Election Rigging in Spain? Spaniards are furious

November 18, 2023 0

ER Editor: Socialist Pedro Sanchez has managed to retain power and Spaniards are furious. Elections were held in late July on a snap basis; Sanchez’ socialist party came SECOND, behind the PP popular right party. […]


Catalonia finally did it, and Madrid responds decisively

October 28, 2017 0

Pam Barker | Director of TLB’s Europe Reloaded Project The threat by Catalonian leader Carles Puidgemont (who now faces arrest) to declare independence from Spain finally transpired yesterday, and with it has come PM Rajoy’s definitive […]


Catalonia Declares Independence From Spain On Monday

October 4, 2017 0

Catalonia To Declare Independence From Spain On Monday TYLER DURDEN Spanish stocks tumbled, with the IBEX index sliding into a 10% correction, following an overnight report that Catalan leader Puigdemont was set to make a […]


Let Catalonia Decide For Itself

September 22, 2017 0

Let Catalonia Decide TYLER DURDEN The Independent reports Spanish police storm Catalan government buildings to stop independence referendum. As MishTalk’s Mike Shedlock details, the Catalan president described the raids as a “co-ordinated police assault” and a […]

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