HUGE: They are WITHDRAWING the AstraZeneca covid vaccine


ER Editor: See also this by Interest of Justice —

AstraZeneca gets dropped By EU in a discrete manner

Of note:

The billions have been earned, the scam has been driven through the streets and #BigPharma is finally satiated. Today it becomes known that the @EU_Commission quietly revoked the approval of #Vaxzevria already 5 weeks ago.

Some tweets —

Translation: Very quietly and secretly: EU stops approval for #Corona -“vaccine” from #AstraZeneca  The billions have been earned, the pig has been driven through the village and #BigPharma is finally fed up. Today it is announced that @EU_Commission had already quietly revoked the approval of #Vaxzevria 5 weeks ago.  Effective tomorrow, May 7, 2024. Anyone who is still against a committee of inquiry is one of the perpetrators.


For an additional read, see this by Peter Halligan —

India take note!!! – AstraZeneca has admitted in court that there have been rare cases of blood clotting CAUSED by its injection (JnJ injections also)


HUGE: They are WITHDRAWING AstraZeneca covid vaccine

Massive news as AstraZeneca have stopped producing their covid injection.

white and yellow labeled bottle
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

The impact this will have cannot be understated.

AstraZeneca have announced that they have STOPPED producing their covid injection and it is being WITHDRAWN from the EU market.

This comes as they just ADMITTED in court that their product can cause severe blood clotting side effect.

BOMBSHELL: AstraZeneca ADMITTED side effect of covid vaccine


29 APR

The Big Pharma giant are being sued in a class action lawsuit where victims and relatives seek compensation for side effects of their product.

“Now we will work with regulators and our partners to align ourselves on a clear way forward to conclude this chapter and our significant contribution to the Covid-10 pandemic” AstraZeneca said.

AstraZeneca says that there has been a decrease in demand for their injection and that it is “no longer manufactured or supplied”.

On the official EU website, the European Commission have written a document where it confirms that the marketing authorisation given to the AstraZeneca injection is being withdrawn.

“At the holder’s request, the marketing authorisation granted by Decision C(2021) 698(final) of 29 January 2021 for the medicinal product “Vaxzevria – COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S[recombinant])” is withdrawn.”

This is massive news.

Finally, after all these years, the product is being withdrawn from the market.

The question is, how many people have suffered side effects from it, is AstraZeneca trying to cover it up – Could that be the real reason they are suddenly withdrawing their injection now?

ALARMING: Birthrates suddenly COLLAPSING



This is very alarming. Something has happened the last few years and it just so happens to coincide with “the thing” that people were more or less forced to take. We were told that “the thing” was safe and effective, and people were coerced into taking it in order to be allowed to live their lives as normal.


It definitely is interesting timing that this is happening at the same time as a massive class action lawsuit against them is taking place.

I have barely seen anyone in the mainstream media report on this MASSIVE news – So please share everywhere!

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Featured image source: Bild: AstraZeneca via Gencat, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons, Arzt via freepik



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4 Comments on HUGE: They are WITHDRAWING the AstraZeneca covid vaccine

  1. Interesting news that I wasn’t aware of. In The Netherlands we were amongst the first to stop jabbing with AZ. But then what do you do as Health Minister sitting on top of a mountain of good working poison?

    You continue to jab, but you use it on the people that cannot complain. You use it on people that receive a PGB, a budget that you receive for limitations due to health or mental capacity.

  2. Unfortunately not as huge as it should be. All the people that were willing to enroll in a new round of vaccines have for a yet unknown reason died. Researchers are going to the bottom of this mystery, but they like to point out that it is not the vaccines that have caused the death of this group.

    Anthony Fauci said in a first reaction: The vaccines are safe and effective, at best they give some irritation in the upper arm.

  3. They blocked Reiner from hearing the voices of the people who came for his birthday near the prison, and from calling his wife nor anyone !
    They keep trying to break him !

    Maître de Araújo-Recchia | Avocat
    Forwarded from Kerstin Heυsinger

    Me Katja Wörmer parle de la procédure scandaleuse actuelle de la prison de Rosdorf contre le Dr Reiner Fuellmich : Isolement et interdiction de contact avec ses avocats suite à une plainte diffamatoire sur X !

    Nous sommes choqués ! Les personnes impliquées vont avoir des comptes à rendre !

    🚨 Opération d’intimidation à la prison de Rosdorf depuis 3 jours sur le Dr Reiner Fuellmich 🚨

    Juste après la 13ème journée de procès au tribunal de Göttingen, le Dr Reiner Fuellmich a été forcé de se mettre à nu et a été fouillé de la tête aux pieds ainsi que ses effets personnels sans aucune justification et à l’insu de ses avocats.

    Reiner a été transféré vendredi dernier dans une autre unité de détention totalement isolé dans une cellule séparée au cours des trois derniers jours et de même le jour de son anniversaire, sans aucun contact avec qui que ce soit.

    Par conséquent, la voix qui avait répondu depuis l’intérieur de la cour de la prison lors du rassemblement en honneur du 66e anniversaire de Reiner Fuellmich devait être celle d’un autre détenu. Reiner lui-même n’a malheureusement rien pu entendre de ce rassemblement avec plusieurs centaines de personnes qui étaient venues en son honneur.

    Il a été privé de son droit d’appeler sa femme ou ses avocats Katja Wörmer et Christof Miseré qui sont choqués par le non-respect de tous les protocoles et droits d’un prisonnier préventif.

    Tout ça a perturbé gravement Reiner Fuellmich pendant le week-end, mais selon Katja Wörmer, il a finalement retrouvé une certaine stabilité.

    Aujourd’hui, mardi le 7 mai, aura lieu la 14ème journée de procès à Göttingen. Nous en saurons plus dans quelques heures !

    Il semble évident que certaines personnes influentes du système judiciaire tentent d’intimider Reiner Fuellmich et de le maintenir illégalement en prison.
    🔴 EIL! RAin Katja Wörmer: Skandalöses Vorgehen der JVA gegen Dr. Reiner Füllmich! Isolationshaft!
    #PODCAST #Reaktion- Aktivist für die Menschlichkeit, Online-Philosoph und freier AutorWenn du mein Engagement unterstützen möchtest, dann werde StreamPunk-Pa…

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