ER Editor: Well, there is a silver lining after all to those scenes of mass anger and wanton destruction going on in France after a policeman shoots a 17 year old behind the wheel that poses no threat to either of the two policemen. See this story we put out (France Erupts After a Cop Kills a 17 Year Old Driver) and others (Nanterre). Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki is being emboldened to say Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) vis a vis the new EU immigration deal.
Some tweets for an update:
VIDEO: The free movement of goods within the European Union 2023 🇪🇺 : The scene outside Das WeltAuto, a VW dealership in #Marseille overnight. pic.twitter.com/LijcRDsLQc #EU #Macron #France #Brexit #Frexit #FBPE #VonderLeyen #emeutes
— Manchester Chronicle 🐝 (@WithyGrove) July 2, 2023
Pillage d’un magasin à Paris #emeutes pic.twitter.com/PbZZRWpt2v
— Fdesouche.com est une revue de presse (@F_Desouche) July 2, 2023
Police beating looters and rioters in Montpellier, France. #Montpellier #Paris #France #emeutes #Protests
pic.twitter.com/vpuVxPHYXc— READY ALERTS (@ReadyAlerts) July 2, 2023
Rioting scum have reportedly set fire to a housing complex in Grigny, France. #FranceRiots pic.twitter.com/PcNsd8BlOw
— Paul Golding (@GoldingBF) July 2, 2023
Polish PM taunts EU over migration with French unrest video
“We do not want such scenes on Polish streets,” the clip uploaded by Mateusz Morawiecki said
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has taken a swipe at proposed EU migration overhaul, currently blocked by Hungary and Poland, by sharing a video that juxtaposed scenes of violent protests in France against peaceful cities in his country. The premier himself has floated his own plan seeking to curb mass migration.

On Friday, Morawiecki uploaded a clip on his Twitter page in support of a Polish-backed plan called “Europe of Secure Borders.” The video depicted French streets and cars engulfed in flames, with rioters smashing store windows. The pictures of contrasted with peaceful and tidy Polish cities bustling with life.
“We do not want such scenes on Polish streets,” the caption in the video read.
Nasz plan to Europa Bezpiecznych Granic – bezpieczeństwo i porządek publiczny – to są wartości, od których wszystko inne się zaczyna! pic.twitter.com/9anvfDU11d
— Mateusz Morawiecki (@MorawieckiM) June 30, 2023
The violence in France erupted over the death of a 17-year-old at the hands of a police officer on Tuesday. According to local authorities, nearly 1,000 people have been arrested across the country and 45,000 police officers deployed to handle the upheaval.
Morawiecki’s tweet coincides with his harsh criticism of a migration overhaul proposal that would give EU members three options: accept relocated asylum seekers, pay €20,000 ($21,000) for each rejected applicant, or finance operational support.
By embracing this migration reform “Europe encourages smugglers to send more transports,” the Polish premier charged. “If we invite 30,000, [then] 300,000 will come. If we invite a million, 30 million will come. It’s an endless spiral,” he said, adding that opening Europe’s borders would not only empower criminals but also result in “an increased risk of terrorism in Europe.”
However, touting Poland as “an example of a successful migration policy,” Morawiecki proposed his own plan that envisages ramping up investment in guarding the EU’s external borders and buttressing Frontex, the bloc’s border agency.
He also suggested supporting development in countries that are the source of mass migration, reducing social benefits for people from outside the EU, and cracking down on smugglers and the black market.
The EU has had a hard time dealing with the inflow of migrants for at least several years. According to Frontex data, the bloc’s authorities registered 330,000 illegal border crossings at the EU external border in 2022, which the agency described as the highest number since 2016 and an increase of 64% from the previous year.
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Brigitte, I’ve personally read a fair bit on the topic you are talking about (I’ve read the article) and there are things that I WON’T publish on this site. I agree with the position, but BECAUSE I LIVE IN FRANCE, I won’t publish it. You know what I mean … It’s like inviting trouble. We know who’s behind ‘multiculturalism’ and mass immigration. I appreciate your input.
True Pam, you need to take a closer look !
The US Government Is Responsible For France’s Anti-White Race Riots
July 5, 2023
If the situation is reminiscent of the 2020 race riots that gripped the United States following the death of George Floyd, that is not a coincidence.
