America’s Rapacious Aristocracy and World War 3

May 3, 2017 0

America’s Rapacious Aristocracy and WW3 ERIC ZUESSE, Contributing Author The disenchanted Reagan Administration official and much-honored economist and political scientist, Paul Craig Roberts (pictured), headlined on April 27th, “Washington Plans to Nuke Russia and China” […]


Why a vote for Trump was the right thing to do (7 reasons)

April 26, 2017 0

Why voting for Trump was the right thing to do (7 reasons) THE SAKER This article was written for the Unz Review: Now that Trump has already comprehensively betrayed all his campaign promises and that […]


Rex Tillerson meets with FM Lavrov and President Putin

April 14, 2017 0

Rex Tillerson meets with Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin THE SAKER Finally, they met. Rex Tillerson spent several hours speaking with Foreign Minister Lavrov and, after that, with President Putin.  Tillerson  and Lavrov then […]

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