5G: The Dominoes Are Beginning to Fall [VIDEO]

April 18, 2019 0

ER Editor:  This video is linked to in the article below, but here it is lest it should get overlooked. An important interview by British physicist and expert on microwave technology, Barrie Trower, and Julian […]


New Zealand Terrorist Attack: The Israel Connection

March 30, 2019 0

New Zealand Terrorist Attack: The Israel Connection The corporate press is correct that Tarrant and Breivik follow the practices of the anti-Islam xenophobic movement on the rise in Europe, North America and now Oceania, but […]


The Indiscreet Charm of the Gilets Jaunes

December 14, 2018 0

The Indiscreet Charm of the Gilets Jaunes C.J.HOPKINS So it appears the privatization of France isn’t going quite as smoothly as planned. As I assume you are aware, for over a month now, the gilets […]

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