French media initially sided with the police in this story. Their tune changed after a short out of context clip of the incident was pounced upon by local agents of Washington, US State Department trained Rokhaya Diallo, who have taken to friendly British and American media to flout France’s strict incitement laws and openly condone the criminal violence while defaming the white French without any counter-argument.
These riots are a product of deliberate malice brought to fruition by more than a decade of covert and overt influence operations seeking to transform France’s black and brown criminal population into a permanent Jewish-American imperial foothold.
One of the earliest records of this intelligence operation is a series of classified US embassy cables from 2010 publicized by Wikileaks. In these memos, the Hollywood Jewish mogul Charles Rivkin, then appointed ambassador to France by the Obama administration, outlines a seven-point plan for mobilizing blacks and Maghrebis in France as a political cudgel against their hosts.
In the nefarious memo, Rivkin laments that French institutions are “overwhelmingly white” and draws up a plan to build State Department backed parallel media outlets, NGOs and educational entities to undermine and replace the established order. In pursuit of the goal of de-Europeanizing France, the Jewish ambassador calls for mobilizing US influence to “intensify our work with French museums and educators to reform the history curriculum taught in French schools,” using “new media” to indoctrinate non-white youth in France, and “support, train and engage media and political activists who share our values.” The cable summarizes the agenda by instructing Washington’s agents to “build on the expansive Public Diplomacy programs already in place at post, and develop creative, additional means to influence the youth of France, employing new media, corporate partnerships, nationwide competitions, targeted outreach events, especially invited U.S. guests” to “identify” and “influence future French leaders.”
Rivkin would eventually utilize his contacts in Hollywood to recruit American celebrities like Samuel L. Jackson to accompany him to French ghettos to help him recruit potential operatives.
Several anti-white activists and institutions dedicated to inciting non-white people against the police and the French society that they chose to live in have since emerged from this conspiracy.
Wow, I need to take a closer look at this – thanks!
In addition to the long but very important wikileaks cable that discloses the organisation of the subversion in french suburbs (Charles Rivkin, link in below post), here is an article summing it up :
By Kerry R Bolton | Mar 12, 2011
During October 19-22, 2010, Charles Rivkin, US Ambassador to France, invited a 29-member delegation from the Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP) to a conference in France, the stated purpose of which was to discuss Arab and Islamic relations in the country.[1] The meeting was part of a far-reaching subversive agenda TO TRANSFORM THAT ENTIRE CHARACTER OF FRANCE AND IN PARTICULAR THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF FRENCH YOUTH, which includes THE USE OF FRANCE’S MUSLIM YOUTH in a typically manipulative globalist strategy behind the usual façade of “human rights” and “equality.”
Globalist Delegation at US Embassy
The PCIP report states of the conference: (…)
The over-riding concern seems to have been on matters of a multicultural dimension, including not only Arab and Islamic relations in France, but perhaps more importantly in the long term, a discussion on the impact of Hollywood “culture” on the French.
The USA has long played a duplicitous game of “fighting terrorism” of an “Islamic” nature as one of the primary elements of its post-Cold War stratagem of manufactured permanent crises, while using “radical Islam” for it own purposes, the well-known examples being: (1) supporting Bin Laden in the war against Russia in Afghanistan; (2) backing Saddam Hussein in the war against Iran; (3) supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army in ousting the Serbs from mineral-rich Kosovo, the KLA having been miraculously transformed from being listed by the US State Department as a “terrorist organization,” to becoming “freedom fighters.”
When US globalists pose as friends of Muslims, the latter should sup with the Great Shaitan with an exceedingly long spoon.
What is the Pacific Council on International Policy?
