The Current Big Lie Is…
ERIC ZUESSE, Contributing Writer
This article was originally published at Strategic Culture Foundation
The Big Lie today is as enormous as, and potentially far more harmful than, any Big Lie throughout history has been; and, it will be exposed fully here, and will be documented even more fully by means of the links that are provided in this summary of it. (This Big Lie is certainly important enough for that care because, if the lie is continued unexposed, that massive fraud will produce World War III, a world-destroying nuclear war, perhaps even soon.) So, this will be only a summary of it, but a completely documented summary — not a mere ‘exposé’ that’s expected to be believed because it is already generally suspected or thought to be the case, but, instead, something that’s presented in the expectation that the key facts of the case have, to the contrary, been so effectively hidden from the public, as to make necessary here the providing of full documentation of it, for anyone who wants to delve more deeply into this ongoing rape of history — the super-dangerous Big Lie that’s ongoing right now.
This Big Lie today, which is to be described here, is the lie on the basis of which the Cold War against the dictatorial communistic USSR — the Cold War that had been such a boost to US weapons-makers such as Lockheed Martin while it lasted — actually became restored in 2014 and continues today as, this time, not a ‘cold’ but a hot war by the US and its allies, all united together (for the benefit of the owners of their international corporations and especially the big US arms-suppliers) against democratic post-communist Russia (which gets blamed for trying to defend itself, at every step of the way that it does so).
This increasingly hot war started in early 2014 (after at least three years of advanced preparation of it by the US Administration of American President Barack Obama) in Ukraine (formerly a part of the USSR), when a CIA coup that was perpetrated under the cover of ‘democracy’ demonstrations against the democratically elected Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych (pictured) — when this CIA coup installed there, in Ukraine, a rabidly anti-Russian government, bordering Russia. That is certainly a provocation to war, just as would be the case if instead Russia had overthrown Mexico’s government and installed there a rabidly anti-US regime.
In this Big Lie, which reigns today and is almost universally believed in the US to be true, that bloody coup in Ukraine is simply ignored, and instead the focus is placed upon the peaceful and voluntary breakaway of Crimea from Ukraine, a breakaway that actually resulted directly from that coup, which was the real precipitating-event for ’the new Cold War’ — the basis of the US-and-allied economic sanctions against Russia, and for the massing of NATO troops and weapons onto Russia’s borders, ready to invade Russia. (How would Americans feel if the Russian government did all of that to us?)
The Big Lie today is this: the reason for the economic sanctions against Russia is that Putin or Russia ‘stole’ or ‘conquered’ or ‘seized’ the Crimea region of Ukraine. The Big Truth about the matter is that US President Obama conquered Ukraine itself (all of it), via a February 2014 CIA coup that he had secretly started planning by no later than 2011, which on 20 February 2014 culminated with the violent overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Yanukovych, who had won 90% of the votes in the far-eastern Donbass area of Ukraine, and 75% of the votes in the far-southern Crimea area of Ukraine. Both intensely pro-Yanukovych regions refused to be ruled by the Obama-appointed rulers — the hard-right, fascist and rabidly anti-Russian team that the Obama regime imposed upon Ukraine, after Obama’s agent Victoria Nuland told Obama’s Ambassador to Ukraine on 4 February 2014, that «Yats» (Arseniy Yatsenyuk), a hard-right and even racist anti-Russian Ukrainian politician, was to become appointed to run the country as soon as the coup was over, which happened 23 days later (and Yatsenyuk did then receive the appointment and establish very hard-right anti-Russian policies — including massacres of ethnic Russians in Ukraine).
The legalities of the situation are as heinous on America’s side as the moralities are; and yet, America’s vassal-states in the EU and elsewhere slavishly honor Obama’s sanctions against the victim-nation here, Russia (even while acknowledging that the residents of Crimea are overwhelmingly supportive of having separated themselves from Ukraine and grateful to Russia for now protecting them against the rabidly anti-Crimean US-imposed rulers of Ukraine). Furthermore, by no later than 26 February 2014, the leaders of the EU knew that the ‘revolution on the Maidan’ had, in fact, been a brutal coup, nothing at all ‘democratic’ — but decided to ignore that fact. So, they too are culpable in this, though not nearly to the extent that Obama is.
On Friday 21 July 2017, the anti-Russian Reuters ‘news’ (propaganda) agency headlined «Crimean scandal prompts Siemens to retreat from Russian energy» and reported that «Germany’s Siemens tried to distance itself from a Crimean sanctions scandal on Friday, halting deliveries of power equipment to Russian state-controlled customers and reviewing supply deals. The industrial group said it now had credible evidence that all four gas turbines it delivered a year ago for a project in southern Russia had been illegally moved to Crimea, confirming a series of Reuters reports». The false underlying assumption in this propaganda article was that the «scandal» it refers to had been initiated and perpetrated by Russia, not by the United States government (which initiated the sanctions against Russia, which Siemens and Russia are now being punished for). The Wikipedia propaganda site says in its article «Russian financial crisis (2014–2017)» that «the financial crisis in Russia in 2014-2015 was the result of the collapse of the Russian ruble beginning in the second half of 2014» and barely even mentions the economic sanctions other than to say, «the second [reason for it] is the result of international economic sanctions imposed on Russia following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine» — implying but not stating that Russia had started that war — which just happened to be on its doorstep, not on the doorstep of the US — as if Mexico had been taken over by an enemy nation and the people of America were being threatened, which is what this takeover by the US government was equivalent to for the Russian people: a very real and grave national-security threat to them.
