Video: Australia’s Controversial Spy Bill in ‘Contempt of Democracy’

ER Editor: Could it get any more outrageous and surreal in Australia? Apparently, yes.

An amendment to Australia’s spy bill was not only rushed through in 24 hours, not allowing elected MPs enough time to read and understand it. But it also allows federal police and intelligence services to hack devices, collect data and basically take over users’ social media accounts, making it entirely possible to frame people. And these powers are granted WITHOUT judicial oversight. The short video below explains this.

Readers may also be interested in these articles, first from The Guardian (MSM alert):

Australian powers to spy on cybercrime suspects given green light

This bill was supported by the opposition, leading us to suspect that there is absolutely no government in the West with a functioning opposition party. This has become evident on so many levels.

And this from The National Law Review: An Even ‘Hacking’ Field – Government Surveillance Bill Passed by Parliament.


Video: Australia’s Controversial Spy Bill in ‘Contempt of Democracy’


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Australia’s new spy bill amendment, which was rushed through parliament in less than 24 hours, gives authorities powers to modify, add, copy or delete data on people’s phones or social media accounts.

The legislation is being described as ‘absolutely disgusting’ and in ‘contempt of democracy’ by some senators. 



Featured image is a screenshot from the video


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2 Comments on Video: Australia’s Controversial Spy Bill in ‘Contempt of Democracy’

  1. Yeah. It is pretty disgusting. But they’ve been doing it in Quebec since forever. Legislation not necessary. The world isn’t well informed.

  2. Greetings,
    Please note the video links below. Understand that what we are told in the media and by government leaders, in regard to the COVID-19 injections is false. Avail for yourself the life-saving information brought to light and inform others.
    Thank you,
    Bill Neu FDA monster lie on Pfizer vaccine approval, which has activated mandates across the nation. Karen Kingston, pharmaceutical insider and science writer, explains the COVID-19 serum matrix of lipid protection in which the known human poison graphene oxide, was inserted. This undisclosed ingredient, obscured in the medical patents as a proprietary ingredient, via fraudulent regulatory loophole, was recently discovered by Spanish researchers. Dr. Ardis relates his research in interview, of critical information concerning COVID-19 injections causing Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. This is a new disease classification (2020) by the FDA, which came about when serious side effects, even death in injected children, were reported to regulatory agencies. For that revealing conversation go to the 43:45 minute mark in video What is a virus?

    For those brave enough to consider alleged end time prophecy which seems to align with the facts and opinions given in the interviews, I offer this webpage: In regard to the global push for inoculation, seek the Book of Truth message dated: June 17th, 2012
    Below is a clip from the June 17th prophetic message, which may well be our present and ongoing reality:
    Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world.
    Sunday, June 17th, 2012 @ 20:15
    My dearly beloved daughter the plans of the Masonic groups to take over the world currencies are getting close to completion.
    Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world to cause suffering on a scale never seen before.
    Avoid any such sudden global vaccination announced for it will kill you.
    I would also recommend the message of November 26, 2010, to get a general understanding of what is within the prophesied Book of Truth. Here too: is a video series about some of the important Book of Truth topics, follow the links.
    *It should be noted that some prophecies seem to have already been fulfilled and others are in the process of fulfillment this would include the present global “vaccination” agenda.
    The concerns raised in the video interviews above are dire, to delay or forego the reviewing of the information is to fail your fellow man, as surely you will be called to warn others of what you would soon know (if not already familiar). In regard to prophecy a legitimate and understandable question arises: why should we care about alleged end time prophecy?
    The magnitude of what may be at hand this very moment needs serious discernment. The alleged Book of Truth claims are these: The Book of Truth is the foretold scripture, written about in the Book of Daniel, which is meant for the end time generation (first mentioned in verse 10:21; verses 4-9 of chapter 12 makes clear the Book of Truth is meant for the end time generation, as Daniel is instructed to seal the Book for another time). A further claim is that the Book of Truth is the interpretation of the Book of Revelation. And lastly, the prophecies, warnings, call to action of united prayer, and inspiring hope are sent to mankind via the end time prophet/seventh messenger/seventh angel (Rev. 10:7). Messages can be read online or are available online as a free download. Hard copy print is available at as well.
    The purpose of this final mission of the end time is to prepare mankind for The Warning, a supernatural event of illumination of one’s conscience. This event would appear as a judgment but is not, it is a Warning for those heading for Hell if their lives do not change and conversion sought. The subsequent Second Coming of Christ judgment of humanity, of both the living and the dead will follow not long after. A time for conversion will be granted after the Warning and before the Second Coming Judgment. Then a new beginning will commence, The New Era of Peace/The New Paradise.
    No timeline is given except for a significant and easily discernible clue which clearly denotes the Book of Truth is a contemporary message for humanity – pope Francis (now mid-Eighties) will live to see the Second Coming of Christ.
    God bless your endeavors.
    Bill Neu

    Protect yourself and loved ones:

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