Revealing the Truth: Pandemic Blunder – Fauci & Public Health Blocked Early Home Covid Treatment

ER Editor: Former professor of metallurgical engineering at the University of Madison Wisconsin, a senior official for the U.S. Congress (Office of Technology Assessment), head of an environmental consulting company, and Director of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources at the National Governors Association, the prolific Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn came out with a new book recently, available on Amazon, titled ‘Pandemic Blunder – Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment’.

Readers may be interested in a November 2020 piece Dr. Hirschhorn wrote for Unz ReviewFauci Versus Frontline Doctors and Science: Pandemic Malpractice. And this for EurasiaReview from August 2020 – Dr. Anthony Fauci: A New Kind Of War Criminal – OpEd.

Interested as we are at EuropeReloaded in genuine, non-harmful cures and treatments for disease, as much as we are in exposing tyrannical government – ironically under a liberal-leftist banner, we are very happy to promote Joel Hirschhorn’s latest work.


Revealing the Truth: Pandemic Blunder – Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home Covid Treatment


Americans have every right to be in a fit over the news that 500,000 Americans have died from the COVID-19 infection. Hard to imagine worse news.

What is missing from this news is that way over 300,000 of these deaths could have been prevented through the widespread use of cheap, safe and proven early home treatments that in the US and worldwide have been used successfully.  Details on these treatments and the generic medicines, including hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, and supplements, including zinc, quercetin and vitamin D, used by courageous doctors are in the new book PANDEMIC BLUNDER – FAUCI AND PUBLIC HEALTH BLOCKED EARLY HOME COVID TREATMENT.

One of the pioneers that created a widely used protocol nearly a year ago, Dr. Zelenko, wrote the Foreword for the book.

The book is discussed in a new podcast that tells the story of why the book was written, mainly to save lives.  And it is now available on Amazon as a cheap Kindle edition and a paperback,

Pandemic blunder is defined as the failure of the United States public health system and federal agencies to support and promote early home/outpatient treatment for the COVID-19 pandemic disease.  Considerable medical information and data convincingly show that, when given early, a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols knock out the coronavirus. ‘Early’ means within the first few days of getting symptoms or a positive test. Risking condemnation, a relatively few pioneering and courageous doctors have been using innovative approaches to prevent their covid patients from needing hospital care and facing death. Many expert views of doctors support the idea that 70 percent to 80 percent of covid deaths could have been prevented – and still can for future victims of the disease. But the vast majority of US doctors are following the dictates of NIH and FDA that behind the scene are driven by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who does not deserve the endless praise by the mainstream press. Major medical societies also follow the misguided actions by the federal agencies.

This book does more than describe the pandemic blunder, particularly in terms of the influence of Dr. Anthony Fauci. It can help Americans protect their lives by not being victimized by disinformation and propaganda from leftist media. Pandemic management has failed because of corrupt forces aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines. There has been widespread dereliction of duty on the part of many local, state and federal government officials that continue to refuse all the data supporting early home treatment and prevention. Contrary to the entire history of medicine, early treatment of any illness or disease has been subverted to promote expensive hospital treatment that has resulted in the 500,000 COVID deaths.  This is medical malpractice at a historic high level.  All those refusing to support early home treatment are guilty of criminally negligent homicide, a claim that many have made against New York governor Andrew Cuomo.

The way to change the government restrictions on early home treatments for COVID is for the public to fully understand what has been denied them and to demand the medical freedom of all doctors to use what is best for their patients.



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