POLLS Geert Wilders CONQUERS the Netherlands: PVV reaches historic peak

ER Editor: A reminder to readers that Geert Wilders’ party is the PVV. VVD is the centre-right globalist party of 13 year PM Mark Rutte. A further reminder that Wilders has long been associated with Israel and Zionism. The Netherlands had an election at the end of December last year and it isn’t clear how the new government is formed yet.

The article below is machine-translated.

Thanks to colleague Michel van der Kemp for passing this article along. We are told the NSC party (New Social Contract, a slogan borrowed from the WEF) speaks one way (anti-globalist) and acts the other. Maurice de Hond’s polls are considered reliable.


POLLS Geert Wilders CONQUERS the Netherlands: PVV reaches historic peak


Maurice de Hond’s recent polls show notable shifts, especially in the enormous support the PVV currently enjoys, with an all-time high of 49 seats. This impressive score is four times the support of the VVD, which currently only has 12 seats, a result the party has only achieved twice in the past.

The poll shows limited shifts compared to the previous measurement, shortly before Christmas. However, the striking performance of the PVV stands out and is considered a historical phenomenon in Dutch political history.

The VVD, historically one of the largest parties in the Netherlands, is currently far behind the PVV. It is relevant to emphasize that the VVD’s 12 seats are a result that is rarely achieved, even during elections. The only comparable situation was during the period when Rita Verdonk was expelled from the VVD and started her own party “Proud of the Netherlands”.

Translation of graph title below: Seat distribution if House of Representatives elections were held now

While the PVV is triumphing in the polls, interesting trends are also visible in other parties. For example, NSC appears to be slowly losing ground, with a gradual decline of one seat in each recent poll, leaving the party currently at 17 seats.

Also striking is the general trend of declining confidence in politicians across the board. In just four weeks, the scores of prominent politicians such as Yeşilgöz, Plasterk, Keijzer, Omtzigt, Wilders, Timmermans and Van Der Plas have fallen. The developments in The Hague, especially surrounding the cabinet formation and the discussions about migration and the dispersal law, appear to have eroded the confidence of the Dutch public in politicians.Strangely enough, the departure of Lillian Marijnnisen has resulted in a seat gain at the SP. Forum for Democracy, led by Thierry Baudet, remains stable again, with the breakaways from JA21 appearing to disappear completely in the latest polls. Nothing beats the original.




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