medicine, say: “There is no scientific evidence to support the disastrous two-metre rule. Poor quality research is being used to justify a policy with enormous consequences for us all”.
17. We say that we must stop following blindly the WHO because it is not a learned society and is far from being independent, as we have seen. Asked about the reason for the decision to make 11 vaccines compulsory, a former health minister of a European country answered : “It is a public health decision which in fact responds to a global objective of the WHO which demands today from all countries of the world to obtain 95% of children vaccinated for the necessary vaccines”.
We also recommend governments to choose well the experts who advise them and avoid those who have links with pharmaceutical companies;
An eminent professor in infectiology made this remark on certain experts of a European country:
“An eminent member of the High Council’s Communicable Diseases Commission received 90,741 euros from the pharmaceutical industry, including 16,563 euros from [the pharmaceutical laboratory which produces a competing molecule of hydroxychloroquine]. However, it is this High Council which made the famous decision of prohibiting hydroxychloroquine, except for those who will die…I do not see any trace in this decision of the respect of the procedure for managing conflicts of interest…If a member presents a major conflict of interest, he must leave the meeting and not participate in the debates or in the writing of the decision…However, at the bottom of this decision, there is no mention of conflicts of interest or the number of members qualified who participated in the vote. It’s a serious violation of the rules”.
A former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine said :
“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful”.
This, of course, should not be generalized to everyone.
21. We say to governments: EVERYTHING must return immediately to normal (including the reopening of hospital services, air transport, economy, schools and universities) and this global hostage-taking must stop because you have known, with supporting evidence, that you as citizens, have been the victims of the biggest health scam of the 21th century. Professor Carl Heneghan said on August 23 that the public fear that is stopping the country returning to normal is unfounded, according to the Express. Professors Karina Reiss and Sucharit Bhakdi released a book in June called “Corona : false alarm?“. The mayor of a city in Europe declared: “The atmosphere spread on [the subject of the coronavirus] is particularly heavy and becomes suspicious“. Doctor Olivier Chailley has written a book called “The virus of fear, how the whole world became crazy”. Professor Sucharit Bhakdi (he sent, also, a letter to Angela Merkel) described the measures taken, including lockdown, as : “grotesque, absurd and very dangerous…a horrible impact on the world economy…self-destruction and collective suicide…”.
An international and independent investigation must be opened and those responsible must be tried.
24. We invite health professionals ALL AROUND THE WORLD to be strong and courageous and to do their duty of telling the truth.
Among the signatories of the international alert message, there are politicians like Doctor Martine Wonner, a deputy from France and Professor Jan Zaloudik, a senator from the Czech Republic.
-Professor Peter Schönhöfer (physician, pharmacologist and European expert) said: “It is an old marketing principle of pharmaceutical companies: if they want to sell their product, consumers must be afraid and see it as their salvation. So, we create a psychosis so that consumers crack up and rush to the vaccine in question”.
-Aristotle said: “Slavery is never so successful as when the slave is convinced that it is for his good”.
-Professor Christian Perronne said : “We are falling into a health dictatorship”. He also said : “It is a frontal attack against the people and I think that the French people must revolt because there is no scientific justification”.
-Martin Luther King said : “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I agree with Saint Augustine that an unjust law is not at all a law”.
-Albert Einstein said : “the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who look at them without doing anything”.
The international alert message of the United Health Professionals collective addressed to governments and citizens of the whole world on August 26, 2020:
-Facebook page :
-YouTube channel :
-Twitter account :
-Email : [email protected]
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Sorry about that. Here’s the link you posted:
Thanks for these links – we’ll be sure to check them out. Yes, sadly the electorate doesn’t seem to be aware of very much.
I was just bounced with ONE link.
‘It’s all fake!’: Chinese official heckled by residents on visit to Wuhan
Guardian News, uploaded 6 Mar 2020, 1,130,186 views till today:
The lockdowns are A WEAPON, absolutely. A weapon created by BRILLIANT Red Chinese Propaganda. Must read stunning research article 15 September 2020 by Michael P. Senger, “China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign – Inside the CCP’s use of social media bots and other disinformation tactics to promote its own response to the coronavirus pandemic and attack its critics”:
So, is Red Justin Trudeau just stupid, or in collaboration? Canadian Member of Parliament serving Portage-Lisgar, Candice Bergen, asked: “Is
@JustinTrudeau compromised because of his relationship with Chinese Communist Party officials?”:
I now ask, what’s next on the orderly red schedule? First the UN-led Red invasion forces to “normalize” the West when rioting and civil war break out?
dismantle Canada and USA to complete the North American Union, a red region of city-states in a Marxist world-state, and then invade and normalize?
When’s the next big Quebec referendum to “secede” into the North American Union? That’s what it’s always been for, to create a region of city-states (read the transcript, skip the slow video):
Major first question: what do WE do now, immediately, about our stupid and corrupt governments, who have been conned or complicit in foreign propaganda? They have to be ousted in order to restore SANITY pronto. However, my impression is that the vast majority of the electorate is not clued in to the reality of the farce, and may happily re-elect their oppressors. ???