Mario Draghi Gives the Signal for Mandatory European Vaccination

Mario Draghi gives the signal for mandatory European vaccination


If left to their own devices, Europe’s leaders will compete to see who will be the first to make vaccination universally mandatory.

Emmanuel Macron was ahead of the game in July; now Mario Draghi is having his Health Minister test universal vaccination. And the candidates for Angela Merkel’s succession are also starting to do so, while crabbing forward so as not to offend a part of the electorate. In fact, if we are not careful, the European Union’s sounding board could become a formidable machine for dragging one people after another towards generalized vaccination. This is the boiling frog syndrome.

It is a question of creating the irreversible before the people understand that they are being dragged along where they do not want to go.

Mario Draghi is both the prototype of the globalist technocrat and a formidable power animal. He is careful not to appear directly. But he is advancing the cause of “mandatory vaccination”. He sends Health Minister Roberto Speranza (pictured above) in front of reporters at the G20 Health Ministers’ meeting.

“The richest and strongest countries are committed to building a vaccination campaign extended to all nations,” the minister told Corriere della Sera. According to him, the exit of the pandemic is impossible before 2023, so much it depends “on our ability to vaccinate all the countries of the world”.

Roberto Speranza added above all that the government would study the possibility of making the vaccine mandatory “in the coming weeks”, without waiting for the final approval of the vaccines by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), because the vaccines are already safe, according to the Italian minister. Italy has already made vaccination mandatory for health care workers.

Playing on fear and threat, Mr. Speranza explains:

“The virus still exists, it is strong and spreading. Either we strengthen the vaccination campaign again, or we are forced to imagine that at some point we will have to resort to the measures of the past.”

European leaders united against their people and against the truth about vaccines

Emmanuel Macron had taken the lead, in mid-July, to lock the French population into the nudge of an ever-expanding vaccine obligation. Mario Draghi has just taken the option to cross the finish line first. And as we know the sequence of decisions within the European Union, mimetic one-upmanship will prevail. The candidates for Angela Merkel’s succession are cautious in the way they phrase things, because Germans are, according to a poll, the Europeans who feel most “locked in”; but the truth is that apart from the AfD and Die Basis, the party that was founded to fight against the lock-in policy, all political forces are advancing the cause of compulsory vaccination. Die Linke is committed to protecting doctors – who are paid royally to vaccinate – from social pressure to discourage them from vaccinating; Olaf Scholz, the Social Democrat candidate, says he felt like a “guinea pig” when he was vaccinated early on, but would like everyone to follow him. And Armin Laschet, the CDU candidate, says he wants employers to have the vaccination data of their employees in order to avoid the danger of a new epidemic. This means that once the election is over, the Germans will also be caught in a trap.

In fact, the European leaders are well aware that the resistance of the people will grow as the abnormally high number of deaths and serious after-effects following the vaccines becomes known. But in Paris, in Rome, in Berlin, they do not want to, they cannot go back. Even when India or Japan announce the inclusion of ivermectin in the panoply of means to treat COVID.




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