The Reuters article simply ignored the fact that Ukraine had been seized by Obama, and it simply presumed that Crimea (and also Donbass) had been seized by Putin. (Furthermore, the appeal by Donbass to become a part of Russia was declined by Putin on 17 September 2014. But still, the lie is also being pumped by pro-US regime ’news’ media that Russia is trying to steal Donbass from Ukraine’s government. The US team’s lying is beyond bizarre. Sometimes, by their use of carefully veiled language to deceive without outright asserting their lies, they implicitly blame Russia regarding the impasse in Donbass, even three years after Putin said no to that appeal by the residents of Donbass. And still: Russia, which had — despite the Obama regime’s refusal to participate — signed and even had helped set up the Minsk agreements to settle the war in Donbass, gets blamed in the US-allied press for what are actually Ukraine’s refusal to honor the commitments it had signed to there. As usual, the victims get blamed. And the Trump Administration says that «there should be no sanctions relief until Russia meets its obligations under the Minsk agreements». No good deed will go unpunished — ever.)
Nor has Reuters (nor the rest of the US regime’s press) reported that a power-struggle is now occurring in post-coup Ukraine between the overt nazis (or racist-fascists) there and the post-coup (rump remaining Ukrainian-elected – that’s the fascist but not outright nazi) elected government (in elections that excluded non-fascists). The fascists, whom the current US regime supports, are being attacked by the nazis. The nazis are being led by Dmitriy Yarosh (pictured), whose followers are unabashedly nazis and often even boldly flash German Nazi Party insignia. The US Obama regime was one of only three governments throughout the world that voted against a resolution that had been introduced in the United Nations condemning fascism, racism and denial of the Holocaust. The two other pro-Nazi nations were Ukraine, whose US-installed regime felt the resolution to be personally offensive even though it wasn’t specific to Ukraine and didn’t even mention Ukraine, and the other country was Canada, which is a US vassal-nation and also has a powerful community of Ukrainian Nazis who escaped Ukraine right after WW II ended in 1945. Canada’s current Foreign Minister, appointed by the Liberal Party’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is Chrystia Freeland, a racist-fascist who is proud of her Nazi grandparents and who championed in Canada the fascist takeover of Ukraine.
When the International Criminal Court issued on 14 November 2016 its annual «Report on Preliminary Examination Activities», it included, on pages 34-43, a section on «Ukraine,» but considered only accusations that the Obama-installed Ukrainian government had lodged against Russia, and none of the demonstrated crimes (which are amply documented in the links herein), including the illegal coup that the Obama regime had, in fact, perpetrated against not only the people of Ukraine but the people of Russia next door; and the discussion by the ICC did not (such as an influential but grossly false Forbes article six days later headlined and yet provided no documentation for, «International Criminal Court: Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine Is A ‘Crime,’ Not A Civil War») even allege that any «crime» had been committed by any party; but nonetheless, the Russian government (which had never ratified the treaty that established the Court) condemned the report as being «one-sided,» which was an understatement because the report included many gross falsehoods and outright lies such as (and I boldface the falsehood):
«At the time of the start of the events that are the subject of the Office’s preliminary examination, the democratically-elected Government of Ukraine was dominated by the Party of Regions, led by President at the time, Viktor Yanukovych. The Maidan protests were prompted by the decision of the Ukrainian Government on 21 November 2013 not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union».
As I and others have documented, the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President started well before that time, and the coup even was already being organized inside the US Embassy there by no later than 1 March 2013; and the US State Department had begun its work to prepare it, no later than 2011 — it didn’t simply happen out the blue. And it certainly wasn’t ‘democratic’; it ended whatever democracy Ukraine had. Furthermore, Yanukovych’s turn-down of the EU’s offer was, itself, a part of the Obama regime’s plan: Yanukovych had turned it down because the Ukrainian Academy of Science’s analysis of the EU’s offer (which had been prepared in accord with the US government’s urgings) had concluded that to accept the deal would produce losses for Ukraine of $160 billion.
This is the Big Lie straight out of hell because, unless the United States acknowledges publicly that it has been lying and that the anti-Russia sanctions that the US initiated are based on that lie and should therefore never even have been imposed (and should not be honored anywhere), there will be war between Russia and the US. Either those sanctions will be entirely lifted, or else nuclear war will inevitably result because Russia will not tolerate forever having its economy squeezed to death on the basis of a clear lie. But how can such sanctions be ended unless the perpetrator — here, clearly, the US — publicly acknowledges that former US President Barack Obama and his Administration lied through their teeth in order to impose them in the first place? The US government would need to renounce to the entire world that former US President. Or else WW III would seem to be well-nigh inevitable. This is an extremely serious matter, which isn’t so much as even being discussed, much less debated. WW III could result from it, but it is entirely ignored. The Big Lie just continues to be promoted instead of exposed.
Back on 20 February 2015, I headlined «Crimea: Was It Seized by Russia, or Did Russia Block Its Seizure by the US?», and in the years since, the documentation that it was Obama not Putin who initiated (perpetrated) the new ‘Cold War’ has only increased. But the ‘news’ media hide this fact (just as they hid that article) because they exist in order to pump the Big Lie, not to puncture it. (And, of course, that also is why they won’t publish this, though it, too, has been sent to all of them free of charge to publish.)
Donald Trump condemns many of his predecessor’s actions and decisions and statements; but, on this one, which is the most important of them all and is blatantly a fraud (the blame for the entire catastrophe in Ukraine), Trump remains alternately supportive and noncommittal regarding Obama’s most enormous Big Lie. Now, after half a year in office, does he even care — or does he instead simply lack the courage?
It is clear what a real leader would do — expose and renounce that biggest of all Big Lies. Only a coward would not.
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About the author
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.