ER Editor: ‘Gafam’, referred to below by Philippot, refers to the Big Tech giants, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft.
We remind readers that Florian Philippot has been a tireless resister of the Covidist cult and government oppression of its citizens. Each Saturday for just over a year, he has personally led Saturday demonstrations against them.
Philippot left Marine Le Pen’s party in 2017 to start his own, called The Patriots. He quit apparently because Le Pen dropped the Frexit part of her platform. Philippot has remained true to this, and sees it as a cause whose time has come.
His problem is that Le Pen has been so discredited and shredded for so long in the mainstream media that Philippot, as her former deputy, gets tarred with this brush in the minds of ordinary place. The mainstream media, of course, rejoice in this association in order to demonize him.
We were personally there for this campaign launch and can say that Le Pen, with her fear-inducing insistence on a single theme of immigration and territorial security, pales into comparison. Philippot presented a coherent and positive campaign of personal sovereignty and national sovereignty, where loyalty to France is the only prerequisite for being here. He made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t care about national origins or religious affiliation, just adherence to France. It was also clear he had all the issues mastered. And nobody wore a mask at this event.
As the article below points out, he actually promised a key platform of the Yellow Vests, the RIC or citizen-initiated referendum. This is remarkable.
Philippot also attacked wokeism, climate nonsense and themes associated with Cultural Marxism, as well as the perpetual states-of-emergency-for-any-manufactured-reason. It had a flavour of Putin’s comments at the recent Valdai Discussion Club (see Putin at Valdai: ‘Healthy, Natural Conservatism’ [VIDEO]).
The Covidist nonsense has presented the French political class with a gift for those who see what’s going on and are disgusted by it. Philippot has been the only one to jump aboard and call it out for what it is.
Florian Philippot : “Don’t count on me to do half measures”
Leader of the anti-health pass movement, Florian Philippot officially launched his presidential campaign this Sunday, October 24 in Aubervilliers. “Don’t count on me to do half measures. For that, you have all the other candidates,” said the man who was the face of the National Front’s demonisation.
“It is necessary to free France from those who lead it or rather who mistreat it. France is run by an oligarchy that wants it dead. This oligarchy, let’s be clear, mixes big finance, big lobbies, especially pharmaceutical. It mixes Gafam, it mixes the European Union and all the supranational structures. We must add to this, of course, as a rotten cherry on the cake, Macron and his clique who have deviated from the State, even more than their sinister predecessors.”
For more than an hour, the leader of the Patriots declined his program, starting with a vast health component. Unsurprisingly, he promised to ban the health pass and to “restore to their duties those tens of thousands of suspended firefighters, nurses, gendarmes, military and so many others. And a general amnesty will be declared for all doctors prosecuted by the National Order of Physicians or the Justice.”
To the cheers of the 1,000 to 1,500 supporters in attendance, the Patriots leader pledged to make the lockdown unconstitutional and end the routine masking.
“It has become a class symbol. The mask for the beggars and servants, not for the lords. We will also do away with the mask for all children.”
Believing that it was necessary to revive the French conception of medicine, “that is to say the doctor and the proximity care”, Florian Philippot announced that he would guarantee the total freedom of prescribing for doctors.
Finally, he spoke in favor of abolishing the ARS (Regional Health Authorities), suspending France’s participation in the WHO (World Health Organization), as well as dissolving the National Council of the Order of Physicians, which has “seriously discredited itself in this Covid crisis.”
The former number two of the National Front (ER: now called ‘Rassemblement National’) then detailed at length his plan to leave the European Union and the euro. But also from the European Convention on Human Rights “which imposes on us the same family reunification [as the EU] and requires us to keep on our soil people who do not like France.”
Also to limiting migration flows, Florian Philippot believes that France must stop engaging “in wars that fracture entire regions of the world and that throw millions of migrants on the roads.” “I am thinking, for example, of Bernard-Henri Lévy and Nicolas Sarkozy’s criminal war in Libya. I think of the bad game we are playing with the United States and with NATO in the Middle East.” As a logical consequence, he called for leaving NATO immediately, while banking on doubling the national defense budget over five years.
On the constitutional level, it is a real revolution that Florian Philippot promises with, first of all, the introduction of the RIC (Referendum of Citizen’s Initiative), one of the main demands of the Yellow Vests. As for the Constitutional Council, “it will be replaced by an Areopagus of citizens drawn by lot and assisted by constitutionalists.
Considering moreover that the Parliament has seriously betrayed the people in 2008 with the vote of the Treaty of Lisbon, the former right-hand man of Marine Le Pen wishes to deprive the latter of its power to modify the Constitution, to “give it back to the people, by way of a mandatory referendum”. “As President, I will provoke frequent referendums on the major issues that interest the nation.” He also explained that he would reduce the number of regional councillors and parliamentarians, which today number 925 (577 deputies and 348 senators).
On the security side, finally, Florian Philippot attacked both the delinquency of those at the bottom – by pronouncing himself in favor of the automatic execution of sentences – and the delinquency of those at the top:
“Tax evaders will not have a quiet day, he warned. They plunder the country, they steal from our pockets, from the pockets of the working and middle classes subject to taxation tens of billions of euros that could be put into schools, health, security, or the protection of the weakest.”
The entirety of his speech:
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Thanks for this!
And once again, knowing that the army wants to get rid of him, Macron is buying the army generals !
Thanks, Brigitte. Yes, I saw that on Profession Gendarme but I might take a closer look for tomorrow. Much appreciated as ever. Philippot is quite a force. But yes, people need to know about the Dominion threat.
Thank you for publishing this. It is time foreign media stop keeping false hopes in Marine le Pen and understand there is someone else, who was actually the backbone of her 2017 rise.
And as you wrote : this someone is COHERENT. This is the keyword. So coherent that the predators find nothing to discredit him, except for smear insinuations.
As for the presidential election, we must urgently spread the vital knowledge that it is Dominioned : many people coming to Florian Philippot’s demonstrations are still not aware of this fact. Some among his teams know or rather suspect it, but still have a hard time believing it.
Any RIC could be derailed by means of this electronic counts rigging, so it is vital that people don’t fight for nothing and don’t once again accuse “the-others” of being stupid and voting wrong, as it happenned after the 2017 “election”.
In addition, I want to forward to you this message you have probably read on Profession-Gendarme :
70% of the French military (we are not talking of the NATO-friendly wealthy generals) are opposed to the fake government and are organizing :
Florent Chenu
Ça bouge à la DGSE… Un colonel actif : » les militaires n’ont pas abandonné le peuple… l’ensemble des services de renseignements extérieurs sont en train de s’organiser… même si le président est le chef des armées… il la dirigera jamais puisque c’est anticonstitutionnel… »
11:24 PM • 24 oct. 2021