Will BRICS launch a new world in 2024?
ER Editor: Notice the mention of a new financial system below, already in place with Russia to greenlight it. Is this the QFS, we wonder? ******** Will BRICS launch a new world in 2024? BRICS […]
ER Editor: Notice the mention of a new financial system below, already in place with Russia to greenlight it. Is this the QFS, we wonder? ******** Will BRICS launch a new world in 2024? BRICS […]
ER Editor: Is this the start of the global currency ‘RV’ or re-evaluation we’ve been hearing rumours about, where currencies are put at parity? The news agency (AP) report below denies that the value of […]
ER Editor: Not that it’s a bad thing for countries to repatriate their gold or buy more, building their NATIONAL wealth, but why has this been a ‘thing’ for a few years now? It couldn’t […]
ER Editor: How is this decision related to the implementation of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which apparently came online at the beginning of May? Simon Parkes had this to say in a short blog […]
ER Editor: Quantum technology, including a quantum financial system, is definitely the next big thing and, according to some sources, is designed to be an entirely good thing for humanity, representing the Real and Better […]
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