The Middle East Strategic “Balance” Shredded

January 10, 2020 0

The Middle East Strategic “Balance” Shredded ALASTAIR CROOKE President Trump was understood to not want a Mid-East war that might blight his rosy re-election prospects (so long as the US stock market stays inflated, and […]


A Panicked Israel Is a Very Dangerous Israel

October 23, 2019 0

A Panicked Israel Is a Dangerous Israel ALASTAIR CROOKE Former US Presidential Candidate, Pat Buchanan has written, “the Middle East and world, have been awakened to the reality that, when Trump said he was ending […]


Germany Stalls and Europe Craters

August 13, 2019 0

Germany Stalls and Europe Craters ALASTAIR CROOKE The influential economic commentator on Europe, Ambrose Pritchard Evans, writes: “German industry is in the deepest slump since the global financial crisis, and threatens to push Europe’s powerhouse […]

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