Putin Says ‘The Rich Must Pay’ for the Coronavirus

March 31, 2020 0

ER Editor: We also recommend Mike Whitney’s piece of 2 days prior, titled The Senate’s Coronavirus Relief Package Must be Stopped! ******** Putin Says ‘The Rich Must Pay’ for the Corona-Virus MIKE WHITNEY Vladimir Putin […]


Hong Kong –– A Case of Pure Western Insanity

December 5, 2019 0

Hong Kong –– Pure Western Insanity PETER KOENIG The impunity with which the US aggresses Hong Kong is insane. Equally or more insane is western media coverage of what is going on in Hong Kong. Not one word […]


Vaccines – Gateway Drugs by Design

April 3, 2019 0

Vaccines: Gateway Drugs by Design Pharma has Created its Own Trillion-Dollar Market: A Generation of Chronically Sick Children KRISTINA KRISTEN Why is there an epidemic of chronic illnesses that plagues 54% of our children today? […]


US Demands Europe Join Its War Against Russia

December 16, 2018 0

ER Editor: On this important topic of Gazprom’s Nord Stream II gas pipeline, which would supply a large part of Europe’s energy needs at a far more affordable price than American LNG, we also recommend […]

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