Twenty Years Later – How Did Putin Do?

December 31, 2019 0

ER Editor: We remind readers of Jon Hellevig’s piece we ran on the state of the Russian economy in September – and it’s pretty good. See New World Order In Meltdown, But Russia’s Stronger Than […]


Why the UK, EU and US Gang Up on Russia

March 23, 2018 0

Why the UK, the EU and the US Gang-Up on Russia PROF. JAMES PETRAS Introduction For the greater part of a decade the US, the UK and the EU have been carrying out a campaign […]


Why at Least Two Nuclear Super Powers Are Essential

March 20, 2018 0

Why at Least Two Nuclear Super-Powers Are Essential ERIC ZUESSE My distinguished colleague at Strategic Culture Foundation, Federico Pieraccini, has recently argued that “nuclear-armed powers decrease the likelihood of a nuclear apocalypse”, and this is a response to that. Obviously, […]


Russia’s demographic challenges

February 14, 2018 0

Russia’s demography Gefira The Russian Federation is the world’s largest country in terms of area, the largest producer and exporter of natural gas, crude oil, and many food products, which is why this state exerts […]