Another German SPD politician leaves party, criticising its ‘muslimization’

ER Editor: At ER we wish to make it perfectly clear that while we strongly oppose mass migration, not least on democratic grounds, mass migration itself doesn’t equate solely with the ‘Muslimization’ of our societies. There are many others being allowed in (Poles into the UK, for example, or non-Muslim Africans everywhere) who aren’t necessarily Muslim and who don’t contribute to the growing influence Muslim groups and Muslim culture are demonstrably having. It is a feature of neocon/zionist independent media outlets to, by sleight of hand, equate migrants with Muslims so as to perform the required amount of bashing.

Having said that, we believe Thilo Sarrazin, discussed below, has a point.

The second short article below involves the prominent, longstanding left-wing German politician, Thilo Sarrazin (see featured meme, right). He gave an interview to the right-wing French magazine Valeurs Actuelles in 2015, in which he complains about the Schengen arrangement allowing everyone into Germany, at much greater cost to the society than is allegedly being conferred on it. See Thilo Sarrazin : “L’Allemagne se laisse mourir” (ER: Germany is letting itself die – paywall after a few paragraphs). Sarrazin was voted out of the centre-left SPD party (which usually holds power jointly with Merkel’s CDU party) in the summer of last year over his views on immigration in Germany, which he controversially expressed in what became a best-selling book some years earlier. See German mainstream party kicks out anti-Islam member.


Another SPD politician leaves party, criticising its ‘muslimization’

An integration-skeptical SPD local politician in the German city of Essen has turned his back on his party. The deputy Essen SPD chairman Karlheinz Endruschat has offended his party by warning that entire parts of the city are being “muslimized”.


ESSEN – German daily Die Welt and Focus Online reported that, among other things, because the SPD does not take the problems caused by immigration seriously, Endruschat has now left the party.

“The SPD lacks the willingness to deal with the real problems,” Endruschat told Focus Online. In addition to Muslim clan crime, there is also a problem that the party does not ask itself at which points the integration failed. “The SPD has no interest in even recognizing the problems related to immigration.”

The councillor told Die Welt that the SPD showed both in Essen, in North Rhine-Westphalia and in the federal government, “no interest in even recognizing the problems surrounding immigration”. His former comrades are too arrogant, and he witnessed this attitude several times.

For example, at a party event with young immigrants: “They asked the comrades present that more Germans should to come to their school classes, since without mixing, nobody could really learn German there. But my party friends didn’t want to hear that.”

He finally left the SPD when a candidate was nominated for the upcoming city council election instead of him, someone who had converted from the Left Party to the SPD a few years ago. This is a meaningful sign of the development of the SPD. The party has “in the past two years made a clear left turn, an advance to the left”.

When asked whether anything had changed since the 2015 debate about failed integration in Essen that he initiated, Endruschat replied: “Unfortunately not. But, a leading Essen Social Democrat, whom I do not want to mention by name, has now moved from a district with many migrants to a district with few migrants. That, of course, makes it easier for him to stay true to his ‘there-are-no-problems’ course.”

The growing Muslim population is a problem for Germans. “Not only because of the sometimes very reactionary mosques, but also because of the perceived loss of homeland,” Endruschat said, reaffirming his warning against the Muslimization of entire city districts that was expressed two years ago.

For many Germans, a Muslim street scene is not necessarily homely. “And the fact that we regularly have Turkish or Lebanese flags hanging on our front doors does not exactly increase the feeling of home for long-established residents.”

Former Berlin finance senator and bestselling author Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) has also accused his party of suppressing any internal discussion about Islam in Germany.

Unlike the MEP Guido Reil (AfD), he will not change to the right-wing party, Endruschat said…

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Thilo Sarrazin: SPD leadership partly ‘in the hands of fundamental Muslims’

Former Berlin finance senator and bestselling author Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) has accused his party of suppressing any internal discussion about Islam in Germany.


BERLIN – “The current SPD leadership is apparently partly in the hands of fundamentally-oriented Muslims who want to prevent a critical discussion of Islam in Germany in principle,” Sarrazin told Tichys Einblick.

The background is the party expulsion Sarrazin sought by the SPD. The Berlin State Arbitration Commission had reached a decision on Thursday that the SPD was allowed to exclude the author.

Sarrazin has been a part of the party since 1973. The arbitration committee of the SPD district association Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf had decided in July last year that Sarrazin had violated the “values” ​​of the party.

“The dissemination of anti-Muslim and cultural-racist statements by the defendant under the guise of his well-known SPD membership, which is repeatedly highlighted in press reports, questions the credibility of the party and its commitment to its values ​​and basic views,” said the statement.

Sarrazin appealed against this but was defeated by the Berlin Arbitration Commission. The bestselling author also wants to contest their verdict.

In an interview with Tichy’s Einblick, Sarrazin accused his party of withdrawing from the center of society and losing its capacity as a left-wing People’s Party.

It was not he who changed, but the SPD, he said. “In the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s or even in the early 2000s, the SPD would never have thought of excluding someone from the party because of a book that is critical of religion,” emphasized the 74-year-old.

“I would also definitely not have been excluded from the SPD if I had written a critical book not about Islam but about the Catholic Church.”


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