Strategic Remix for the Middle East

March 11, 2020 0

Strategic Remix for the Middle East ALASTAIR CROOKE The End of an Era. When the first World War came to its end, intimations of an end to the European Era were already evident in symptoms: […]


The Line in the Sand? This Is It

January 4, 2020 0

The Line in the Sand ERIC STRIKER Most Americans did not know Qasem Soleimani until the Israelis found the perfect opportunity to have him assassinated. They gave the Pentagon the orders and kindly handed Donald Trump all […]


Syria and the Project to Balkanize the Middle East

May 15, 2017 0

Syria and the Project to Balkanize the Middle East JONATHAN COOK A decade ago I published a book, Israel and the Clash of Civilisations, that examined Israel’s desire to Balkanize the Middle East, using methods it had […]


The West’s Sights Now Clearly Set on Iran

March 22, 2017 0

The West’s Sights Are Now Clearly Set on Iran COVERT GEOPOLITICS The British-US plan to weaken Iran via the proxy war on Syria has spectacularly backfired. Now they are more desperate than ever to bring […]


Barrack Obama – A Failed Presidency

January 3, 2017 0

Obama’s Failed Presidency ERIC ZUESSE I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President. It’s true not just because of the sad realities such as that «Top […]

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