EU: Telling Europeans What to Think

March 20, 2019 0

EU: Telling Europeans What to Think JUDITH BERGMAN The above initiatives, of course, exist in addition to all the other measures that the EU has put in place to “guide” Europeans onto the path of […]


Canada’s Treacherous Globalist “Faustian Bargain”

November 27, 2018 0

Canada’s Treacherous “Faustian Bargain” SALIM MANSUR Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it seems, adheres to the principle of globalism, according to which the world is borderless, and the idea of sovereign nation-states is both reactionary […]


UN Demands Ban on Trump-style “Nationalist Populism”

November 14, 2018 0

UN Demands Ban on Trump-style “Nationalist Populism” ALEX NEWMAN BRINDISI, Italy — The United Nations is seriously stepping up its campaign to undermine free speech, online freedom, and a surge in opposition to globalism worldwide. Pointing […]


EU: Politicizing the Internet Already Underway

October 1, 2018 0

EU: Politicizing the Internet JUDITH BERGMAN Even before such EU-wide legislation, similar ostensible “anti-terror legislation” in France, for example, is being used as a political tool against political opponents and to limit unwanted free speech. […]


Challenging Vaccine Scientism

September 30, 2018 1

CHALLENGING VACCINE SCIENTISM –THE ‘GATEWAY DRUG’ TO THE GULAG—  DR. MIKE WILLIAMS A recent article stating that Pinterest is deleting users’ boards if they post material questioning vaccine safety has been circulated on social media. […]

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