Remember Swine Flu of 2009? Merkel & 200,000 ‘Special’ People Received A Non-Toxic Vaccine

ER Editor: So we wonder if this applies to all people of a certain rank in our governments and military for all vaccines at all times.

We came across this concept of differential vaccines for top people in government in Drs. Sukharit Bhakdi and Karina Reiss‘ book, Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures.

On pp.113/114, they describe the media frenzy in Germany that went on around December 2009 over the swine flu. Around that time, perhaps not coincidentally, the word ‘pandemic’ also got re-defined: instead of being a new pathogen that spreads across continents quickly and generally causes ‘serious and often fatal disease’, the ‘new’ and ‘spread’ parts were retained, while the ‘serious/fatal disease’ part got dropped. Thus, the relatively mild swine flu qualified as a pandemic under this new definition:

The Swine flu provided the stage for a first exercise in the employment of panic-making strategy to handle a pandemic. A typical headline: “Swine flu: the calm before the storm?” appeared in December of 2009 when it clear that virtually no one was ill and the course of the infection had been milder than previous waves of influenza.’

Virologists at the time sounded the alarm, and a second wave was predicted, overwhelming the medical system, because viruses may intermix during the winter season. Would there be enough intensive care beds and enough respirators? Asks Bhakdi and Reiss, ‘Are you having deja-vu right now?’:

A nationwide vaccination with the hastily produced and barely tested H1N1 vaccine was recommended. 60 million doses of adjuvanted vaccine were purchased for the German population. Non-adjuvanted vaccine was obtained only for high members of the government (229).

Again, this all happened when it was clear that the swine flu pandemic had run a light course. The majority of the public decided wisely against the senseless vaccination. What was the end of the story? Trucks loaded with over 50 million expired vaccine doses were disposed of at the Magdeburg waste-to-energy plant. As was taxpayers’ money … no, actually not, the money just changed hands. Estimated profit for the pharmaceutical industry: 18 billion US dollars (230).

The article immediately below from Der Tagesspiegel is dated October 17, 2009. We’re posting another one for perspective below that from Suddeutsche Zeitung from October 19, 2009.

Notice in the first article that adjuvants are rightly considered medically suspect, and that pregnant women and children under 3 should not have adjuvanted vaccines. In the introduction to the first article, the mercury adjuvant is mentioned. Toxic mercury, which requires buildings to be cleared and people to enter in hazmats suits to clean it up should a vial of mercury-loaded vaccine break.

In the second, the vaccine is to be used not only on top government people (federal and provincial, most likely) but also the equivalents in the armed forces. 200,000 doses were ordered of this non-adjuvanted Baxter vaccine, Celvapan, which gives an indication as to how many ‘special people’ there are out there versus the 60 million doses of Pandemrix for the cattle.

Notice the back-tracking by government people caught out by this embarassing revelation.

The story was also picked up in the German edition of The, titled Government to get special swine flu vaccine.


Merkel and her cabinet receive special vaccine

According to “Spiegel”, the Chancellor and the ministers of her government will be vaccinated with a swine flu vaccine that is free of boosters. The population, on the other hand, will have to make do with an amplified and mercury-containing substance.


The Chancellor, the members of her cabinet and officials of the ministries and subordinate authorities are to be protected against swine flu with a different vaccine than the German population. “We have purchased 200,000 doses of the non-adjuvanted vaccine Celvapan from Baxter,” Christoph Hübner, spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior, told “Der Spiegel”. In contrast to the Baxter vaccine, which is injected into the civil servants responsible for maintaining public order, the vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline intended for mass vaccination contains an enhancer (“adjuvant”).

According to the magazine, the staff of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which is responsible for vaccine approval, are also among the state employees who are responsible for maintaining public order. The Institute has recently repeatedly defended its decision to purchase GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) vaccine for the population. Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, the chairman of the German Medical Commission, spoke of a “scandal” and said he was “unhappy about this vaccination campaign”. It raises numerous problems and its benefit is uncertain. “The health authorities fell for a campaign by the pharmaceutical companies, who simply wanted to make money with an alleged threat.”

Because the GSK vaccine has not been tested on pregnant women, “Spiegel” reports that vaccines without potentiators must be obtained for them at short notice. The responsible state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Health, Klaus Theo Schröder, told the magazine that currently “talks are underway with manufacturers as well as the health ministries in France and the USA with the aim of procuring non-adjuvanted vaccines for pregnant women.”

