Canada’s Russian Aggression

March 13, 2017 0

Canada’s Russian Aggression YVES ENGLER Why is the Trudeau government escalating its belligerence towards Russia? Monday it confirmed that 200 Canadian troops would remain in the Ukraine for at least two more years. This “training” […]


Five reasons Ukraine will soon cease to exist

February 15, 2017 0

5 reasons Ukraine will soon cease to exist With no historic basis as a state, an economy in tatters and political crises at every corner, it won’t be long till Ukraine becomes unrecognisable, if it […]


Soros On The Ropes

January 29, 2017 0

Soros on the Ropes WAYNE MADSEN Although multi-billionaire hedge fund tycoon and international political pot-stirrer George Soros lost big with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and the victory of […]


From the USSR to the EU

January 12, 2017 0

From the USSR to the EU GEFIRA.ORG When the so called communist system had crumbled in Eastern European countries, their respective societies embraced Western-style democracy and economy, which, taking into consideration the development gap between […]

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