Trumpy ally Kari Lake Offered Bribes to Step Down and That’s the Tip of the Iceberg

ER Editor: Readers should hear the phone conversation between former Republican candidate for governor in Arizona and now candidate for Senate, Kari Lake, and GOP Republican Chair for Arizona, Jeff DeWit. DeWit has just stepped down upon release of this March 2023 phone conversation. Or else more would be revealed, according to Lake.

For non-Americans, Jeff DeWit would be classified as a RINO – ‘Republican in name only’.

To find out what a Deep State target (for assassination) Kari Lake has been, check out this Real Raw News report from Dec. 13, 2023. Katie Hobbs IS (we believe was) current AZ governor —

Katie Hobbs Military Tribunal, Day I

#Kari Lake


Arizona GOP Chair Resigns After Kari Lake Threatens “More Damaging” Recording

Tyler Durden's Photo TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, JAN 24, 2024 – 08:47 PM

Update (1445ET): That didn’t take long.

One day after the Daily Mail published a leaked recording of Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit trying to bribe Trump ally Kari Lake to stay out of politics for two years, DeWit resigned.

“This morning, I was determined to fight for my position,” he said in a statement reported by Just the News.

“However, a few hours ago, I received an ultimatum from Lake’s team: resign today or face the release of a new, more damaging recording. I am truly unsure of its contents, but considering our numerous past open conversations as friends, I have decided not to take the risk. I am resigning as Lake requested, in the hope that she will honor her commitment to cease her attacks, allowing me to return to the business sector—a field I find much more logical and prefer over politics.”

*  *  *

Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake called on the state’s GOP chair Jeff DeWit to resign after a recording emerged of him trying to bribe Lake to stay out of politics for two years.

In the recording, first reported by the Daily Mail, DeWit, 51, can be heard asking lake to name her price not to run.

“There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,” he can be heard telling her in a conversation recorded last March.

Jeff DeWit and his wife Marina with President Donald Trump.

He then, after asking her not to mention the conversation to anyone, makes his first offer:

“So the ask I got today from back east was: “Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?

Lake is taken aback.

“This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country,” she replied.

DeWit later framed it in a different way.

“Just say, is there a number at which –

“I can be bought?” Lake interjected. “That’s what it’s about?”

“You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you’re doing,” DeWit replied.

Lake repeatedly shuts him down, and says she wouldn’t pull out for a billion dollars.

“This is not about money, it’s about our country,” she says (one her own recording, we’re guessing).

Listen (via Collin Rugg):

Following the report, Lake called on DeWit to resign.

“He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party,” she told an NBC reporter during Trump’s New Hampshire primary victory party.

Just one question…

What say you now Eric Garcia, senior Washington Correspondent of The Independent?




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2 Comments on Trumpy ally Kari Lake Offered Bribes to Step Down and That’s the Tip of the Iceberg

  1. Kari Lake has been telling this story in public for at least a year I think. Although it could be another bribe attempt than the one now caught on the mic (which seems to be during her lunchbreak, and the mic on her body). So either there’s a second bribe or this is the same being a year+ old.

    Someone has been sitting on this tape, for some reason.

    But with the resignation of the perp I’m sure the establishment will continue as if nothing happened, completely oblivious to what is undeniably coming.

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