Sustaining the Swamp: Top 10 Trump Cabinet Picks – Part 1
Draining or sustaining the swamp?
The Trump cabinet choices have now mostly been selected, as only 6 weeks remain until the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017. Trump has met all sorts of people, including top NWO (New World Order) insiders like war criminal Henry Kissinger (pictured right), ex-CIA director and Bilderberger David Petraeus, and CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) chief Richard Haas. Trump seems to have considerable reverence and admiration for these figures, e.g. he said he has “tremendous respect” for Kissinger and “likes and respects [Haass] a lot”. Meanwhile, some of the old Republican neocons (neoconservatives) that were present during the Bush Jr. years have been buzzing around Trump like flies around you know what, including Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani. Trump has also been attracting Goldman Sachs men like Anthony Scaramucci and Gary Cohn, in addition to the “Goldmen” below who are among the Trump cabinet picks. At this point many are wondering whether Trump is making America great again or making the swamp great again. Is he draining or sustaining the swamp?
Trump Cabinet Picks #1: Wilbur Ross for Secretary of Commerce
Ross is the head of Secret Society Kappa Beta Phi, which was infiltrated by journalist Kevin Roose in January 2012 when they had their meeting and dinner in Manhattan, New York. He is estimated by Forbes to be worth $1.9 billion. He has worked for the Rothschilds (the preeminent powerbroking family of the New World Order) for 25 years! Not much more probably needs to be said. Here is an article describing what Roose saw inside the Kapaa Beta Phi meeting:
“The first outside to infiltrate Kappa Beta Phi in its eight decade life-span, Roose calls the fraternity so exclusive it is akin to a one-percenters club … Staying long enough to record skits and speeches given by new inductees and to take a few pictures, Roose was exposed when he tried to video a parody version of ‘I Believe’, the big number from musical, The Book of Mormon – for which the neophytes had dressed as missionaries. Indeed, the lyrics were changed to include the line, ‘I believe that God has a plan for all of us. I believe my plan involves a seven-figure bonus.’”
Trump Cabinet Picks #2: Steven Mnuchin for Secretary of the Treasury
Mnuchin is a former Goldman Sachs man. He is a Goldman trader turned hedge fund manager and Hollywood financier. During his 17 years at Goldman Sachs, he accrued a net worth estimated about $40 million. He actually become a Goldman Sachs partner. In 2004 he started Dune Capital with money from arch-manipulator George Soros. In 2009, in partnership with Soros, John Paulson and others, Mnuchin bought the failed housing lender IndyMac for $1.6 billion. It was renamed OneWest.
OneWest was involved in a plethora of lawsuits surrounding its highly dubious foreclosure rate. Apparently, according to Politico, one case involved Mnuchin foreclosing on a 90-year-old Florida woman over a $0.27 payment mistake. Protestors flocked to the lawn of his $26 million mansion in Bel Air in 2011 due to all the predatory foreclosures. If approved by Congress, as Secretary of the Treasury, Mnuchin would become 5th in line for the presidency.
Mnuchin has indicated he wants more deregulation of Big Banking, such as undoing parts of the Dodd-Frank Act which come into being after the 2008 economic disaster. Just as Bill Clinton’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act led to the 2008 crash, will the repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act lead to a future crash?
Trump Cabinet Picks #3: Elaine Chao for Secretary of Transportation
Trump wants Elaine Chao as his transportation secretary. Chao was the Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009. She is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, an entrenched American politician (some may even say a swamp-dweller). If her appointment is successfully confirmed by the Senate, Chao would control the Transportation Department which oversees administrations under it such as the United States Maritime Administration. AlterNet reports on the conflict of interest in this selection:
“The appointment of Chao to this position is striking for at least one major reason: her family owns a major international shipping company. Chao’s father, James Chao, is the chairman of the Foremost Group, which he founded in 1964. Elaine Chao’s sister Angela is currently the deputy chairman of the company … Foremost purchases vessels and coordinates the shipment of commodities throughout the globe. In 2014, the Nation’s Lee Fang reported that 90 pounds of cocaine was seized by the Colombian Coast Guard from a vessel owned by Foremost … A 2014 report from the Louisville Courant revealed that Chao registers his ships in Liberia to avoid paying taxes in the United States.”
Trump Cabinet Picks #4: Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education
Betsy DeVos is another extremely wealthy choice among the Trump cabinet picks. According to Forbes, her family has a net worth of $5.1 billion! She is the daughter-in-law of Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Amway, and the sister of Erik Prince! You may recall that Prince founded the infamous and notorious company of mercenaries (paid killers) used in Middle Eastern wars. First it was called Blackwater, then Xe, then Academi, as it kept changing its name to avoid scrutiny.
Strangely enough, DeVos is a big proponent of private charter schools, and has never worked in public education. RT quotes the NEA (National Education Association) president:
“DeVos’ “efforts over the years have done more to undermine public education than support students,” NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia said in a statement. “She has consistently pushed a corporate agenda to privatize, de-professionalize and impose cookie-cutter solutions to public education. By nominating Betsy DeVos, the Trump administration has demonstrated just how out of touch it is with what works best for students, parents, educators and communities.””
Trump Cabinet Picks #5: Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator
Trump wants Scott Pruitt to be the next EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) chief. Part of the appeal of Pruitt for Trump, of course, is that he doesn’t buy into the manmade global warming hoax. However, Pruitt is a friend of the fossil fuel industry. As an environmental lawyer, Pruitt has aggressively fought against environmental regulations. He is currently the Oklahoma Attorney General, and is one of a number of attorneys general who participated in a 28-state lawsuit against the Obama administration’s rules to stop carbon emissions.
One has to wonder whether someone so closely connected to Big Oil would genuinely be able to protect the American environment as the job would entail.
NWO Agenda Will Move Forward with Trump – Just in a Different Way
If you look around you can find many conspiracy theories saying that Trump is going to be assassinated. For me, these are just wild speculations – and maybe even good clickbait for those deliberately trying to attract traffic with sensationalistic headlines. Or maybe it’s the alt right (alternative right) trying to save face after unabashedly promoting Trump like there was no tomorrow. I (not so boldly) predict that Trump won’t be assassinated before he takes office, and I doubt he will be even once he’s in office. Trump is not the outsider he likes to portray himself to be, as I highlighted in my March 2016 article Outsider or Insider Trump? Donald Trump’s NWO Connections.
The real rulers of the planet are quite content with Donald Trump as US President. Sure, some aspects of the NWO agenda won’t be pushed forward as much, but others will be. The Clinton NWO agenda would have involved things like war with Russia, climate change carbon tax, gun control and corporate treaties like the TTP, TTIP and TISA. The Trump NWO agenda involves things like war with Iran, escalated tension with China (Trump already criticized them through Twitter) and trade wars. Yes, Trump may roll back parts of Obamacare and bust the manmade climate change hoax, but he will advance the Zionist cause more than Obama. The NWO controllers are calculated and patient; they will get what they want from Trump before the next person comes in push forward other aspects of the agenda. One bird, one flight plan, 2 wings. The West may get war wth Iran and China instead of war with Russia.
Trump has already assembled the richest presidential cabinet in US history, stuffed with multi-millionaires and billionaires. Is this really a victory worth promoting and celebrating?
Part 2 will examine Trump’s cabinet picks #6 – #10.
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About the author
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.
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