THE HAGUE – Last week, the Dutch health board, the RIVM, announced that the first shots against Corona no longer protect people. About a year after the shots, the so-called “vaccine effectiveness” has waned to zero percent, according to the RIVM. According to official figures, 82.7 percent of Dutch people aged 12 and over have had at least one jab. But most people have had enough of this.

Seven out of 10

The campaign effect monitor of 7 July, commissioned by the government, showed that seven out of ten people who have not had a booster shot do not intend to get one. Of the people who have received an invitation letter for a second booster shot, more than five in ten do not intend to go.

The main reason for not taking the booster shot is that they are “done with all the vaccinations”. Other reasons cited are people’s trust in their own immune system to do the job of fighting off disease, doubts about vaccine safety, doubts about the effectiveness of these untested products, fear of long-term effects and fear of side effects.

Confidence has been shaken

Many people also do not want another shot because they feel that they have had it with vaccinations. In addition, many people seriously doubt the effectiveness and safety of the booster shot in the light of a marked spike in myocarditis cases.

Former nurse Marga Bult responded:

“I’m glad to read this. I also noticed it with people around me. Many people got Corona despite the vaccines and are done with it. Trust has been broken.”

Haiti did not vaccinate its citizens. The current vax rate is 1.4 percent yet it remains the country with one of lowest Covid death rates in the world.