The PCIP, of which Rivkin is a member, was founded in 1995 as a regional appendage of the omnipresent globalist think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR),[3] It is headquartered in Los Angeles, but “with members and activities throughout the West Coast of the United States and internationally.” Corporate funding comes from, among others:
France has long been a thorn in the side of US globalism because of its stubborn adherence to French interests around the world, rather than those of the manufactured “world community.” Despite Sarkozy, France is one of the few states left in Western Europe with the remnant of a national consciousness. The best way of destroying any such sentiment is to weaken the concepts of nationhood and nationality by means of promoting “multiculturalism.” Was it only a coincidence that the 1968 student revolt, sparked by the most puerile of reasons, occurred at a time both when the CIA was very active in funding student groups around the world, and when President De Gaulle was giving the USA a lot of trouble? De Gaulle did little to play along with American’s post-war plans. He withdrew France from NATO military command. Even during World War II as leader of the Free French, he was distrusted by the USA.[5] Of particular concern would have been De Gaulle’s advocacy of a united Europe to counteract US hegemony.[6] In 1959 he stated at Strasbourg: “Yes, it is Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, it is the whole of Europe, that will decide the destiny of the world.” The expression implied détente between a future neutralist Europe and the USSR. In 1967 he declared an arms embargo on Israel and cultivated the Arab world. This is the type of statesmanship that globalists fear. With the buffoonery of Sarkozy, and mounting tension with disaffected Muslim youth, a backlash could see an intransigently anti-globalist, “xenophobic” regime come to power. In today’s context, what better way now to subvert French nationalism and head-off any potential to revive as an anti-globalist force, than to use France’s large, unassimilated Islamic component, just as the Bolshevik revolution was undertaken to a significant extent by the disaffected minorities of the Russian Empire?
Of interest also is the interest of the PCIP delegation in the influence of Hollywood on French culture. This might seem at first glance to be an odd concern. However Hollywood, as the symbol of international cultural excrescence, is an important factor in globalization, in what amounts to a world culture-war. Ultimately the goal of globalism is not to promote the survival of ethnic cultures and identities, but rather to submerge them into one big melting pot of global consumerism, to uproot every individual from an identity and heritage and replace that with the global shopping mall, and the “global village.” Therefore multiculturalism should be viewed as the antithesis of what it is understood as being.
The Rivkin Project for Subverting French Youth
That year (2010), when Rivkin had invited a delegation of fellow PCIP members to France, he had outlined a program for the Americanization of France that primarily involved the use of the Muslim minorities and the indoctrination of French youth with corporate globalist ideals. The slogan invoked was the common commitment France and America historically had to “equality.” Wikileaks released the “confidential” Rivkin program. It is entitled “Minority Engagement Strategy.”[9] Here, Rivkin outlines a program that is a far-reaching interference in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation and, more profoundly, seeks to change the attitudes of generations of Muslim and French youth so that they might be merged into a new globalist synthesis; or what might be called a new humanity: Homo economicus, or what the financial analyst G Pascal Zachary calls “The Global Me,”[10] to achieve what Rivkin describes as USA’s “national interests.” Rivkin begins by stating that his Embassy has created a “Minority Engagement Strategy,” that is directed at Muslims in France.
Rivkin is confident that France’s history of ideological liberalism “will serve us well as we implement the strategy outlined here… in which we press France….” Note the phrase: “press France”.
The program also includes redefining French history in the school curricula to give attention to the role of non-French minorities in French history. It means that the Pepsi/MTV generation of Americans and their mentors in academe will be formulating new definitions of French culture and writing new pages of French history to accord with globalist agendas. Towards this end: “…we will continue and intensify our work with French museums and educators to reform the history curriculum taught in French schools.”
“Tactic Number Three” is entitled: “Launch Aggressive Youth Outreach.” As in other states targeted by the US State Department and their allies at the Soros network, Freedom House, Movement.org, National Endowment for Democracy, Solidarity Center,[12] and so forth; disaffected youth are the focus for change. Leading the charge on this effort, the Ambassador’s inter-agency Youth Outreach Initiative aims to “engender a positive dynamic among French youth that leads to greater support for U.S. objectives and values.” Can the intentions be stated any plainer? It is Americanization culturally and politically. It is here that we can most easily get past the cant and see what is behind the strategy: to form a generation “that leads to greater support for U.S. objectives and values” (sic).
