Yes, the Left Stole Liberalism and Sold Out the West

August 22, 2018 0

Yes, the Left Stole Liberalism & Sold Out the West ILANA MERCER Liberals have taken to promoting socialism, which is the state-sanctioned appropriation of private property. Or, communism. In communism’s parlance, this theft of a […]


Liberals Don’t Respect National Sovereignty

September 22, 2017 0

Liberals Don’t Respect a Nation’s Sovereignty ERIC ZUESSE When the United States and some of its allies in 2003 invaded and destroyed Iraq on false pretenses — and without Iraq having ever invaded (much less destroyed) any of the […]


From the USSR to the EU

January 12, 2017 0

From the USSR to the EU GEFIRA.ORG When the so called communist system had crumbled in Eastern European countries, their respective societies embraced Western-style democracy and economy, which, taking into consideration the development gap between […]

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