Spain to recognize Palestine, calls on western powers to follow suit

Spain to recognize Palestine, calls on western powers to follow suit

Spain views recognizing Palestine as an important step toward a two-state solution


Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Spain would recognize Palestinian statehood by July and expressed hopes that other Western nations would follow suit, the Financial Times reported on 2 April.

Sanchez said, “We have to seriously consider doing it in the first half of this year.”

Prime Minister Sanchez has criticized Israel’s ongoing military campaign to bomb and starve Palestinians in Gaza.

He announced the plan on Tuesday as he began a trip to Jordan, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.

Ireland and Malta also plan to support unilaterally recognizing Palestine, while fellow EU members Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria have already recognized Palestine.

European powers Germany, France, and the UK have no plans to do so before an agreement for a two-state solution is reached with Israel.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and many other Israeli leaders have vowed never to agree to a Palestinian state and wish to continue the illegal military occupation of the West Bank and now Gaza indefinitely.

In 1993, Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed the Oslo Accords, which were billed as a stepping-stone to the establishment of a Palestinian state. However, Israel delayed any final status negotiations and accelerated the building of illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

As more Jewish settlers began living on occupied Palestinian land, it became more difficult politically, both domestically within Israel and internationally, to demand their removal.

Spain views the recognition of Palestine as an important step toward that two-state solution.

A Spanish government official speaking with the Financial Times said Madrid hoped the US and other western powers would Palestine as a full UN member this month.

The Spanish official added that Madrid wishes to see the Palestinian Authority (PA) govern the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. Spain says Hamas should play no role in governing Gaza after the war.


Featured image: Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez speaks during a press conference at La Moneda presidential palace in Santiago, on March 8, 2024. (Photo credit: Rodrigo Arangua/AFP)



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