Sharp criticism of the vaccination campaign was again voiced by general practitioners and pediatricians. The president of the German Society for General and Family Medicine, Michael Kochen, advised German general practitioners against the vaccination. “The risk of damage outweighs the benefit,” he told the magazine. The president of the professional association of pediatricians and adolescent physicians, Wolfram Hartmann, accused the government of “scientific misstatements”. As with pregnant women, he said, it was also true for those under three years of age that the vaccine had not yet been tested on them at all, “so the risk is simply too great to use it now without hesitation”. Children have an immune system that tends to overreact, but this is exactly what can be triggered by the addition of potentiators. (sf/AFP)



Excitement about “two-class vaccination”

One week before the start of the mass vaccinations against swine flu, a dispute has flared up over various vaccines. Will politicians get the better one?

Great excitement about different swine flu vaccines: While the federal states were waiting for the first deliveries of the mass vaccine Pandemrix on Monday, Federal Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) is defending himself against the accusation of a “two-class vaccination”.

It had become known over the weekend that the federal government, federal officials and soldiers of the German Armed Forces would receive a different vaccine than the vaccine for normal consumers. They will receive a swine flu vaccine from the US pharmaceutical company Baxter, which does not contain any controversial active ingredient enhancer.

Schäuble rejected the harsh criticism of this, which had been voiced by health experts and politicians from the Greens and the SPD, among others, over the weekend. He told Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) radio that he was unaware of the reasons why one vaccine was ordered in this way and the other in that way. “But the representation that privileged political leaders are to be given here, that is really beyond all reality.”

The Ministry of the Interior has ordered 200,000 vials from Baxter. The rest of the population, on the other hand, will receive a vaccine from the British company GlaxoSmithKline, whose active ingredient enhancers (adjuvants) are viewed critically by some doctors. Possible side effects of an influenza vaccination are reddening of the skin or pain in the limbs. The amplifying active ingredients could also increase the side effects and lead to headaches or fever, doctors fear. Pandemrix may therefore be less suitable for pregnant women and children.

The German government had ordered 50 million Pandemrix vaccine doses, which should sufficient for more than a third of the population. By Wednesday, all German states are to have received a first delivery. Nevertheless, more vaccine is to be ordered – this time without an enhancer. (ER: so they said …)

Virotole Alexander Kekulé advises healthy adults to be vaccinated – despite his criticism of the vaccine ordered by the federal states. The side effects are not much different from, for example, a tetanus vaccination, said the director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the University Hospital of Halle on Deutschlandradio.

For the first time, he said, there was a chance “to really limit such an influenza wave with a vaccination. He himself would also be vaccinated, with Pandemrix. However, before he has his three small children vaccinated, he will “wait and see what else happens in the next few weeks”.

The SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach had described the various orders on the weekend as “extremely unfortunate” and attacked Schäuble directly. “Thus the impression of a two-class medicine develops with the inoculation. Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble did not have the necessary intuition here”.

“There is no better or worse vaccine.”

The president of the social association VdK, Ulrike Mascher, criticized in the Bild newspaper that two different vaccines for the government and the population were the wrong signal. “This reinforces the impression with many people that they are second-class patients. This shows little sensitivity. The Green health expert Biggi Bender expressed similar sentiments: “Great risk for the people, small risk for the government. This kind of two-class medicine must not exist in a democracy.”

The government and the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which is responsible for the approval of vaccines, however, assured that there is no greater risk for the population. The Institute stated: “There is no better or worse vaccine.”

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Interior explained to the Berliner Zeitung that the responsible procurement office had already concluded a contract with the manufacturer Baxter many months ago. This must now be kept. At that time, there was no mention of possible differences between the two substances. According to the newspaper, there is much to suggest that the Baxter vaccine was simply cheaper.

According to a report in the Bild, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), despite the vaccine ordered for the federal government, is relying on her family doctor, from whom she is to receive the mass vaccine Pandemrix – like every citizen. Health Minister Ulla Schmidt (SPD) feels the same way: “I will get the vaccine that is also used to vaccinate the population. It is approved just like the others, safe and effective.”

Minister of the Interior Schäuble said in BR that he did not yet know whether he wanted to be vaccinated at all. “I don’t even know if I will ever be vaccinated”. And so it is for the majority of the population. After the initial great panic, surveys show that only one in five Germans wants to be vaccinated against the H1N1 virus.

Schäuble’s party friend Wolfgang Bosbach told the television station n-tv that he had no understanding at all for the discussions about better or worse vaccines. “I don’t get vaccinated, then I don’t have to answer the question whether I got a luxury vaccine as a member of the Bundestag,” he said.




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