(…)The young French will be taught to think that they are upholding French traditions, rather than acting as the useful idiots of Americanization, and concomitant banality of the global shopping mall. A far-reaching program incorporating a variety of indoctrination methods is outlined:
To achieve these aims, we will build on the expansive Public Diplomacy programs already in place at post, and develop creative, additional means to influence the youth of France, employing new media, corporate partnerships, nationwide competitions, targeted outreach events, especially invited U.S. guests. [13]
Here Rivkin is advocating something beyond influencing Muslims in France. He is stating that a significant part of the program will be directed towards cultivating French youth, the potential leaders, in “American” ideals, under the façade of French ideals. The US State Department and their corporate allies and allied NGOs intend to “shape their values.” The globalist program for France is stated clearly enough to be the re-education of French youth.
Fifth, we will continue our project of sharing best practices with young leaders in all fields, including young political leaders of all moderate parties so that they have the toolkits and mentoring to move ahead. We will create or support training and exchange programs that teach the enduring value of broad inclusion to schools, civil society groups, bloggers, political advisors, and local politicians.[15]
Rivkin is outlining a program to train France’s future political and civic leaders.
Rivkin clarifies the subversive nature of the program when stating: “While we could never claim credit for these positive developments, we will focus our efforts in carrying out activities, described above, that prod, urge and stimulate movement in the right direction.”
The Rivkin offensive is the latest in a long-time program of undermining French identity. France is a dichotomy of cosmopolitanism as the result of its bourgeoisie revolution of 1789, while nonetheless maintaining a stubborn traditionalism and nationalism, which the globalists term “xenophobia.”
Nonetheless, given France’s historical role of maintaining sovereignty in the face of US interests, even in the current time with its opposition to the war against Iraq, France remains one of the few potentially annoying states in Europe. An added concern is that the French, despite their acceptance of McDonald’s, and their liking for American trash TV, will translate the remnants of their “xenophobia” into the election to Office of a stridently anti-globalist party, as reflected in the electoral ups and downs of the Front National, whose policy would not be in accord with either US foreign policy, or with privatization and cultural Americanization. Hence the Front National, like other anti-globalist parties, can be attacked by red-herring slogans about “racism” and “hate” to deflect from the real concern which is anti-globalization. This is a major reason for Rivkin’s far-reaching subversive and interventionist program to assimilate Muslims into French society, which in so doing would also have the result of fundamentally transforming French consciousness into a more thoroughly cosmopolitan mold. The intention is clear enough in the Rivkin Embassy documents where it is stated that the Embassy will monitor the effects of the “outreach” program on the “decrease in popular support for xenophobic political parties and platforms.”
In the 1970s Howard Perlmutter and Hasan Ozekhan of the Wharton School of Finance Worldwide Institutions Programme prepared a plan for a “global city.” Paris was chosen for the purpose.
Harry Heltzer, Chief Executive Officer of 3M stated that global corporations are a “powerful voice for world peace because their allegiance is not to any nation, tongue, race or creed but to one of the finer aspirations of mankind, that the people of the world may be united in common economic purpose.”[32]
These “finer aspirations of mankind,” known in other quarters as greed, avarice, Mammon-worship… have despoiled the earth, caused economic imbalance, and operate on usury that was in better times regarded as sin. These “finer aspirations,” by corporate reckoning, have caused more wars than any “xenophobic” dictator, usually in the name of “world peace,” and “democracy.”
The Rivkin doctrine for France — which according to the leaked document, must be carried out in a subtle manner — is a far-reaching subversive program to transform especially the young into global clones devoid of cultural identity, while proceeding, in the manner of Orwellian “doublethink” in the name of “multiculturalism.”
Thanks for these. Will check them out.
Laurent’s comment here :
3 weeks before Nahel’s death, above clip exposed the predictive programming of the complete PSY OP.
Many french moslems have already started to backfire, realizing the diabolic manipulation.
2 juillet 2023
Very long term undermining of France via maipulation of her immigrants’ suburbs : WIKILEAKS
Classified By: Ambassador Charles H. Rivkin https://www.laligue24.org/docs/ligue/10138-1.pdf
But no problem to ask for war weapons and Poland become a target of the Russian army.
It seems abroad some people are interested in displaying France as a “NO-GO ZONE” :
BBC News (UK)
The false French riot posts spreading online
The false French riot posts spreading online
A number of false and misleading claims about the French riots have been circulating on social media.
9:12 PM · Jul 2, 2023