The UK’s century-long war against Yemen

February 5, 2017 0

The UK’s century-long war against Yemen Britain has waged war repeatedly to keep country weak and divided and ensure Saudi dominance of peninsula DAN GLAZEBROOK Britain is backing a Saudi invasion of Yemen that has […]


Japan Declares Crisis At Its Fukushima Reactor

February 5, 2017 0

Japan Declare Crisis At Fukushima Reactor SEAN ADL-TABATABAI Scientists at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan have declared a state of emergency as one of the reactors is on the verge of falling into the ocean.  […]


Italy and Libya cut migrant-busting deal

February 3, 2017 0

Italy and Libya cut migrant busting deal NIKOLAJ NIELSEN Italy and the UN-backed government in Libya on Thursday (2 February) signed a deal to curb migration, ahead of the EU summit in Malta. The plan […]

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