Cancer is caused by Parasites – Dr. Lee Merritt

November 4, 2023 0

ER Editor: Another lie about a health problem that doesn’t even need to exist. Stew Peters does a brief interview with the (in our opinion) amazing Dr. Lee Merritt. We recommend following her on Telegram. […]


Why is there a US Biolab in Sudan? Ukraine 2.0

May 5, 2023 2

ER Editor: Just a brief 8-minute video chat with Stew Peters and Dr. Peter McCullough, who discuss the US biolab in Khartoum, Sudan that recently surfaced in the news. That’s right – Sudan. Not simply […]


Telling (Non) Reactions to the Film ‘Died Suddenly’

November 25, 2022 0

ER Editor: UPDATE – Stew Peter’s Twitter account, which we published from below, has been suspended. Wasn’t Elon Musk supposed to make a difference? **** We’ve reported on embalmers’ alarming findings in their cadavers. Kudos to […]


Dr. Carrie Madej Survives Aviation Crash

July 1, 2022 0

ER Editor: Yes, of course it’s suspicious. Here are a few interesting links to takes on Dr. Carrie Madej‘s recent plane accident. Stew Peters talks to Erin Elizabeth –  We remind readers of the 2016 […]

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